Monday, March 31, 2008
Dog Run
But sore throat or no sore throat, I wasn't missing any more running today. So, this afternoon, I strapped on the kicks and headed out into the far-too-hot-and-humid afternoon. Scooter was giving me puppy eyes before I left, so I decided to leash him up and take him along. As you know, a run with the Scooter dog is a bit erratic and always has to be cut short since he can't pace himself and is usually pooped after half a mile. So, we only did 2 miles (it was dang hot out there anyway, and when you're a dog in a fur coat, it's gotta be even hotter), and it took us 25:43 (lots of time to stop and "smell the flowers" -- literally).
After the run, I took Scooter in the shower with me (he's been smelling a bit too much like dog lately), and now he's crashed.
This evening, we're going to head out to a local bar for some Rock Band. I guess it's set up kinda like karaoke, and people can either play individual instruments or as a band, so a crew of us are gonna go check it out. Pray I don't decide after a few beers that it will be a good idea to get up on stage and sing. I wanna wake up tomorrow with some shred of my dignity, and if I'm up on stage belting out an off-key rendition of "Buddy Holly," that won't happen.
Throat Thing
Saturday, my throat still didn't feel great, but I drank a lot of alcohol and I completely forgot that it was bothering me.
Sunday, it was starting to feel downright icky and scratchy, like it was coated in Wookie-fur.
Today, it continues to feel like it's laced with Chewbacca chunks, but I have also added a delightfully hacking cough to the repertoire.
However, I have no other cold symptoms: no fever, achiness, headache, or stuffy nose. Am I in the process of coming down with something? Am I "down" with a part of something? Did I accidentally lick my friend's cat when I was over there playing Rock Band the other night?
Questions, lots of questions...
Sunday, March 30, 2008
March Schmarch
So what's my excuse for such dismal mileage this month? Life, I guess.
This month, and actually the two preceding it as well, has just felt so busy, and I'm actually a little shocked to look at the calendar and discover it is nearly over.
Hopefully, April will calm down a little. As of now, we don't have anything big planned, except of course, both Jerry's and I's b-days (mine is the 22nd -- go ahead, mark your calendars and begin the gift buying -- and Jerry's is the 29th), but we don't have major plans for either (yet).
As far as racing in April, I'm a bit conflicted. On the 3rd, there's the corporate run, which some friends will be running, but I'm not sure if I want to run it -- it's so big for a 5K (last year, there were 3,000 runners and no timing chips), and the bigger the crowd, the less I likey. I will probably run it, but I may make the decision at the last minute. Also, I was planning on running a separate 5K on the 5th, mostly because it's a bridge run, and I thought the challenge of that might be cool, but I haven't done nay hill work, so now I think it might just be hard. Plus, do I want to run 2 5Ks in one week?
Anyway, that's the only racing currently in contemplation, and if nothing else, April should be the month in which I decide on some races for the future calender.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Miscellany and 6 Words
Because Jerry and I joined Ryan and Erin for a few drinks last night, I skipped my run. Eh. I really needed those few beers. They were delightful.
Tonight, I have to get the last of my shit together for Erin's baby shower tomorrow. It's not a lot to do; it's just that I still only have a vague idea of what I'm doing, so I kinda feel like I'm feeling around in the dark. I've never thrown a baby shower before, and let's face it, I'm not really the type who revels in this sort of baby shiz, but I think I'll pull it off. Plus, I bought plenty of wine in a box (it's actually more excellent than it sounds), so if anything is crap, I'll be too drunk to notice or care. Sorry, Erin, if it sucks, you'll have to just be happy with the sparkling juice I bought. last thing for today before I depart to teach my class and enlighten all those engaged young minds (as you can tell, I slipped from anger straight into lunacy this week): Marcy tagged me to do the whole "6 Word Memoir" business. And I really did labor over it. See I wanted to capture the "essence of Jess" in my 6 words, and that's hard to do, because frankly, I'm the shit and that only requires a 3 word statement, so to create something longer was really difficult. In the end, I couldn't decide on one statement that seemed to sum up my life so far, so I figured, hey, why not put it to a vote?
Here are the contenders:
1. "Drained the keg. Ready for refill."
2. "Fucked up frequently. Have no regrets."
3. "Jerry. Scooter. Run. Teach. Eat. Drink."
4. "Tried to be good. But failed."
5. "Aimed for perfection. Got close enough."
6. "Comma splices make me wanna cry."
7. "My mistakes have been my successes."
Consider them, consider what you know of me, and let me know which statement you think is best. And the majority's choice will be my "6 Word Memoir." After you vote, you can consider yourself tagged to do the same exercise. Best of luck!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Anger Management
1: 8:59
2: 8:55
3: 8:50
Total Time: 26:45
When I was finished, Jer-Bear and I met some friends for dinner, and now I'm chillin' at home with a glass of wine, watching "Dead Like Me" with Jer and getting ready for "Top Chef" at 10. What an excellent evening.
Post Script Complaints
Jess: Student, I'm concerned because it appears that your essay is entirely the work of copied and pasted material from online resources, and I don't see anything here that is your own writing.
Student Rebuttal: It is too mine. I wrote it. I just used sources to help.
Jess: Okay, show me a portion that is your writing.
Student looks at essay and points out the first few sentences, and he says: This is mine; I wrote the introduction.
Keep in mind that I am holding the printed version of everything he copied from online, so I look at what he's pointing at, consult my print out, and respond: No, it's not yours. That's from right here (and I point to the EXACT material that came from online).
The conversation went back and forth like this, and it was literally mind numbing to try and convince him that no, he did NOT write the essay he submitted. In his mind, he seems to have thought that he did.
See, the thing that bugs me the most, and what I take very personally, is that I put a lot of time and effort into my classes to ensure that I teach the material thoroughly, accurately, and in an engaging manner. However, learning something is a two-way street and if they're not putting in the time and effort to pay attention, then I grow very frustrated by their apathy. Granted, most students succeed and are good students (some are even superior students who invest a great deal of time and effort in my classes); but at this point in the term, those that are exasperating me are just really draining the life outta me, and I feel like I only have a thin shred of patience remaining.
But...that's my rant for now. I don't want to continue to bore you guys with details about work, nor do I want you to think I'm rapidly becoming a bitter, cynical teacher; I'm just tired of this semester and am ready for the first week of May.
What I am looking forward to this evening is a run. Tuesdays are always crap because it's such a long day at school and I don't get any time at home, and thus I don't get to run and blow off some of that steam that builds over the course of a day. This evening, however, I plan to take full advantage of the kind of "angry" run that I need!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Student Burnout
Student A: Professor, I can't answer these questions on the quiz because I wasn't here the day we discussed that poem.
Jess: Then you'll get those questions wrong.
Student A: But I wasn't here that day for the discussion.
Jess: It's your responsibility to catch up with any work you may miss by missing a day of class. So, if you weren't here, you needed to have reviewed the poem on your own and to have come to see me if you had questions about it.
Student A huffs back to her seat and continues to stare at quiz with the hope that the answers will magically appear to her.
Student B: Can I make up the quiz today on another day? I lost my notes and couldn't study.
Jess: I don't think losing your notes is an adequate reason for requesting a make up quiz, so you can either take it today or not take it at all.
Student B: But, I just realized that I lost my notes last night so I didn't have time to get notes from someone else and I haven't studied at all.
Jess: But you've known about the quiz for 2 weeks; you've had plenty of time to prepare.
Student B huffs back to her seat and takes the evil quiz against her will.
Student C: Professor, why did I get a "D" on my essay?
Jess: Because you ignored assignment guidelines for format, length, source use, and point of view. Because you had a vague thesis statement and a disorganized discussion. And lastly, because there's no evidence that you revised your essay and you have grammatical errors that interfere with the comprehension of the writing.
Student C: How do you know I didn't revise?
Jess: Because your rough draft is attached to the final copy (they have to turn in drafts along with peer reviews of their writing) and there's absolutely no difference between it and the final copy.
Jess: I suggest that next time you take the time allotted for revision and revise your writing for unity, cohesion, and grammar.
Student C shrugs and huffs out the door of classroom.
As you may be able to tell, I'm feeling very grumpy about my students today. Grrrrr....Guess it's that point in the semester to either choke them or...hmmm...what is the alternative?
Monday, March 24, 2008
Papers in Excess
Anyway, between paper reading, I did manage to get almost everything done that I needed to for Saturday's baby shower (excluding the shopping, cooking, and cleaning of the house -- those chores I reserve for the day before because it makes my life exciting), and I got a 3 mile run in. Times weren't great (overall time of 29:05), but I'll take it.
In other news, I feel obligated to confess to you that I have fallen ass-backwards off the no-soda wagon. For the past few weeks, I have even been driven to steal some of the hubby's Diet Cokes on occassion, and today I broke down and bought a 6-pack of my beloved Diet Pepsi (the mini-cans). I admit it. I am drawn to the deliciously sweet and scrumptously fizzy soda. Especially when I'm at school. Or when I'm reading papers...
Wicked Review and Easter Recap
But, at least it was fun:
"Wicked" was really good, as is demonstrated by my purchases below. The music was great, the performers were really good, and the set is really rad (I especially love everything set in the Emerald City). My only real criticism is that the play changed the ending from the book's version and made it a happy ending. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a beef with happy endings, I just don't like a manipulated happy ending; plus, I think it should have stuck with the tragic ending since the book's theme analyzes the human tendency to create a scapegoat out of people who are different. And, I'm sorry, but a scapegoat needs to be sacrificed in order for the audience to understand the repercussions of such ignorant tendencies.
However, the play struck a much lighter tone than the novel, so I can understand why they made that decision about the ending; for the show, it made "some" sense. And certainly the play deviated from the novel in some other key ways, but for the sake of coherency within the show, I think those changes worked.
So, anyway, that's my review.
On Sunday, we went to a friend's house for Easter and had a good time as well. We played "bolo" which is kinda like horse shoes in theory, but way different. I can't really explain it very well, sorry. But it was fun. Then we also played some Wii bowling and had jousting Peeps in the microwave. I ate WAY too much, and combined with the requisite holiday drinking, I pretty much fell asleep right after dinner.
Anyhoo...I have a really busy week ahead of me. I have a shitload of papers to read (it's exactly this kind of work that would be handy for a flying monkey to do) and I am in the final stages of planning a baby shower for Saturday, so I have shiz to get done for that as well. And -- I want to make sure that I get back on track with running this week. Last week, I got in just 3 runs of 3 miles a piece. Better than the week before, but still not much.
Hope everyone had a good holiday yesterday and for anyone who was traveling, hope you traveled safely! Check ya later, homies.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
Ready for Oz
1: 9:11
2: 9:24
3: 9:03
Total Time: 27:39
Anyhoo...I'm just happy that today is Friday because that means that tomorrow I'm off to see the wizard! Or, really, I'm off to see the Wicked Witch of the West!

She's cooler anyway.
So, yeah! "Wicked"! I can't wait. I read the novel years ago and have been waiting to see the musical since it came out, but the last time it toured South Florida, tickets were like $90, and despite what you may believe is a lucrative living, a community college professor is not the richest of professions.
This time I got my ticket at a standard price, and I'm so pumped to finally see the show! You can bet your backside that I'll be listening to a little "Popular" in the morning to get myself in the right frame of mind.
I'm meeting my friends for lunch and then we're going to a matinee of the show. I'll fill you in tomorrow evening on what I think of it, but I'm pretty sure I'll love it -- and I'll be the chick who's buying the over-priced merchandise in the lobby afterward.
So, until then, toodles, darlings!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
3 Instead of 4
1: 9:30
2: 9:41
3: 9:31
Total Time: 28:44
Yeah, not so speedy, but I'll take it. I think I'm still pooped from my trip and from getting re-aquainted with the home and work fronts.
Return to Running
Tonight, I hope to once again hit the road and get another run in, maybe a 4 miler. I don't have any specific training plan right now (not signed up for any particular races yet between now and the end of the year -- that's a long stretch, so I'm sure I'll fill it), but I do want to resume my regular 5 runs a week with a slightly longer run in the middle of the week and a long(ish) run on the weekend.
I need routine; otherwise, the running feels like it lacks purpose and that's always when I slack off. Best to return to a base and then register for a couple of spring races. Perhaps I will soon be using my $300 airline voucher!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
What You've Been Waiting For
On Sunday, we met my parents in Brainerd for lunch and coffee afterward so we could sit and visit with one another. I haven't seen my parents since Christmas 2006, so it was good to see them in person and chat. I felt bad that we couldn't spend more time with them, but they knew that we were there for the wedding and they understood that we had limited time. Besides, they should haul their asses down to see me every once in awhile (the last time they were here was for MY wedding -- November 2005). Here's the fam-damily at the restaurant, with a bear. What can I say? It's the "up nort" decor.From the left: my stepdad, my mom, my brother, me, and Jerry (hiding behind me).
After that, you pretty much already know the tale: we drove back to the cities and I spent all day Monday in the airport. Viola. Finito-burrito.
All in all, a grand time, but phew! I'm pooped. I feel like this afternoon is the first chance I've been home since last Wednesday, and I pretty much feel like I have the same plans as a week ago: cleaning up the house (how can we be home less than 48 hours and already have a mess? it's a mystery), doing laundry, and planning a run. I hope the run doesn't kill me. I haven't had so many days off of running in at least 6 months. I'll let you know if I don't die out there.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Flew in Last Night
Anyhoo, yes, the hubby and I arrived home at about 12:30 am last night (or, more accurately, this morning). Originally, we were on separate flights, and I was scheduled to get in around 5:30 pm and he was scheduled to fly in at 11:40 pm, but as I was waiting at the gate for my flight, they announced that they had over-sold the flight and were requesting volunteers to get bumped to the later flight. I volunteered and got on the same flight as Jerry, I got a $300 voucher (which helps re-coup some of the cost of having to change his ticket), I got some meal vouchers, and I got to fly first class (it's glorious up there -- I never want to return to coach again).
Despite the perks, the day was long because I was essentially at the airport or on a plane from 11 am until 11:40 pm. Needless to say, I am now very familiar with the MSP airport, I finished my book "Stardust" and read about half of another ("Bringing Down the House" -- interesting, very interesting -- makes me want to visit Vegas).
So, with only 6 hours of sleep, here I am: back at school, and I don't know if I can fully express how much I don't want to work today. Especially because Tuesday is my long day and I'm here until 9 pm this evening. Uck.
Oh well, I'll muscle through: I'm tough. And highly caffeinated.
We did have a great trip, and I have some great pics to post, but I don't have time today. Soon, I promise some entertainment soon. I also hope to run tomorrow. It's been a full week since I last ran, and my legs are starting to atrophy -- well, maybe that's in part to the 12 hours I spent sitting yesterday.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Checking In
Today we drive back to the Twin Cities and tomorrow we fly back home to FL. Then you can expect a full report with pictures and anecdotes.
Until then, I hope everyone is behaving themselves -- catch up with you homies soon!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Ready to Go
The house is clean.
My bags are packed.
I went for a 3 miler this evening.
Now I need to take Scooter to a friend's house.
And then get to bed early this evening.
I have to get up at 5 am for my flight to MN tomorrow.
I may or may not run while there and may or may not blog.
If not, I return Monday evening.
So until then, peace.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Seven Things About Scooter
1. Scooter has a lot of nicknames: El Scooterino, Scoots, Scootsie, Copper Top, Buddy, Fur Baby, Scootsie-Bootsie, and Scootah-Bootah. It's a wonder he knows his name at all.
2. Scooter sleeps with us in the bed, under the covers. He likes to burrow down and sleep by our feet. But since Jerry's been gone, he snuggles up on Jerry's side with his little puppy head on the pillow and the covers up around his neck. I think he thinks he's a person.
3. Scooter's worst fear is the vacuum cleaner. All I have to do is open the closet where the vacuum is stored and he's outta there.
4. After either Jerry or I get out of the shower, Scooter likes to hop in the shower and lick up the leftover water. Must taste like human-juice.
5. Scooter loves socks. But only socks that have just come off your dirty, stinky foot. Every day when Jerry gets home from work, he sits down and takes his socks halfway off his feet, and Scooter takes them off the rest of the way. Then he (Scooter, not Jerry) runs all over the house in sock-triumph. He especially loves my socks after I've returned from a run. Yum-O!
6. If given the chance, Scooter will eat a dryer sheet faster than you can say "Bounce." In general, he thinks laundry time is da bomb -- there's the chance he can sneak in a dryer sheet snack, he likes to lay in the warm laundry while I'm folding it, and there's always the chance that a rogue sock will cross his path.
7. Scooter will kill you for a Twizzler. He *hearts* Twizzlers. Strawberry flavored, please.
So, that's it -- all you need to know and more about my little brown dog. I tried to post some cute Scooter-pics to help illustrate the 7, but Blogger is being a be-atch. Enjoy without the pics, and if you'd like to share the bits and pieces of random tidbits about your own pets, consider yourself tagged.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Yee's Yoga
So instead of running today, I decided to do a form of exercise that I think achieves both those two neglected "S's": yoga.
I first took Scooter for a 1.5 mile walk (I would have walked further, but Scooter's patented "stop and sniff" method of walking makes it slow going exercise), then I came home, got out the yoga mat, pushed back the coffee table, and popped in a yoga DVD. Damn, it was tough.
It was Rodney Yee's "Power Yoga" and that dude (with his stretchy shorts and all-too-noticeable-bulge) really gives you a workout. I was 30 minutes and a countless number of sun salutations and warrior poses into it and I was sweating up a storm. When I finished the 60 minute program, my shoulders were a little shaky and I was pooped. I lay quite happily in corpse pose at the close. I do feel wonderfully stretched though (all those down dogs felt good on my calves and hammy's).
Now, I think I will make myself some dinner, drink the rest of a bottle of wine, and read my book ("Stardust" by Neil Gaimen -- just as good as the movie).
Sunday, March 09, 2008
No Bereavement for You!
I feel kinda bad not going with him, but I was already planning on taking Thursday, Friday, and Monday off because I'll be in MN for my friend's wedding on the 15th and to take off more days would be hard for me -- not just because my store of personal days would be tapped, but because missing that many days of class is really hard (missing a day of teaching essentially doubles my workload). Plus, it was clusterfuck enough to change/cancel his ticket.
See, I thought it wouldn't be a big deal: I call Travelocity, change his outbound flight from Thursday (original ticket) to today, pay the fee (I was guessing somewhere around $200), and viola! That'd be it. But, they had a different plan: sorry, bitch, that ain't happenin'.
Apparently, if you don't fly out on a round trip ticket, you may not return on that ticket's original return flight. So, essentially, we had to buy a whole new round-trip ticket. And when I asked the Travelocity representative if there was a discount because of bereavement, he simply said: "We don't do that anymore." (I guess you have to book directly with the airline in order to get a bereavement discount; now I know.)
Needless to say, I was so frustrated with Travelocity yesterday morning that I wanted to come through the phone line, all the way to India, and strangle that fucker (even though it's not his fault). Eventually, I got Jerry a flight, had to pay dearly for it, but we got him one and by now he's in MN with his family. The wake is tomorrow; funeral Tuesday. And he'll just stay there and meet me at the airport on Thursday, and we'll continue our week there as planned for the wedding. For some reason, it seems appropriate to me to have a funeral and a wedding so close together -- the symbolism seems to say something important about life -- plus, Jerry is gonna get a lot of use outta his [one] suit this week.
Anyhoo...hope everyone enjoys their Sunday and remembered to turn their clocks forward (effing Daylight Savings -- I'm probably the one person in the US who thinks it's a crock 'o shit, but maybe I'm just bitter about losing that 1 hour of sleep). Chat at ya later homies! Peace.
Saturday, March 08, 2008
St Paddy's 4 Miler Race Report
Races will be held in rain, but most runners won't run in lightning, so I went back to bed assuming that the race would be cancelled. About 15 minutes later, I woke up and heard...nothing. It was still sprinkling, but there was no lightning and no thunder. The race would be on; I knew it.
So I pulled on my racing stuff and headed out. It continued to sprinkle on the way, and the clouds were ominous, but there was no more lightning, and when I arrived at the race, sure enough, it was "on."
Despite the off and on rain and the blustering wind, I actually appreciated the cloudy, cool morning because I always run a little better when it's cooler, and it turned out to be a good race:
1: 8:35
2: 8:47
3: 9:01 (was headed right into the wind for this mile)
4: 8:49
Total Time: 35:17!!!
Yeah, bitches! I rocked it.
By then end, it had resumed a steady rain, so I didn't stick around for any post-race festivities; I made a beeline for the car and got there just in time because it really started to pour once I got in the car. It looks like it the storm may linger for the day (hard to tell since it's not even 9 am yet), but it doesn't matter because I already got my run done for today!
On a more somber note, we learned yesterday evening that Jerry's grandfather passed away. Jerry is camping right now, so his dad called him on his cell last night to inform him of the bad news. I think Jerry will pack up camp and return today, so I need to try and find him a flight to MN for tomorrow or Monday so he can attend the funeral.
Friday, March 07, 2008
Today, I Rest
I have a 4 miler tomorrow morning. I've never raced a 4 miler before, so anything will be a PR; still, I am aiming for something sub-40 minutes.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Rainy Run
Not so bad. I don't mind running in a drizzle; it keeps me cool.
But then after mile 2, the sky opened up and poured. Big, fat drops of rain in sheets. Thankfully, my plan was only a 3 miler because I was soaked and to go any further would've been uncomfortable.
You'd think the rain would have prompted me to move my ass, but this week I seem to be suffering from a condition known simply as "drag-ass" (yes, that is the technical term), which means that no matter what, I can't seem to pick up the pace.
1: 9:20
2: 9:40
3: 9:36
Total Time: 28:39
Well, it's not bad, it just hasn't felt fast at all this week.
So...because I can't figure out how to upload a YouTube video on Blogger, you guys should go there yourselves and look up the trailer for the upcoming movie "Run Fatboy Run"! I saw the preview for the first time last night and I gotta say, it looks awesome! It combines two of my favorite things: British comedy (stars "Shaun of the Dead" frontman Simon Pegg) and running (in it, the main character resolves to run the London marathon in order to prove his love). Anyhoo, go look it up. I command it. And if you have a moment, also tell me how to upload YouTube videos on here.
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Hump Day
It's the first in Stephen King's "Dark Tower" series: "The Gunslinger." I've always wanted to read the series, but have never gotten around to it, so I figured I'd give it a whirl. I'm about 70 pages in, and honestly, I don't think much of it. Although, I have heard that the first volume is not that great, supposedly you're supposed to give the series a few volumes before it really gets good. Which I'm not so sure about. I think I'll finish this one see how it ends before giving more in the series a go.
This evening, I went for a 6 miler, but I didn't realize that the Garmin was low on battery life, so after 3 miles, it pooped out on me. So no splits to report. However, I can tell you that the run felt good, and I mostly felt like I was on auto-pilot, so I guess that's a testament to how smoothly it went.
One thing I have noticed in the last few days, though, is that it has been extremely humid here. On my past few runs, I've been sweatin' buckets. Reminds me that soon we'll be moving into "rainy season" (aka, the god-awful-heat-of-summer). Blech. Here, the seasons are so the opposite in pleasantness compared to northern states: everyone else is looking forward to spring and summer, and here in FL, we're sad to see the temperate winter months start to fade away.
I Can't Sleep
And MPA had a meme of "7 random things" on her blog and she sorta tagged us all, so I figured that might help while away my time. However, I have trouble with the "random" aspect, so I figured I'd modify it for my own purposes. And what will that purpose be, you ask? Well, I figure there are already many random things you people know about me, but on the whole, I try to cast myself in a positive light. I show you my good side, if you will. (I often think of the blog as a first date -- that's why I don't touch subjects like religion or politics on here even though I have definitive thoughts on both -- politeness, humor, amusing anecdotes, these are what I strive for.)
But, since we're on like the 900-something-th date by now, I suppose I should reveal some of the not-so-pretty truths about Jess. So, here are "7 things I'm NOT proud of":
1. I sucked my thumb until I was in 1st grade. And I only stopped because I fell off the monkey bars and bit through my tongue, thus making the thumb-sucking too painful to continue. The result of 6, almost 7, years of thumb-sucking? Intensive orthodontia as a pre-teen.
2. I add everything in relationship to the number 12. An example: If you asked me to add 7 + 8 together, the following would be my thought process. I'd start with thinking of 8, then knowing that 8 +4 = 12, I'd add the 4 part of 7 to 8 and then add the other part of 7 (which is 3) to that and...viola! 15. Needless to say, I am what you could call a "math-tard"; basically, I suck at math.
3. The first time I got high I was in 7th grade and I did so by huffing gasoline. It was myself and 3 friends, and we used the gas from a gas can one of my friends took out of his dad's shed (it was gas for the lawnmower). I remember being high and laying in a field staring at the stars. The moment, and especially the stars, seemed profound at the time.
4. I used to shoplift. It started when I was in high school with small things like make up and cheap jewelry from places like Claire's. Then it got much riskier. I stole clothing (lots of it: shirts, bras, underwear, dresses, even socks and pantyhose). I stole sunglasses, picture frames, perfume. I even stole a gift for my mom on Mother's Day one year. I stopped doing it sometime it college.
5. I once broke up with a high school boyfriend simply by ignoring him. Just decided one day to stop talking to him. Stopped receiving his calls, etc. Never gave him a reason, nothing. Just stopped talking to him. At school, he'd try to talk to me, and I'd just walk past him or walk away. Eventually, he gave up. He used to pass me in the hall and give me this hang-dog look that must've been pitiful, but at the time, I found it nauseating. In retrospect, this seems like one of the cruelest things I've ever done.
6. When I was 16, I did a hit-and-run. Don't worry, I got punished for it. Cops found me. Worse yet, my mother found me. I was in deep shit.
7. I talk on my cell phone while driving. A lot. This one feels particularly hypocritical since whenever I see some driver swerving slightly or going slower than other traffic and I observe that he/she is on the cell, I say things like: "Damn person driving and yakking on that cell!" But, then when I'm by myself, I do the same thing. Thing is? I get kinda bored in the car by myself.
So that's it for now, folks. If you'd like to tag yourself, go ahead. You don't have to do mine, you can do the "7 random things," or you can even adapt the list how you see fit. That's the wonder of having your own blog.
I think I'll go give sleep another try now. Nighty-night.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
More of the Same
1: 9:25
2: 9:30
3: 9:41
Total Time: 28:36
Although, now that I look at the numbers, the miles don't appear that bad, but man, they felt like crap. Oh well. Now they're done.
Jerry had to go to a funeral this evening (for a guy he worked with, who I didn't know, so I was excused from attending), so I'm gonna take a cue from Scooter (a dog who takes chillaxin' to a whole new level) --
Monday, March 03, 2008
Here's my best movie start pose in it:
After my busy day, I did some more reading ("Pillars" is definitely good, but be forewarned, it is lengthy) and then put in a 4 miler:
1: 917
2: 9:05
3: 9:18
4: 9:22
Total Time: 37:04
The shuffle again served me well this evening and I love that tiny little thing.
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Shamrock Shuffle: 4 Miles with the New Shuffle
Anyhoo, this afternoon, I was feeling sufficiently rested, so I decided to take the new shuffle out for a maiden voyage (spent the morning downloading tunes to it; most I transferred from our Real Player library, and the rest I got from the iTunes store -- Jerry conceded in his hatred of iProducts and bought me an iTunes GC yesterday so I got to buy much of my music that couldn't be transferred from Real Player). It traveled well, and is so tiny, I barely even know it's there.
Next to the old mp3, which looks like Goliath, it is just minuscule:
1: 9:20
2: 9:24
3: 9:27
4: 9:30
Total Time: 37:43
We'll just use the trusty label of "positive" splits for the gradual slowing down, and then I don't feel quite so pokey.
Hope everyone had a nice weekend -- and have fun at work tomorrow! (Suckers! I'm gonna sleep in and eat bon-bons all day! Kidding. I actually have about 100 papers to start reading and half a dozen errands I'd like to run, but I just thought I'd rub it in a bit that I'm break this week, ha!)
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Lazy Day
I can't tell you how glorious it was.
And really, I spent the whole day today doing nothing, and it was everything I hoped it could be. Jerry and I had breakfast on the back porch, I read, I napped, I read some more, napped some more, made a nice dinner and am now planning on perhaps some more reading and then going to bed early.
For about 2 months now, I don't think I've had a weekend where I didn't have something going on -- company, a race, out of town, a social event, etc -- and enjoying a lazy day is all I've been craving lately. So today has been very satisfying: I feel more rested and relaxed than I have since Christmas break, ahhhhhh....