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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Northfield, MN

Today I type on an actual computer because last night, we made it to my PIL's house in Northfield, MN around 8:30 pm, and we were greeted with warm hugs but frosty temps. It was about -10 degrees last night when we got here and that's not counting the windchill!

Poor Scooter. He does NOT want to go outside to use the bathroom, and I'm afraid he may be suffering from a little constipation currently, since he basically goes outside and just shivers uncontrollably. He has no under-coat, bare little puppy feet, and with temps so low I don't blame him for not wanting to wade through snow to take a dump. So, even though I don't like clothes on dogs, I am seriously considering running to Petsmart to buy him a little dog sweatshirt or coat or something. Plus, some booties. Poor paws.

Anyway, aside from freezing our tookises (not sure of the plural on that one) off, it's good to have finally reached our destination. We got up early on Sunday morning, and left our house in FL at 5:30 am (where it was approximately 70 degrees, why god did we leave that blessed place?) and drove until about 9 pm Sunday night, and we stopped for the night at a hotel in Kentucky. Then, Monday morning we got up and were on the road by about 6:30 am, and drove until we got to MN, which was at about 8:30 pm last night, like I mentioned before.

In total, the trip was just shy of 1,800 miles, and took us about 30 hours.

Today, we are just chillaxin at Jerry's parents' house, and allowing the Escape to warm itself in their garage, and tomorrow morning we're going to head even further north (where it is almost certainly even colder) to my mom and stepdad's house. They got a bitch of a winter storm on Sunday night and many highways were closed up there, but hopefully by tomorrow, roads will be cleared some. Still, it may be slow going.

As per the running? I don't know how much I'm gonna be able to do now. I was counting on temps in the 30s, not the negative 30s. You can't be outside for much more than a few minutes in this weather, so until these temps break, running outside is just not gonna be possible!


Carly said...

Welcome to Minnesota! I will be happy to go house sit in Florida while you are here. Ha!
Enjoy your visit and stay warm!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you guys arrived safely to MN. Poor Scooter, you'll have to buy him a jacket.

Unknown said...

Poor puppy.

Bandit is liking the snow we got last night, but it's in the 20s so it's much more tolerable.

Wes said...

Brrrr. Scooter is like my dogs. To hell with being house trained!! Poor guy...

Heather said...

Welcome to Minnesota! If you need any tips on how to deal with ice on your face or freezing boogers while running, let me know. On second thought, I don't really know how to deal with it. It just sucks. Hope you have a fun trip!

David said...

Of course he doesn't want to poo in the snow. His weiner will freeze if he squats down. Scooter is scared of shrinkage!

Stay warm!

Aron said...

yah i wouldnt be a fan of running in the negative temps either! good time for a running break ;)

Marlene said...

Glad to hear you made it to PIL's safely. Brrr, that's cold - even more me!!

Stay warm and have a safe drive tomorrow.

Jess said...

BRRR good luck staying warm!

Anonymous said...

If your eyebrows freeze, the will fall off. The safest exercise is obviously the 12 oz curl.

Unknown said...

I can't even imagine trying to run in weather that cold, brrr!

E said...

I'm getting cold just reading your post. I am not a fan of dog clothes or boots either, but poor Scooter!

Erin said...

I would get Scooter a coat. He's not used to the weather and it's not fair (even though I think they are silly too). Not so sure about the booties...that is a little silly but if I were a dog, I would probably like them too.

Give my sister a call if you have time to visit in B-Town. She's hoping you have time to stop by and say hello.

Anonymous said...

BRRR! Poor Scooter! I would totally get him a sweater and booties.

I'm planning for a week of treadmill running in WI and it's not even going to be as cold as where you are.

J~Mom said...

I hope you guys stay warm!! Poor Scooter!

Aka Alice said...

YIKES that's cold...

Glad you made it! That's a helluva trip you've got going there...

Unknown said...

As my oldest daughter say "Mini-soda", Welcome to Arctic Mini-Soda ! I bet you are counting the days till you come back to warm Florida now.

Glad you all got there safe and sound.

Unknown said...


Wanted to get in touch with you through email but I guess this will work. I was interested in sponsoring your blog.

If you are interested let me know. I can be reached at ayepez522@gmail.com.


PS: Awesome blog!

Anonymous said...

I hope Scooter can adjust to the temps. That sure is cold! Enjoy the vacation.

Mendy said...

Now, THAT's cold weather. I wouldn't run in it either. Ouch. Poor Scooter!

MNFirefly said...

Try for treadmill running. That's my only way to survive when it got that cold no matter what.

Laurel said...

Poor Scoots! Get that dog a sweater!

Those temps put our winter months to shame here in Philly.

Good luck and stay warm. Have fun with the family and be safe on those roads!!!