The note at the front of the Results Book, from RD Pinkowski, says: "The 2007 race presented runners with unexpected challenges." Der. And it continues with: "Your commitment to take on the Marathon under less than ideal conditions merits recognition." Really? Here's my fake excitement: "I get my name listed in this fat book?!"
What a mockery.
Seriously, I pretty much moved away from my experience at Chicago immediately: I learned a great deal from the experience and I honestly don't regard it with [much] bitterness or ill-will. However, I do want to put it behind me; I don't really want to be reminded of the time, effort, and money I invested in training and running that race -- especially since it ended in disappointment for me.
So, Mr. Pinkowski? You can take your Results Book and Participant Certificate and go to hell. I sure hope they have stocked fluid stations there; because I hear that heat exhaustion is a bi-atch.
OH, this is classic! Well done, Jess!!
Jess, I couldn't have said it any better. I threw that shit away the day it arrived. Grrrrr....
You've gotta be kidding!! What in tha . . . . Yeah, I'd totally wipe my butt with that thing.
What a slap in the face!!
That's ridiculous. I'm running Chicago this year, and I'm hoping they are more prepared and there's better weather! Stories like that make me nervous!
I can't believe they wasted that much money on stupid mailers like that... seems more appropriate to dedicate all available funds to ensure this year isn't the horrid debacle it was last year.
that ain't cool- i had 3 friends running that- or wait- one almost finished and then got transported back to the starting line, while his wife and other friend who were halfway, had to WALK all the way back- that sucks...why don't you write a letter!?
Ouch. I hurt for you.
Way to shove it to them Jess. It is like getting an F U in the mail.They should have saved their money to buy water for this year.
well, if the money from the registration fees couldn't go towards WATER!!, then obviously, this is the next best thing. What a waste!
Yeah, I got that shit too. It is almost like an ex-boyfriend that you have CLEARLY moved on from that drunk dials you in the middle of the night after 7 months.
Do we need a reminder?
Oh yeah, it is like the drunk dial while simultaneously stepping on a nail (like I did Saturday night)
That is why you should run the Fargo Marathon. You would be a lot more pleased and enjoy it!
Yeah, I'd tell them where they can shove that.
are you serious???? that is not nice.
That last paragraph was perfect! Well, well, said Jess. It's freakin' 9 mos later. That's crazy.
I;m with Marcy..wipe it and send it back to them
Well said Jess. I wonder who thought sending all this out would be a good idea.
I was shocked when Josh got his book in the mail. I think they did not handle it fairly for those who did not finish.
You tell 'em girl! well said!
WTF??? What a waste of money for doing this crap. They should use the money to increase the stockpile of Gatorade and H20 for the next Marathon.
Oh my goodness. I can't imagine anyone thinking that was cool. What were they thinking?
Amen, sister!
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