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Sunday, June 01, 2008

# 1000

This post is my thousandth post. That's right. 1-0-0-0.

I have been contemplating the post for a few weeks now, trying to find meaning in the number and attempting to think of some unique way of celebrating the feat, but to be honest, I couldn't think of an effective gimmick that would be original, and very little meaning or fulfillment could be found, so last night I was talking to Jerry and I mentioned: "Tomorrow's blog post will be my 1000th post."

"Wow," he said, "what a giant waste of time."

And in some ways he's right: I mean, where's the book deal? The product sponsorships and endorsements? The optioned movie version of my life? My signature scent? Sure, I could draw satisfaction from my accomplishments in those years and within the posts that described said accomplishments, and sure, I could derive joy from all the people I have met and connected with through this blog, but I'm a red-blooded American who is consumer driven and trained to measure any level of success by the bling. So, again, I ask: where's my fortune? Fame? Cocaine addiction?

Goodness, if I don't get any blow outta this project, I'm gonna have to seriously re-think it!


MN Mom said...

I am all for your fame and fortune but I am glad the cocaine additction didn't happen!
Congratulations on the 1,000 post...it says you are dedicated at the very least.

Erin said...

I won't be banking on you for being my rich and famous friend that brings "party favors" everywhere. Yeah, I totally sold you out as a cocaine addict. I hope fellow bloggers realize how lame we really are.

Wes said...

Think of all the great friends you made! Priceless!!

Kevin said...

1K for 21 days? Pretty cool.

Anonymous said...

congrats on the big 1-0-0-0!!!!

teacherwoman said...

Happy 1000th post! You are too funny!

Kevin said...

Ccongrats on the #1-0-0-0. Wow 1000 posts and you continue to be entertaining. Keep it up

Unknown said...

That's a lot of posts!!

MNFirefly said...

Happy 1000!

L*I*S*A said...

Geez, couldn't you get a little confetti and party horns?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on #1000! I think my wife would say the same thing as Jerry did.

ws said...

are video games somehow a more productive use of time than blogging? pretty cool that 21 transitioned to 1,000...rock on, Jess.

Marcy said...

ROFLMAO to Jerry's comment. That is SOOOOOOO something Mr McG would say except he'd probably add "And people actually read that shit you put up? Seriously?" :P

HAPPY 1000th chica! I hope I'm around as long as you've been. Here's to 1000 more! And thank you for keeping me (and the rest of the blog community) entertained for the year + I've been reading. Always the good stuff on Jess' blog, fo sho!

Agate Lake Girl said...

Wow! Impressive! I can't offer you fame, fortune, or blow, but I can offer my thanks. So thanks for consistently bringing a smile to my face, often making me laugh out loud, and on certain occassions, laugh until I cried or peed my pants. Those are feats of a different kind, but you can still take credit for them!

chia said...

Dude, you have your own religion. What else could you want?

Stuart said...

wow, congrats, that's dedication for you. And there was me thinking I was doing well with 100+!

Anonymous said...

Wow, congratulations! While having a 1000th post is crazy, the most impressive part is that you always have something fun and entertaining to write about!

Views from a director said...

Jess, your blogs are more entertaining than any books or newspaper columnists that I've read lately. Keep up the good work, you have an adoring group of fans out here on the net.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
J~Mom said...

Well I am glad that you posted 1000 times! My DH feels the same way. As matter of fact when I told him about "the summer of slim" he said that was utter nonsense. :>D

Aron said...

congrats on 1000!!!!!!

keith said...

that is a crap-ton of posts.

if jerry thinks that about your blogging, then books and magazines are equal wastes of time.

It's not a waste when you inspire people, or connect with people.

congratulations on your prolific blogging skillz.

sRod said...

You could have written a 1000 word post...or a 1000 letter post if you weren't up to the task.

Congrats on the 1000th. At my rate, it'll be 10 years before I'm anywhere near that.

Neese said...

holy wow that's a lotta posting!

P.O.M. said...

What about the groupies and the gratitous sexual favors? That's what I'm striving for. ha ha.

Debbie said...

1000 wow...way to go!!

keith said...


Keith-In-Training has a new address!

Please visit:


Make sure to update any feed reader subscriptions, as well by clicking the "subscribe" links as well!

Crissy Rae said...

Damn, 1000 posts. That's a hell of a lot of Jessianity floating around in cyberspace.

Jess said...

Wow 1000 post. That's a lot. And I agree with everyone else...shows dedication!

Nancy said...

I'd totally buy the book. :D

Congrats on 1000.

Scott McMurtrey said...

you sure have a lot to say. it's impressive, really. one thousand posts. a very respectable milestone.

Paul said...

1K is awesome! you're keeping the rest of us entertained!