It's been thunderstorming here on and off all afternoon and evening, and for the past hour and a half, the rain has been steadily falling, the lightning has been crashing and the thunder booming. So, I made the executive decision to opt out of my run for this evening. Rain, I don't mind (although, I don't like starting out in it), but lightning is like daring God to strike me down, and I don't dare.
Instead, it's been the perfect day for reclining on the couch with a good mystery, like the one here to the left (cool cover, right?). I give it two thumbs up: Intriguing plot, carefully crafted writing, interesting character twists and turns, Irish setting. What else could a mystery require? Perfect read for a stormy evening.
Now, I just need a cup of hot tea, and I'm all set. Cozy, huh?
Enjoy the rest day!
Sounds very cozy. I will have to add that book to my "to read" list.
A hot cup of tea? How about a bottle of vino? Makes the words dance around all nice :P
I hear you chica! I'm opted out as well ;-)
I'm about ready to do the same thing myself. Except mine is a good book and a Bud Light.
Enjoy your day off
We've had some nasty storms here too. Enjoy the day off.
That sounds really nice! I can't wait for our monsoons to hit.
Man that sounds relaxing. If only... :)
Did you finish the book? Was it any good? It had mixed reviews on Amazon, although I didn't want to read them too closely as they seemed to be spoilers!
Great fun, sounds like my idea of a partay! Happy Thursday Jess!
It sounds like a good book. Is it one I would enjoy? I might have to remember the name and add it to my list. I bought 5 books before Miller's arrival thinking I would get some reading time in. So far-zilch! If I do start a book, I get two pages in and fall asleep.
Enjoy the book! :)
Have you read _The Great Man_? I picked it up at Borders and am about 1/3 of the way through. Character study-type book. Really great writing. So far I love it.
Excutive decision is like the official decision?
Oooh, I loved that book!
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