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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Not a 100%; More Like 75%

In my congested-haze yesterday, I forgot to give the shout out that I had intended. So...*clear throat*...drum roll, please:

I am excited to announce that my good friends Jon and Shannon are pregnant! Jon doesn't have a blog, but if you'd like to offer your congrats to Shannon -- hop on over to her blog and tell her "congrats"!

It seems, as of late, that this condition (pregnancy) is rather contagious. Two years ago, it was my friend Amy, then Erin, and now Shannon. If I'm not careful, I could catch this bug -- and that's not something I'm ready for quite yet!

But, speaking of "bugs," I am feeling a bit better today. Well, enough to keep on with my classes anyway. I'm still congested and my voice is a bit raggedy, but the fever is gone and that makes a huge difference in how I feel. Today, however, is my long day at school, so we'll see how I feel after 12 hours of work.

Hopefully, tomorrow I will feel even more improved and will be able to get out and run. I deliberately took yesterday and today off in order to allow the legs to rest after Sunday's race, but I think by tomorrow I should be ready to hit the asphalt again. Plus, the in-laws depart today, so I'll have the house back and will maybe have more time to get that desired run in.


TonyP said...

Glad you are feeling better and that you will have the house back to yourself soon.

Mendy said...

Don't drink the water, Jess....

I found out this morning that Grace's school (daycare) teacher that she loves dearly is preggos. She has an almost 5 yr, and said that she's finally ready for a 2nd. That's my excuse for now, (I'm hearing - when? when? a lot these days).

Glad you are starting to feel better. Rest up good!

Lori said...

Yep, you better be really careful, it is completely contagious. Just think of all the fun you could have pushing a jogging stroller...

Nancy said...

Great job on the half, Jess. I hope you are feeling a bit better today.

As my mom always says, if you've been exposed, there's always a possibility. :D

Laura N said...

Keep feeling better, Jess.

It's good to wait to have yours until they've had theirs, and then you can get the hand me down clothes and baby paraphernalia. Trust me--2nd hand is THE way to go with the baby crap. It's so freaking expensive and they hardly wear anything out when they are less than a year old. But start holding all those babies and your uterus will go into overdrive. It's nature's way. =)

Tri+Umph said...

Woohoo! Happy to hear you're starting to feel better!

Rest up, you deserve it after the half!

Erin said...

Oh, she says she's not ready but she is warming up to the idea. I give her a year or so before she has her own little announcement.

Glad to hear you are feeling better. Colds are not fun. Hopefully it is on it's way out, not brewing up for a full fledged attack.

P.O.M. said...

Thank goodness that was a quick bug!

Marcy said...

Awwwhhhh girl, no one is EVER ready LOL. But wise choice, sometimes I wish I could just shove em back in there when they're naughty :P

Glad to hear that you're feeling on the up and up. I bet you have a killer phone sex operator voice going on right now :P

Jess said...

Glad you're starting to feel a bit better. Hopefully the long work day won't take too much out of you

Viv said...

Hope the day flies by for you. I am glad your 75%, for me that was a great grade. I always do that give percentages of how I am feeling. The hubby says who does that, now I know.

I am with Mendy, don't drink the water.

David said...

It's not the water you have to worry about, it's the tequila! That stuff will get you pregnant in a heartbeat. And it will get you singing karaoke, too. Actually, the singing happens first, then the pregnancy, then the caressing of the porcelain throne. Then you wake up with puke-matted hair stuck to your face.

Hope you are feeling better soon, and GREAT job on the HM.

J~Mom said...

We can always test the readiness theory by loaning you mine for a weekend. I am going to shop for plane tickets right now...

Rich said...

Too bad you were sick while the in-laws were in. Or lucky you, maybe!

Agate Lake Girl said...

Thanks for the shout out! I'm hoping you get "ready" soon so our kids can all play together. Awww!

miss petite america said...

we're at that age...everyone and their mothers get pregnant. it's ridic!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, watch out for that bug. The effects last a long time :)

ws said...

hope you are feeling better today and you have some peace and quiet with the in-laws gone...

L*I*S*A said...

Yep, I agree. Don't drink the water...tee hee....glad you're feeling better, though. Sucks being sick.