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Monday, June 30, 2008

Case of the DA

Most of my runs in the past week or so have felt pretty mediocre, and sometimes, downright unpleasant. I think I can largely blame the heat (which is convienent this time of year), but there's also that unknowable factor, which I simply think of as the "drag ass" element -- there's no particular reason and all I can say is that I usually have the occasional week or two where the runs get done, but they feel like a lot of work.

That pretty much describes every run I had last week: Got 'em done, but didn't feel great about a single one of them. This evening felt a little better; although, I still feel as though the "drag ass" is bringing me down, yo. Still, I got 3 miles done in 28:53 so that's not too shabby, but it doesn't give me high hopes for this Friday's 5K. But you never know; maybe we'll have a freak cold spell and magically, I'll wake up on the morn of the 4th to 70 degree temps and 10% humidity. Good god, if that happened, I think there might be chaos here, so I probably wouldn't want to be out running a race anyway.


teacherwoman said...

Case of the DA? I might have to remember that one.... I hear you on those runs though. blech.

E said...

I think we all get that way sometimes. Summer ends soon, right? :)

Viv said...

Drag Ass I suffer of this year round no summer required.

70 yea keep dreaming...LOL!
First race i have registered for that has a warning of heat and humidity.

keith said...

I don't know if I could deal with the jungle heat you've got rockin' down there. In any case...good luck on your race, keep a nice coldy at the finish for motorvation...

Nancy said...

So DA is my problem? Thanks for clearing that up. Nice to know that is is transient, though it sounds as if it is cyclical too?

MNFirefly said...

I can imagine it getting worse than Chicago.

AddictedToEndorphins said...

I'll be hoping for good weather for you!
The DA too will pass. Maybe you need a 'remember why you like running' week.
Hang tough

Anonymous said...

I had a case of the DA this past weekend. Hope I snap out of it soon.

Unknown said...

That's it... I like the concept of DA. That's how I feel sometimes but I have to force myself to get it done. Let's see...three more months to go till the temperature starts to cool down. Arrgghh!

Razz said...

Why I Hate Humidity Reason # 2432: The DA Factor. Works for me!

Marcy said...

I'm with Viv, it's year round syndrome for me :-/ Hopefully you come out of it soon chica!

Erin said...

You get the DA every summer so no worries. I know you will snap out of it. Maybe the race on the 4th is what you need. The reward of drinking beer, eating fried food, and launching fireworks should make you run faster.

Kevin said...

We all have that feeling now and again. Hopefully youll get out of the funk soon.

Teacher Pursuits said...

I feel like I've been DA-ing for the last month. Its definitely the heat and humidity for me and its driving me CRAZY.

Anonymous said...

I am with you on the heat as well as the DA factor. I hope you do not suffer from DA on the 4th.

chia said...

I have mad respect for all of you that have to deal with horrible heated runs. At least with a shitty MI winter I can just put on a sweater. You can't necessarily take off more clothes. Well, you could, but it wouldn't likely help unless the clink is air conditioned.

Think of it this way, you're running in a sauna and still kicking my happy arse :-). Take pride in your drag-assery!

Mary Gee said...

Thanks for giving my problem a name!

RunnerGirl said...

I've had a few cases of the DA myself!

L*I*S*A said...

I think you'll surprise yourself at the 5K. I'll stay tuned...

Jarrett said...

Hey there. I think we all totally feel your pain. We've all been there, and it's hard to get up and going when you just have no motivation to do much of anything.

Crissy Rae said...

Yeah, it's hard to be excited about the running when you start sweating after a couple minutes. At least you're getting out there and getting them done.

Paul said...

I have a serious case of the DA right now. I feel your pain.

J~Mom said...

Yep, add me to the DA list! Love it!