So, a tour for the damaged toes: To the left, we have my newly bruised second-in-command toe. This bruise bloomed after the 13 miler 2 weeks ago. When my big toe (other foot) bruised last spring, I thought it was because of poor shoes, but after doing some research, I find that most agree it's just the result of the repeated pressure on the toes and it is commonly called "runner's toe." Sometimes the nail needs to be removed -- mostly it falls off on its own without nay risk of infection.
So, below: we have the aforementioned big toe. Sweet Jesus, is it gross. Therefore, I find it totally awesome.

As you can see from the picture, the old nail is slowly working itself off the toe while the new nail grows and replaces it. Thus, the old nail has become yellowish, flakey, and weak. I'm ready for it to be gone even if I'm left with a stubby nail, I'm sick of looking at it's grodiness.
Maybe I should just go in and get a pedicure this weekend and have them cover up the ickiness with pretty polish.
Runners toe? Looks like either Jungle Rot or Trench foot. Exotic, was your dad a G.I.?
Oh. You. Poor. Thing. That's all I can say!
Mine look pretty bad and I don't even run. At least you quit blaming me for the big toe's ugliness.
Erin: You're not off the hook; I still totally blame you! j/k
Ryan: Is Bob Vance from Vance Refridgeration?
a girl i ran my half marathon with had a toe with like 3 toenails growing from one toe bed.
thankfully, her face wasn't anything like her toes
That's hilarious! I know i have had trouble with some toenails and my doctor told asked me if I was a runner. Supposedly runners have the ever-so-gross toes...especially distant runners!
Oh...my...gawd. You poor thing!!
OMG, my feet look exactly like yours except I haven't been training for anything. Oddly enough, I got black toenails during the first six-miler I did post-injury. I needed new shoes, and once I got 'em, the pounding against my toenails subsided. Now my toenails look like hell.
That's HAWT!
I'm having toe issues too! I had the bloody toenail on your right foot, too! The sucker just won't die!
Ewwww! See, that's why I could never be a serious runner. The loss of toenails! Every time Running Rabbit loses one, she insists on flashing me because she knows I hate so much!
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