As I mentioned yesterday, it's hot now here in South Florida, and it was time to find some running tops that fit my new preggo belly. See, normally I run year-round in just a sports bra and shorts, and that's what I did for about the first 12-14 weeks of my pregnancy because I wasn't really showing at that point. But about 8 weeks ago, I started donning some tech shirts I have because the growing pudginess in my middle made me self-conscious about having it out in the open.
Soon, those tech shirts were too small to fit over my growing baby-belly, so I was substituting some oversized t-shirts that I have (some of which are race shirts that I thought I'd never have use for because they were so big -- turns out, they make decent maternity house shirts), but as I said yesterday, these are mostly cotton t-shirts and are certainly not cut out for running in FL's heat and humidity.
I checked online at some maternity running tops, but some were priced as much as $58 a top! And I'm sorry, but I'm way too cheap to pay that for a regular shirt, let alone one I plan on only wearing for a few months. So, instead I went to Target this morning and bought some tech shirts in a size large. I went with larges because I think the length will work out the best. See, they are definitely too roomy on top:
So, for the run, it slid around a bit, but I'm only doing 3 milers these days so it's not like I have to endure the slouchy top for a long time period. But I am glad I bought the new tech shirts because in these newly increased temps (it was about 85 at 7 pm), the running is HOT.
Aside from the shirt business, the 3 miler went pretty well. Jerry ran with me, so that was nice.
Now, my next maternity-running apparrel that I need to search for is some new bras. And I know I won't be able to find those for $9.99!
Laying by the pool? I scooped snow today. Haha. So so jealous.
I stink and never comment, but I have loved reading your blog about running through your pregnancy. It is such an inspiration to see someone staying so healthy and really listening to their body. I hope I can someday do the same!
I love that colour, cute shirt.
The target shirt is a great deal! Looks cute too :)
Check out Champion C9 sports bras at Target. I loaded up on a bunch of them at about $15 each awhile ago. I wear two and for me they provide much better support than way more expensive ones I've tried. Plus they come in really kewl colors.
Laying by/in the pool sounds like a perfect way to spend the day. (JEALOUS!)
Glad to hear you found something to wear. Good luck with the bra search!
Good find. I totally agree. What's the point in paying so much for something that will only be usefull for a few weeks. good choice.
I laid by the pool today too. It was so nice.
Totally agree with you on the shirts. No need to spend lots when you won't wear them very long.
Looks like you had a great weekend!
Good thinking buying cheaper large shirts for something you'll only wear for a little while!
Very smart on the shirt! It totally works!
Cute baby bump.
Very cute... when you hold it out, it looks big up top, but in the "normal" picture, you can't really tell at all.
Don't you love living in a warm climate so you can lounge by the pool? Gosh, I love it.
Good luck looking for new sports bras... that's probably one of my least favorite activities.
Ohhh, warmth and a pool, you are sooo lucky, it snowed here Sunday and they are calling for more today and tomorrow....
I kinda wanted to see you running in just the bra and shorts. LOL....
What book ya reading?
You'll be glad you bought the large in another month or two. It doesn't look overly large until you pulled it to the side. LOL!Glad you feel comfortable and are keeping at it.
Pool time looked nice but didn't you roast? It sure was a scorcher yesterday.
Sounds like a great day. Enjoy them while you can. Glad you were able to find some tops. I really like the color.
You look cute in your new gear:)
I get all my tech shirts at Walmart :-) unless of course, I pick them up in a race, but... what works for me, works :-)
that's it. I need to move. :) Hey, I need you to email me if you have time.
i really need to move to florida.....
Ah, I can't wait to lay by the pool.
Oh man...I love the smell of the pool's chlorine. I miss that !!! Summer.. hurry up !!!
I wish I had a pool to lay at yesterday :)
score on the tops!! those will be perfect!
I love the sale rack at Scheel's and when I find something I usually let myself by a handful as they are such a good deal!
I wouldn't mind some time by the pool right about now. Good choice to go with a comfortable size that will get you through so you don't have to go back and buy more. Enjoy your sun and send some to the northwest if you get tired of it.
Just reading some old posts ...
I never once put on a swimsuit during pregnancy, and havent since Brooke. Thats 13 months!
Seriously, could you get any cuter?
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