Glad I got up off the couch and got out there.
Now, back to the Halloween costume debate. Yes, yes, I know it's a little early to be kickin' costume ideas around, but I gotta hop on it early because every year I procrastinate and then end up with something kinda half-assed. So, thanks for the comments on the costume ideas below, but now I don't think I'm going with any of those ideas: Juno just isn't much dress up for me (aside from the preggo belly), Rainbow Brite costumes only come in one interpretation (totally sexed up -- which I'm cool with some "sexy" quality to a costume, but I don't want to look like a stripper), and Sandra Dee in that skin-tight spandex just looks like a yeast infection waiting to happen.
Also, I should specify that Jerry will NOT do a "couples" costume with me. He hates that kind of thing, so even though there are tons of cute ideas for couples' costumes, he's not down for it. And neither is Scooter willing to step in and be a replacement. For one thing, Scooter won't stand for anything but a collar on him, but for another, Jerry is strictly against dressing animals up. One year, I suggested that I wanted to be the Wicked Witch of West and make Scooter my winged monkey, and Jerry said "no." That was the death of that idea.
So, anyway, after wasting many hours on the internet looking at costumes, I have narrowed it down to a few possibilites that were not even remotely a part of my previous list. And again, I solict your feedback.
First up: Princess Leia. No, not in the gold bikini. I'd have to be high to do that costume. Except maybe in the bedroom (wink, wink). But this Princess Leia: I think I like the idea of toting around a blaster all night the most.

I like Princess Leia. You'd look awesome.
Good job getting out there for the run! When do you head up this way?
I think you'd be a cute Judy Jetson.
I still say Animal, but Judy Jetson could be fun!
"Sandra Dee in that skin-tight spandex just looks like a yeast infection waiting to happen" ----> ROFL!!!! HAHAHA!
I vote for Judy Jetson.
You are coming up with some pretty good ideas without my artistic impaired self :-) I think any one of those three would be great for you!
definitely judi jetson.
no juno. there will be too many of those.
have the hubby be michael phelps. snort.
nah, i bet there will be a lot of those as well.
Judi Jetson, but I still like Sandra Dee: )
I think you would be awesome as Princess Leia!!!
Will Jerry dress up as anyone from Star Wars? Chewbaca maybe?
Judy Jetson!
Princess Lay-ahhh for sure. Jerry can be Jabba....and I'll be Han Solo
I vote for Princess Leia. What is Jerry going to be?
Princess Lea...I can totally see it! HOT!
May the force be with you!
I still love Animal, but out of those 3? I'd go with Princess Leia. To be honest with you, I had no idea who the second one was until you said :P
I'm liking that Juno costume, of course you have to be eight months....Glad you got in your run.
The Leia costume is hot!
(star wars nerd....)
I did Little Red Riding Hood a few years ago and felt dorky all night. I think it was the hooded cape. Everyone had on these cute and/or sexy outfits and I was wearing a red cape. Im thinking I like the Judy Jetson idea too :)
I already have my Princess Leia costume ready to go, so I think this is an excellent idea.
I would go with Judy Jetson.
I love the Red Riding Hood it is that sexy kinda grrr costume...I was the plus size version last year.. Like I ate the wolf, hehehe! Ok the car accident thing keeps looking at me but I wanna go check out ur new car first before I see it was wrecked.
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