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Saturday, January 03, 2009

Busy Beaver

Does cleaning out closets, two dressers, bathroom cabinets, under the bed, and then making two trips to Salvation Army, multiple trips to the dumpster, and then cleaning the entire house count as cross training? It should because I'm beat. No running for me today. I'm gonna go take a shower and then take a nap.

On the plus side of all this work, I feel better today than I have in 3 weeks, and I haven't barfed once today! (Knock on wood.)


Tina Mickelson said...

everyone says running a marathon is like having a baby. I think you are already into nesting mode and I'm thankful that you have not thrown up today. I will not give you my horror story but will tell you that my child that made me puke all the time was the easy and fast labor. LOL

Carly said...

I vote yes to counting it as cross training. I am doing the same thing and it is a lot of hard work.

I am glad you are feeling better.

Anonymous said...

I definitely think all that counts as cross training.

Anonymous said...

P.S. Congratulations!!!

TNTcoach Ken said...

As Ice T would say, '...no barfing in the morning, it was a good day'.

Aron said...

yes it counts as crosstraining :) we have been doing the same decluttering cleanup all week and its exhausting!

Aka Alice said...

Yay for not barfing!

Erin said...

Actually it does. So does washing your car and cleaning windows. They are different motions your body doesn't normally perform and if you are wiped out and sweaty, you probably did even more ;) I figure I always get at least one day of exercise in when I clean. LOL!

X-Country2 said...

I you fear you haven't worked out enough, you can come over to my house and do the same cleaning here. Now THAT would be a workout.

Anonymous said...

Are you nesting already?

Unknown said...

definately counts as cross-training

Christie said...

Hey Mommy-To-Be,

I'm just catching up. Congratulations! Looks like it's going to be a great year already.

Marci said...

For sure that counts!! Good work!

Nikki said...

I would call it nesting :D

Kevin said...

I would say it counts as strength training

RunningLaur said...

that's quite a list of cleaning accomplishments. You definitely deserve a nap after that!

Marcy said...

Nesting already are we? ;-)

And yes of course it counts as cross training. That's what I always tell myself anyway LOL

chia said...

LMAO... don't use the phrases "I'm pregnant" and "Busy Beaver" in one week.

You make me spout pop on my macbook :-(.

So glad you felt good today -- hopefully that's a sign that the rough sickness bits are starting to wane!

Shoe Running said...

Definitely cross training :)

Agate Lake Girl said...

Ah, the make room for baby house cleaning/junk removal - I remember it well. By the way, what are we calling this zygote? LHM? BHM? (That one's not my favorite - kind of reminds me of BM.) MHM?...

Anonymous said...

Definitely cross training! Glad you felt good today.

SavvyFitChica said...



Marlene said...

Yay for not barfing. And yes, all of that counts!

Anonymous said...

glad you are better (and does the NICE BEAVER. THANKS, I JUST HAD IT STUFFED! line ring any movie bells for you?).

Jess said...

Whoo glad you didn't barf today! And yes...that totally counts as cross training!

MN Mom said...

Forgot to ask...(I know healthy and happy) but do you guys have a preference Girl or Boy?

Unknown said...

Sometimes that kind of junk is way harder than cross-training! Congrats on not puking!

Neese said...

aw look at you early nesting, so cute. (I'm a horrible friend to pregnant people EVERYTHING is cute!) :)

E said...

Yes that's cross training. :)

Unknown said...

It is evidently that you are going to have a boy, no question

I am betting for one year of Runner's World magazine if my guess is correct.

sRod said...

Misleading title. That's all I have to say.