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This blog began in 2005 as a running blog where I challenged myself to take 21 days and form a habit out of running.

Dudes.  It totally worked!  Here I am 3,285 days later, and I'm still running.

In those 3,285 days, I also got married and had two kids: Norah is 4 and Caleb is 2.  Plus, since that seemed like not enough work, I decided to take my running habit and turn it into a full blown addiction: I streakin' run*, yo!

I still bore readers about my running, but more often than not, I write hilarious** stories about my kids.  Once you read those, it'll make a lot of sense why I need to run every day.

*A running streak is defined by the United States Running Streak Association (yes, such a thing exists and it's awesome) as running at least 1 continuous mile every consecutive day.  My streak tally is currently at 540 days.

**Objectively measured by science.  Of course.

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