The 5 day forecast for Ike was updated this afternoon, and now the Hurricane is projected to swing south of us, and while it will still impact FL, it may not directly hit us. Granted, forecasters warn that a 5 day forecast has a wide margin of error (the storm can wobble as much as 300 miles in either direction -- so much for meteorology as a "science" eh?), but this is what it's looking like as of today:

We're not totally in the clear; to the contrary, we're still within the "cone" but it is looking safer for us than it was yesterday. So, that's good news. For now.
Other than storm news, not much else is going on. I should spend the rest of the afternoon cleaning the house and catching up with laundry, but honestly, I think I may plant my butt on the couch. Suddenly, I'm feeling an attack of lazy coming on, and there's only one cure: A nap.
Hurricane season has been relentless this year. Hopefully for you the new path is more accurate than the previous path, but who knows!
I hope he stays out of your way! Be safe.
Have a good weekend!
Hopefully the storm won't affect you. Have a great weekend!
My condolences to Florida, but BRING US SOME RAIN!
hope it goes by without hitting you!! good luck and have a great weekend (and a nice nap!)
That's better news then, huh? Got ake that nap and have a good weekend, chica!
Glad to hear the good, updated, news.
I hope it continues to swing out of the way!! Happy Friday!
Hopefully that storm will stay away
I hope the storm stays away from you. I wouldn't want to be in the middle of a big storm unless I was just visiting and I knew my safety was not an issue.
No matter what I hope you stay safe.
Hey, Shannon has gotten her shot or whatever and the inducing has begun....check the blogs mine or hers for updates...
I (don't) like Ike.
Hope he steers clear of you guys.
Sending positive thoughts your way. Boo to hurricanes.
Ew. That's a bit close - best of wishes for less than unhappy skies in the near future!
I'm crossing my fingers and thinking of you. Be safe.
I hope the storm fizzles out and won't affect you. Stay safe.
I hear ya on being lazy. I think I will do the same, and since I'm all alone, I can do that!
Glad it seems to not hit you guys directly. As I was writing my post, I thought about you being in fla and that storm coming near you.
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