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Monday, December 31, 2007

2008 Resolutions

Despite the fact that my 2007 goals didn't quite pan out like I expected them too (see two posts below -- "The Value of Failing"), I still look forward to making new goals for 2008. So, here are the much anticipated 2008 running resolutions:
  1. Achieve some race variety. I would like 2008's race calendar to reflect a variety of distances and races. I haven't finished planning the race year (and much of it will probably be planned as the year progresses), but I would like to not only complete the races I have planned through April, but I'd like to do a 10K (a race I've never done before -- it's hard to find them, they're a disappearing species), a 10 miler, and maybe another 15K or something.
  2. Set a new 5K PR, dangit.
  3. Focus on what Runner26 referred to as the 3 S's: speed, strength, and stretching. I often neglect both the strength training and the stretching, and this neglect is what lead, I believe, directly to the IT pain I suffered in both legs throughout 2007. Plus, I'd like to see some improvement on my speed. That means I have to actually consciously focus on it, instead of just wishing for it.
  4. Enjoy the running. I have to remind myself of this from time to time. I run to relieve stress and to feel good, strong, and healthy -- and sometimes I lose sight of everything that running provides for me, so I'd like to keep that in mind in the forthcoming year. I may give a lot to running, but it more than returns the favor.

But, I also have some resolutions that are not running related, but are, I think, related to my general health. Running helps keep me in pretty good shape, but it's not the only thing I can do to take good care of myself. Thus, a few resolutions to help me keep my overall health care in mind:

  1. I'm giving up soda. Yes, you heard me right. I, Jess, am giving up my precious Diet Pepsi. I have one can left in the fridge (I purposely bought enough to bring me right up to New Year's Eve), which is for today, and then no more. I've decided that while it is delicious, the aspartame, the phosphoric acid, the carbonation, and the artificial flavors and additives just can't be good for me. So, I'm going to eliminate it. This is gonna be hard...
  2. I'm going to resume taking a multi-vitamin every day. Vitamins and I have tumultuous relationship -- I like to take them as a sort of "insurance" for my nutritional benefit, but I hate swallowing the dang thing ever single day, so off and on for years I have see-sawed back and forth with taking them and not taking them. I figure in 2008, vitamins and I are back on.
  3. I'm going to floss every day. Seems simple, right? But, I hate flossing and therefore do it about 6 times a year. No matter how many times the dental hygienist scolds me for not doing it, I just hate it. But I know it is vital for my dental health. So, bring on the floss!
  4. I need to make a few doctor appointments. I haven't had a general check-up in almost 2 years, and I haven't been to the eye doctor in 5 years (but, I do go regularly to the dentist -- every 6 months -- I'm good about that one). Oopsie. Time to do both.
  5. Eat better. Because I run, I often figure I can eat whatever and however much I want, but it's just not true. I need to eat more of what's good for me -- whole grains, fruits, veggies, lean protein -- and less of what's not -- extra fats, sweets, and refined carbs. Two months ago, I decided to cut fast food altogether (and by "fast food" I mean McDonald's, Taco Bell, Wendy's, Burger King, etc, but I do still eat at places like Panera and Chiptole, which my husband labels as "fast food" but I think they are in a different category), and I want to keep that up. That food is just toxic and I want to avoid it to the best of my ability.

So, that's it, health-wise, for 2008. Like all resolutions, I think of them as "guidelines" -- terms that are flexible and forgivable but that are intended to motivate me to being a better person and taking better care of myself. I think they're all achievable, so I'm looking forward to a healthier me in 2008!

I hope everyone has a safe and happy New Year's Eve!


Unknown said...

With your "guidelines", you should have an awesome year in 2008!

Wes said...

Ha! I gave up soda four or five years ago, and I never looked back. I get more than enough carbonation in beer :-)

Here's to a great 2008 for ya, Jess!

Erin said...

Cripes Jess, you may as well get pregnant cause you have to give up soda, eat healthier, and take vitamins :)

I honestly have eaten more fast food since I am pregnant than before which is bad but according to my doctor, I need the calories.

Good luck on the soda thing. It has been hard but I think after the baby is born, I will stick with some of the better habits I have picked up (more H2O consumption and more fruits and veggies).

audgepodge said...

I know it sounds silly, but I'm 32 and I take the Fred Flintstone multi-vitamins. My doctor says it's OK and they're fun and chewable so I definitely take them every morning. I also do the chewable fruit flavored Tums for calcium.

Marcy said...

A lot of your resolutions I need to incorporate into my life as well. Especially the the eat better one. Ohhh Lordy that will be tough.

Jen said...

Your resolutions are great. I'm on month 6 of no diet soda. It can be done!
And I also believe that Panera and Chiptole are NOT fast food. Nor Quiznos or Subway. My definition of fast food is greasy and unhealthy.

Anonymous said...

I would love to give up soda, but I get such bad headaches (withdraws, I know.... bad).

Anonymous said...

DEFINATLY stay away from that toxic food honey!

I use to drink about 6 diet cokes a day. that was about 4 years ago. I went cold turkey. Most days I go without completely, but in the past year, I allow myself 1 a day if I should have a hankerin' for it.

You can have all my 10K's. I hate that distance. And hate is not even a strong enough word. :)

Tri+Umph said...

Here's a little tip on the vitamin one:

What I do is keep my vitamins and a cup next to my toothbrush and take one before I brush my teeth every morning and night. I figure I eat about twice as much as the average bear, so two vitamins is probably good!

P.O.M. said...

CHeers to a healthier 2008!

Happy New Year.

Laura N said...

Great goals, Jess. I totally identify with the vitamin thing. Enjoy that last diet pepsi. And have a happy new year!

RunnerGirl said...

I had to give up soda a few years ago due to a health problem and its been so great for my overall health. I still cheat every now and again and have a coke, but only when it has rum in it!

Happy New Year!

Stuart said...

Sounds like a great plan, you'll be off to a good start in '08 and like you say "flexible and forgivable" don't beat yourself up if you miss a day.

Viv said...

Soda is a difficult one. I finally freed myself 6 months ago. Good luck you can can it for sure! Happy New Year.

Nancy said...

OH MY GAWD, DIET PEPSI??? I'm GULPING one down now like I haven't had anything to drink in days. YOU ARE SO BRAVE. Are you serious???? Holy crap.

Great goals and resolutions. I'm getting to it. BUT DIET PEPSI? OMG.

teacherwoman said...

Those look like some great resolutions! I know that giving up soda was one of the best things I've done!

Cheers to 2008!

MNFirefly said...

Happy New Year, Jess.

Great resolutions!

David said...

Sounds like a solid list, and I can't disagree with a single item. Although, you did try a new race distance out late this year: 8 on the 8th? :-)

Happy New Year, Jess!

Mendy said...

Those are great resolutions and got me thinking about my own, and think that they are similar. I need to really write them down, and put them on the fridge. I like yours Jess, and may just borrow a few too. :-)

Happy New Year!!!!

J~Mom said...

Ok, I hate to admit this but I love to floss. Actually I am obsessed with dental hygiene. Shhhh...

For flossing I totally recommend you buy the kind that is on a little stick. It's easier and quicker that way!

Laurel said...

Sounds like a great list to me. I think we have a lot of the same goals for 08.

Good luck with the soda thing. I gave it up a few years back and although it was hard, it's not impossible. Now I maybe drink one a month. I just sort of forgot about it. You can do it.