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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wild Wednesday

There are days when I get to work at noon, and work seems like a blessed relief from the chaos of a morning at home.  Today is one of those days.

Norah can probably best be described as "active."  Ever since she learned to crawl, she's always been into every. single. thing.  As a baby, she pulled open every drawer, every cabinet, pulled every item off every shelf she could reach.  Now, her quests are more focused -- less pulling EVERY thing out and more pulling KEY things out -- and, typically, when it's quiet I know to worry.

For instance, this morning:

I found her standing on the office chair with a pair of scissors.  She had them poised next to her hair.  Jerry recently trimmed her bangs, so she gets the gist: Scissors are for cutting hair.  Apparently, she was going to style her own.

She asked me for some jelly beans, which were in a bowl on the kitchen counter.  I told her "no."  I'd already allowed her 4 jelly beans, which was her reward (ie, "bribe") for sitting good while I trimmed her fingernails.  A few minutes later, I'm feeding Caleb a bottle, and I see her scurry by, carrying her stepstool.  I interrupt Caleb's feeding, and go see what she's up to.  Stepstool is up against the kitchen counter, and she's up there, helping herself to those jelly beans.  Rascal! 

There were a lot of tears shed and a very dramatic scene in which she threw herself to the floor when I jelly-bean-blocked her again.

Lastly, a few minutes before leaving the house, she proudly walked up to me, patted her jeans' pocket and exclaimed: "Norah has pockets!"  Me: "Yes, you have pockets.  Do you have anything IN your pockets?"  Her: "Yes!"  Me: "Well, what's in there?  Let Mom see."  She produces the following: A piece of trash, a quarter, and...a condom!

Eek gad!  I thought it's be YEARS before we had to worry about finding condoms in her pockets!


Lee said...

Haha, that cracks me up that she had a condom in her pockets!

Lauren said...

Hahahahaha, I'm sorry but that's just too funny.

I worry, though, because you just described MY Nora to a T. Who knows what I'll be dealing with down the line...

Tiffany said...

Oh boy! At least you had her empty her pockets at home before daycare had her empty her pockets. Now when she is just a little bit older you will have to explain to her what a condom is!

Chicken said...

Ahahaha! Awesome! "Mommy, this balloon is weird shaped!"

JojaJogger said...

Thank you for my laugh fix!

Anonymous said...

LOL!!!! That is too funny!

Erin said...

Please tell me it was in the wrapper! Those kids do try us at times. I love Norahs reasoning on scissors and haircuts. It's good to know all kids do these things.

Agate Lake Girl said...

Well you did say you needed something interesting to blog about! At least you found it BEFORE she went to school.

Unknown said...

i was going to comment about the hair cutting, but of course i'm now in stitches about the condom in her pocket. TOO FUNNY!!!!

Monica said...

Best story I've heard all WEEK!!!

Alice said...

I just chocked on my soup reading about Nora's pocket. That is HILARIOUS! I think it's time for a new hiding spot! :)

ajh said...

Hysterical! Good thing she pulled it out at home and not somewhere else!

MCM Mama said...

I'm sitting here alone after everyone in the house is in bed, giggling about the condom in her pocket. That's priceless!

Shoo once dragged a dining room chair to the kitchen, put his stool ON the chair, and climbed up and got a juice box off the top of the refrigerator. He still does stuff like that. Be prepared. ;o)

Unknown said...

I wish I had a job to go to today to get out of the house! The condom comment totally made my day though, thanks!

Carolina John said...

My 4 yr old cut her own hair over the weekend. It's not cool, she has really short bangs now.

When ours were that age, I wanted to take everything below the chair rail molding and paint it with whiteboard or chalkboard paint. They were really into tearing stuff down and drawing on it. Always going to town with dry erase markers and crayons on the walls. drove me nuts.

runner26 said...

oh wow! that is pretty wild! make sure you tell her that story when she is old enough to appreciate it ;)

N.D. said...

I think Kara is going to be just like Norah! that is so scary and hilarious!

Krissy said...

I almost just FELL off my chair laughing!! LOL this is hysterical!