This evening when I set out for my 8 miler, it was cloudy and looking like rain, but it wasn't yet raining. Then, a mile in, it started to sprinkle, which it continued to do through the first 4 miles. But when I got to the 4 mile turn-around, it started to pour, so on the way back, I got absolutely soaked; however, aside from the rain (and especially the squishy socks and shoes), it was a good 8 miler, and I finished in 1:18:13, which is an average 9:47 pace. If I can do something around there for the Army 10 Miler next Sunday, I'll be pleased.
But speaking of the ATM, today I went shopping for a tech shirt to wear for race day. See, here in FL, I don't usually run in shirts, but it is probably going to be much cooler next weekend in DC, so I figure I need a race shirt. Last weekend I looked at my LRS when I went shoe shopping, but I didn't like anything they had. So, today I found exactly what I wanted, but the only problem was that the only color they had was black. Which I'm not stoked about. But I liked the shirt, so I bought it and figured I'd make it work.
The issue? What shorts go with it? Below, I have 3 possibilities and I need some help deciding. So, first up, my tried and true Nike shorts which are a reddish-orange color with white & light blue on the sides. I have worn these shorts for just about every race for the past two years; they are the most comfortable pair I have, but also they are psychologically comfortable. They do not, however, go with a black top.

Second option is white shorts. And even though the piping is blue, it also has black piping, so it kinda matches. Plus I think the black/white thing probably looks best.

Last option is the black shorts with white piping. This is my least favorite option because even though black is supposed to be slimming, I think I look like a chunk of lard here. Maybe it's just my stupid half smile that's bothering me. Plus, I don't think the solid black is a good look for running.

So, whatch'a homies think? Option #1, 2 or 3?
#3 I think is too much black.
I would go with #2 if you are worried about matching. I think #1 looks good too and it sounds like those are your "A" shorts.
Let us know what you decide!
i like #1 or #2 also!
Personally, I'd go with #1, but I'm big on wearing what's most comfortable.
It's supposed to get up to 74 that day, so it may be a fairly warm morning. A fair number of women around here run in singlets and running bras, so I wouldn't hesitate to take that option, if you aren't freezing to death with your FL blood. :o)
And the third option is that there is LRS near the 10 miler plus I bought some of my favorite tech shirts at the expo last year, so if you are staying near the run, you can check out that option.
I think 1 looks great- I like a punch of color- did you miss my electric green tennis top?
I like #2 the best followed by #1 then #3.
#1 - They are your most comfy running shorts and it looks better with black than you realize!
I'm goin' with option #1. Don't mess with a good thing. :)
I like #2 myself. #1 would be good too.
#2 or #3
You certainly do not look like a chunk of lard, but I vote that you wear your "lucky" orange shorts.
There's nothing wrong about black and orange! If that feels right, I'd go with #1.
A chunk of lard, girl puhlese! I do like #3 because you know I am match matchy but I have actually seen you PR in #1. So my vote is nummber uno!
Orange all the way, looks like a lucky colour.
I want to know...if you don't normally run in a shirt, what do you run in? lol
#1 is my choice
#1. Who cares if you match? Not me! In fact, I have something against chicks who show up at the gym with make up on, jewelry, and looking like they tried too hard!
You and the #1 shorts have a history together- you can't mess with that!
I would go with what is comfortable and what has brought you success in the past. No one really cares if you match or not out on the course.
I'm favoring #1. Red rocks.
I will be different, go buy those green Nike shorts with the black trim from Sports Authority. :)
New thought - how cool is "much cooler"? I ran in a tank top yesterday and it was 55-60 deg when the race started. A bit chilly at first, but I warmed up by the time I had reached a half mile. Maybe you don't need to wear the black shirt...
So much fun! and black goes with anytthing...Right?
A: comfort over color every time plus there's the mental thing as well!
I like #1. It's looks totally cute, and comfort counts!!!!
I vote #1!
How could you stay in that same position for three shots?
I like the red!
black = hot in the sunglight.
try a white top.
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