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Sunday, December 07, 2008

Half Marathon of the Palm Beaches Race Report

The race was, in short, my worst half marathon. Not because of the race itself, just how I ran it. In fact, the race is really nice and I'd love to run it again: Scenic course, flat, well-organized, entertaining water stations, nice medal, well-stocked food and drink at the race's end, and we had great weather.

I just ran the slowest 13.1 I ever have: 2:27:34. There's no particular reason why I was so slow (well, with the exception of that 5 and 1/2 minute wait at the porta-potty at mile 4 -- that was just ridiculous); no, I just couldn't muster up any speed.

I think that with so much going on lately, my head just wasn't "in the game" and I guess running it just to run it wasn't enough to motivate me to do my best. Oh well, I'm not really that disappointed. Bad runs and bad races happen, and I'm honestly just happy to be done with it and be done with the 2008 race season in general -- it's been a busy one!

Special thanks to Wendy for allowing me to stay at her place: She provided excellent accommodations, thanks Wendy!

Now...I think I may go take a nap.


Marci said...

Fast race report, and you are right, good and bad races happen, but still good job finishing. Relax and gear up for the holidays.

ws said...

thanks again for coming up here... perhaps next year we can convince some of the northerners to do the relay. have a good nap.

Unknown said...

Any time you finish a race, it's a success. They can't all be the best.

Good job. :-)

X-Country2 said...

Exactly, a race finish is a race success. 13.1 miles is a great accomplishment, and one that no everyone could do.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Anonymous said...

hey that's not bad. Graham was disappointed with his also- mostly because his brother kicked his butt (his bro's was 1:31) and G was like 18 behind him...forever competing against each other. But I think you all did great. So when is the next one? :)

ps- you need to train not to stop at the potty!

Erin said...

That's 13.1 more miles than I will run this week :) 5.5 minutes for a porta potty...eeks!

Time to relax and focus on friends and family. You will get a few nice runs in while on vacation and that will rejuvenate you. Good job on another year of running.

SavvyFitChica said...

I'm glad you're not beating yourself up too badly- you did a half marathon for God's sake- so that's awesome all by itself.

Have a good nap!


Anonymous said...

I think we learn and take away something from every race no matter how well we ran or didn't. You finished and that is an accomplishment. Way to have the patience to stand in the port a potty line.

Marcy said...

GREAT JOB JESS!! Even if it wasn't your best, you still got it done :-)
Next one will be kick ass, no doubt!

Neese said...

hey way to finish out the year!! bravo!

MNFirefly said...

I am so sorry. Enjoy the nap!

Anonymous said...

You still finished and with such a long potty break its still a good time.

Laurel said...

Dood, you ran SIX half marathons this year (most of them in the past 2 months it seems). No wonder you weren't into it. You're probably bored by this point.

But it's still a respectable time and what an accomplishment...SIX half marathons this year! Way to go Jess.

Enjoy your nap, you deserve it.

Steve Stenzel said...

Dang. Yep, those races just happen sometimes. You'll get it on the next one!!

p.s. I was thinking of your blog (seriously) when I found out that burger in my most recent post came with a beer. Why do I equate you with beer?!?

lifestudent said...

I waited about 15 minutes for a port-a-potty during the Las Vegas Marathon, only to run about .25 miles and find a whole row of them without any sort of line :( I know how irritating it is!

Congrats on finishing your 2008 season and take it easy for a while. You finished without any problem (just a bit of disappointment) and will be back kicking bootie in 2009!

Shannon said...

My PR from last March was 2:27 and then I did a 2:18 later in 08'. I'm giving you my times because when I got 2:27 I was soooo excited. I've had races where "my head just wasn't in the game." That's ok, and 2:27 isn't really that bad. There is always that "great" race in 2009, right? :)

Anonymous said...

You finished right? That is a success! Learn from it and move on. Enjoy the holiday and the your long vacation.

Five and a half for a potty...yuk.

J~Mom said...

Sorry it didn't go better for you! Congrats on getting out and running it though!

Anonymous said...

No worries. Sometimes we should really not worry about time and just run for the enjoyment.

Turn your sites on some nice frigid weather and some warm alcohol!

teacherwoman said...

We all have good and bad races, but we never enjoy posting about the bad ones. Running can be such a mental game... it's rediculous!

Viv said...

Way to finish Jess, you have had a great racing season. If anything I am sure you had a great time hanging with Wendy.

I would kill for that time...Really I would

Kevin said...

We cant always go out there and have our best race. You went out there, gave it your best, and finished. Now that your 2008 season is over, take some time to relax and enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

It's 13.1 miles more than most people run in a day. Enjoy the nap! You deserve it.

Anonymous said...

Hey, at least you finished! Good job and I hope you had a good nap! WTG finishing up your year!

Lindsay said...

congrats on finishing the half! i'm glad you're not being too hard on yourself as i know first hand we runner's tend to do that. good and bad days happen, and hey, a lot of people can't even run a half marathon!

MN Mom said...

Still it sounds like you had fun...happy travels.

Aka Alice said...

But, wow. You did 6 1/2 Marys this year. That's impressive...

Hope you had a nice nap. Time for that other marathon...the holidays :-))

Marlene said...

You have had a jam packed fall season - just finishing another half was an accomplishment! Congrats!

Unknown said...

Regardless of whether it is a good or bad race, you had the courage to finish what you have started. Hat off to you for getting the job done. That's all it matter. Don't think of a time as a way to measure your success. Not many people out there can do what you can do.

Hope you had a good nap yesterday!

Wes said...

We've all had one of those. Yet, you still ran 13.1 freakin miles


AddictedToEndorphins said...

Jess, you're amazing:)
Congrats on finishing and hope you enjoyed that well deserved nap!

Jess said...

You finished, you got a sweet medal and you had fun. That all counts for something, even if it wasn't your best time!

Brooke said...

Great job and great attitude! Now go enjoy the holidays :) See..your port-o-potty experience is why I'm always so afraid to stop! Why oh why can they not have more port-o-potties at races? I hate that you can lose time to go pee!

Mendy said...

Jess, Sorry to hear about the race, but really like the attitude you took. Next time! You still did well - getting out there and just doing it.