Alright, we decided to paint over the brown (that looked orange) with the red we had (and love). I think it turned out well, and even though I still think the yellow in the kitchen is bright, I think I'm warming to it.
Above: View of kitchen from living room. To give those of you who have never been to my humble dwelling some perspective: This wall used to be a full wall (my husband created the pass-through) and it was floor-to-ceiling mirrors!
Here below, we have the dining room/entryway from the living room (which, to give an accurate description, I should note that the living room and dining room are really just one big room -- but we plan to utilize it as two separate rooms). Again, the walls to the left and that small wall that extends over the entryway were all mirrors (it was like a disco in here!) and the wall to the right was floor-to-ceiling wallpaper. Clearly, you can see that we still have a lot of work left to do, like installing floors, para exemplo. We may be finished with the whole shebang in another few months (we've lived here two years -- good lord, I do NOT recommend buying a "fixer upper.")

And lastly, below is a view of the kitchen from the doorway. See what I mean about that yellow being reminisicent of a pad of butter? Oh well. It's not so bad, and once some more stuff is done in here (like replacing the appliances -- in stainless steel -- and fitting a microwave over the stove in that now empty spot), I will probably like it. As a side note, don't you love my blue teapot? A gift from my hubby.

So, yeah, that's what we've been working on for the past week. Excuse the small tirade from Thursday; sometimes this remodeling project overwhelms me, and I tend to flip out every few months (but it's funny what gets to me; I washed dishes in the bathroom for two months, and I was cool, but some paint doesn't turn out how I want it, and I'm a mess: go figure).