Saturday, July 31, 2010
July's Totals
100 miles
Now it's time to begin thinking about August...
Friday, July 30, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Trading Mileage for Sleep
That's why we did 2 miles today instead of 3.
Okay by me, though. I'm willing to trade a mile for an extra hour's sleep!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Thinking of this ad just helps me put running into the level of importance that I want it to have in my life. I'm busy being a wife, mother, and teacher, but no matter how busy I am, or how tired I may sometimes feel, running is important to me, so I have to make time for it.
We all have something that provides us with this same kind of motivation. Maybe it's an ad. But, probably it's something else: What do you think of when you're dragging your feet about a workout and struggling with the inner hissy fit?
Monday, July 26, 2010
6 Down, 19 to Go
I don't think I've ever had a triple digit mileage month in the summer before*, and I owe this largely to the streak, which has prompted me to get out there on a daily basis. While keeping the streak alive is easy on some days, it is tough on others when I really don't feel like running. Today was one of those days.
But, then I got encouragement from an unknown source. This morning, as I was running with Norah, a runner came up behind me and announced that she was passing me. I moved over to the edge of the sidewalk, and as she went by me she said, "You're doing an excellent job! Keep running, Mommy!" I don't know this runner, and have never seen her before on my route, but for some reason, her words felt so uplifting. I needed to hear that on a Monday morning when both my legs and my determination were a bit stiff. So, "Thanks Unknown! I appreciated it!"
*I may have very well run a triple digit mileage month(s) during the summer of 2007 when I was training for the Chicago Marathon. But, I'd have to go back to my log to look and, well, I don't feel like doing that.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Storms: Both Tropical and Toddler
If I didn't figure out something soon, our house was gonna transform into Thunderdome.
It was a good run, and I definitely needed it. When I got home, I felt better and was able to be a better mom to Norah and Scooter. And, without that run, the rest of the afternoon would have almost certainly involved a throwdown of some kind because Norah really tried my every last spec of patience I have in me today.
Thank god it's Friday, and I don't have class. That means that it is now 6:12 pm, Norah is in bed, and Jerry and I are ready to start our Friday night. Which, I'm gonna be honest, is gonna revolve around draining this little baby:
Our other exciting plans for the night involve a pizza, which has been ordered and is on it's way, and a movie from On Demand. Who needs to leave the house on a Friday? We have keg beer, pizza and movies here at home!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Running Errands
So, I decided to make a trip to the store part of Norah and I's morning run. Publix is just a slight detour off our normal route, and it only adds a few minutes and a little extra distance to run the errand as we're running. Plus, it was nice to have a reason to go run -- always by about this point in the week, my motivation begins to run low, so it's good to feel as though I have to go run. In this case, I had to go "run" an errand.
3.2 miles later, we were home: Run, done. Milk, aquired. Now, as Norah takes her morning nap, I can enjoy my coffee WITH unspoiled milk. Tastes so much better :)
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Stroller Speedwork
So, as I finished my 1.6 miles last night, I resolved for my morning run today that "picking up the pace" would be this run's primary goal.
Generally, with the stroller, I have been running a 10:30 min/mile pace. So, before we headed out this morning, I decided I wanted to aim for an average pace of 10:00 min/mile, which would mean really making an effort to move my ass.
In the first half a mile, I was chugging along at the standard 10:30 pace, but I was running in to a headwind and I figured a half a mile's warm up was necessary (my hammies have been a little tight the past few days). But after that initial half mile, I tried to consistently pick up the pace and in each mile I was a bit faster:
Mile 1: 10:24
Mile 2: 9:58
Mile 3: 9:47
Total time: 30:12
Average pace? 10:04 min/mile. 4 seconds slower than I was aiming for, but c'mon, see that 3rd mile? That's a speed-demon pace for me and the stroller! Overall, I was happy with the run, and I proved that I can go a bit faster with the BOB, so I guess that means that I need to make such an effort a more regular part of my weekly runs. Clearly, speedwork can be accomplished at the helm of the stroller, so I don't have any excuses to avoid it.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Rained Out. Again.
With the rain disruption, our run only totaled 1.4 miles, and I'm feeling a bit dissatisfied with that. So, I'm considering a hot afternoon run of 1.6 miles so that I can at least log 3 miles for the day. It's in the 90s out there, but I'm telling myself: "It'll only take about 16 minutes. I can do 16 minutes out there." I guess I'll fill ya in later on how that works out.
Monday, July 19, 2010
30 Days
Officially, I want to continue the streak through the end of July, which is 12 more days.
Unofficially, I don't see an end in sight.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Foto Friday
They look shinier in a jumbled pile, anyway, don't they? There are 12 of them here.
Lastly, there is a significant medal that is missing from this pile: 2007 Chicago Marathon. Which I trained for and DNF'd. For those who recall, the 2007 Chicago Marathon was cancelled in the middle of the race because of dangerous heat and not enough liquids on the course. Afterward, the RDs offered all of us, who had failed to finish, a medal and they called it a medal for the Chicago "Fun Run." Bah. I did not take it. That race was not fun, and I didn't want a medal for something I had failed at.
Runners' race medals symbolize the hard work and dedication it takes to train for and complete a race; to have Chicago offer runners that "fake" medal was insulting. Anyway, its absence is important to me, and I think it deserves noting here since medals are a tangible representation of what we earned, and I believe it's valuable for me as a runner to think about those instances where I have not enjoyed success. In some ways, the missing medals from my wall are just as significant as these beautiful shiny ones.
If you haven't already followed along with Marlene's Medal Mania (that's my wording, not hers, but don't you think I am clever, now?), go ahead and post some pics of your race bling, give some highlights of your favorites, and tell us a little about your Precious!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Day 26
And, that's really all there is to say about that. Hmmmm, a streak gets kinda boring to read about, huh? Thankfully, I'm not bored with the doing, so that's good.
Since I really don't have any good running stories today, I can share one brief post-running anecdote:
After a run, I need a shower. Stat. And, like many moms out there, I take my child into the bathroom with me while I shower. Typically, Norah entertains herself by playing with a few toys I bring in there with us, or by pulling underwear out of the hamper or by pounding on the shower glass and hollering for me to hurry up. But this morning, as I was shampooing, I noted that she was oddly quiet.
Not a good sign.
So, I opened the shower door a smidgen and saw her standing by the toilet having a grand time splashing in the water.
While her fascination with toilet water is charming, it's not new, and we've become accustomed as of late to make sure that toilet lids are down, but I must have forgotten earlier and there she was treating it with the same joy she would a water park.
Oh well. The toilet water was "clean" water and aside from soaking her shirt, her splashing was doing no harm, so I returned to shampooing, rinsing and repeating, but I hope that if she one day becomes a high-paid plumber who makes $300 an hour fixing a toilet in the "off hours" that she appreciates how I'm the one who nurtured her early career.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Off and On

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
You Were Right
Monday, July 12, 2010
As Promised
This morning, I was certainly not feeling a run, and a part of me was thinking "streak-schmeak, I don't have to do what I don't wanna!" But, thankfully, such childish inner-whining was trumped by the very nature of the streak itself: Turns out, once something is habitual, it's pretty hard to deviate from routine. Huh. Who wudda thunk it?
So, I got out there and ran my 3 miles with Norah riding along in the stroller. I didn't necessarily like it, but I did it.
Anyhoo, I also promised to try and get a short video of Norah and her amazing new feat: Walking. So, here it is: It's just a few steps, so don't go thinking I'm gonna show her tightrope walking or anything.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
So, the streak continues!
I figure: Why not extend it another 9 days for an even 30 day streak? Might as well, right? And we'll just see where it goes from there...
...and, as for some video of Norah taking a few, initial steps? Nada so far this weekend. She has repeated her new feat by taking one or steps between Jerry and I, but she hasn't offered any walking opportunity that has easily leant itself to videotaping. No worries. I'm sure as she gains more stability and confidence, she'll do more and we'll get the chance to capture it on tape; until then, you'll just have to take my word for it.
Friday, July 09, 2010
First Steps!
She was standing in the kitchen playing with some magnets on the refrigerator and she was standing there without any support, and I was sitting close by, so I just held out my arms and encouraged her to walk toward me. I've been doing this for a few weeks now, but today she actually did it! She took two steps and then collapsed into my waiting arms. It. was. awesome.
Hopefully, I get the chance to get some video of her amazing feat sometime this weekend. If I do, I'll post it here. I'm sure you've never seen a baby walk before, right? ;)
Foto Friday
So, with the more normal wake up, Norah and I were able to get out the door for our 3 miler a bit earlier than we have managed the past 2 days.
That makes Norah smile.
Thursday, July 08, 2010
Day 19: Done
But unlike yesterday morning, when I shaved the run down to 2 miles, this morning I told myself to just "deal with it" and we went for our standard 3 miler. What can I say about it? Nothing new, that's for sure: It was hot and sweaty. Only 2 days left in my 21 day streak. Almost there.
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
Better Than Nuthin
With these small 1 and 2 milers this week, I am really racking up the single digit mileage. 4 days worth of runs so far this week and my mileage has totaled 8 miles. Pitiful. However, I figure that even those these short runs don't add up to much, they still add up to SOMEthing. If I weren't pursuing this streak, I would have simply skipped running on a day like today.
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
It's All Relative
And, actually, relative humidity is not a great indicator of how much moisture is in the air -- a better indicator of that is dew point (which I have discussed extensively in the past, but I probably am most concise about it in this post) -- but the title is more fitting to my general theme here today.
As most of you know, or are experiencing, it's friggin' hot out there right now for most of the country -- particularly the northeast, which is getting blanketed in sweltering temps. Since I live in FL and run in hot, humid weather on a regular basis, I can't help but compare heats. It's kind of a sadistic thing to do, but ever since I became a runner 5 years ago, I am an enthusiastic meterology student and I often compare the weather here in FL to weather elsewhere. You know. Just to see.
So, reading blogs this morning, I saw that many of you in the northeast are sweating like you're on the threshold of hell, so I figured I'd take a look at your weather. Washington, DC makes a good comparison because even though temps are varied on the NE seaboard, DC's current weather is an average of the temps. DC today, it is an awful 100 degrees. Yuck. Here in South Florida, it is 94. A little cooler. But...when we examine the two locale's differences in humidity, and particularly dew point, we see how these two heats are different kinds of hot.
In DC, the current (it's 1:30 pm as I type this) humidity is 30%. In South Florida, it is 61%. And dew point? In DC, it is 62 degrees; in FL, 72 degrees. 10 degrees doesn't seem like a whole lot, but when it is in regards to dew point, it is a HUGE difference because of how humans perceive comfort within such humidity.
Now, for other comparisons: Atlanta is a gawd awfully humid place, right? Yes, it is. Their current temp is 87, with 44% humidity. But the dew point? Same as DC's. And that's pretty consistent throughout the southeast. We all know Phoenix is hot, but it's a "dry heat" right? Yes, very, very dry: Only 14% humidity with a dew point of 39! (I think my hair would be very static-y in AZ!)
So, who has just as wet, if not sometimes wetter, heat than what we have here in the good ole swamp? Texas! My friends in Houston are swimming (I mean "running") in the same humid conditions as we are here in FL: They are currently experiencing the delightful humidity of 58% and a dewpoint of 73.
What's the point of all this comparison? Nothing, really. And I'm certainly not trying to belittle anyone's complaints about the heat because once the mercury hits triple digits, it's H-O-T no matter what, but if there's a HOT contest, and Satan is judging, I think it'd be a tie between TX and FL. Which I suppose makes all of us who run in such weather a bit C-R-A-Z-Y!
Monday, July 05, 2010
Minimum Mileage
Around 4:30 pm, I was looking out the window, and I asked Jerry for his thoughts: "Should I wait and see if it clears and I can go for a 'real' run; or, should I just go out there and do the bare minimum?"
He replied with: "I'd go and get it over with if I were you."
That had pretty much been my thinking but I had just needed him to verbalize it. So, I laced up and hit the streets in a rain that was somewhere between downpour and drizzle -- let's call it a "dozzle" -- and I was surprised that the Garmin was still able to quickly pick up a signal. I had a specific destination in mind: Some tennis courts that are just a bit more than half a mile away. So, I ran around and over puddles, and while I kinda liked running through the rain, I was drenched by the time I reached said tennis courts, so I turned around as I planned, and got home in 11 minutes and 11 seconds:
Saturday, July 03, 2010
Another 3 Miler and Reflections
But while the humidity definitely made it tough, the morning's overcast sky actually felt like a reprieve. It's amazing how much difference small details like that can make, so really, the 3 miler wasn't that bad.
Anyhoo, this afternoon, we're off to our friend's annual 4th of July Party (on the 3rd this year) where we will engage in all the fun B's of the holiday: BBQ, drinking Beer, and Blowing shit up! This year, actually, will be much more tame than years past since our friends who host have moved to a different neighborhood and their new home is not as conducive to TNT. Probably just as well: It was likely that sooner or later Jerry was gonna lose a thumb in a fireworks' explosion.
Hope everyone is enjoying their holiday weekend! Be safe -- don't blow your own thumbs off -- but have fun (i.e., get plenty of those other two B's in!)!
Friday, July 02, 2010
Welcoming the Long Weekend
I don't know what was wrong -- I'd had the same breakfast I always do and, sure, it was hot but no hotter than usual -- but I felt so nauseous that I had to walk for a bit. And for just a few seconds, I actually thought I might upchuck. Thankfully, the walking helped, my tummy righted itself and I resumed running, but I decided to just stick with 3 miles instead of adding the extra mile.
I ran the rest of the way just fine, no stomach retaliation, so I don't know what the dealio was.
On the plus side, when I got home, Jerry had made muffins with fresh strawberries! He's an excellent house husband.
Thursday, July 01, 2010
Still Streakin
So that's how I ended doing my run at 9 pm last night -- after I got home from my night class. Normally, that's not a time I like to run, but I was determined to keep the streak alive, and that ended up being the only available time, and it turned out to be a good run. It was nice running without the running stroller, and while I still wasn't Lightning McQueen out there, I was a bit faster (average pace was 9:58/mile).
This morning's run, however, was a different story. Probably because my legs had had less than 12 hours of turn around time, and just the toll the heat and, perhaps, the streak are taking on me, I was wiped out. And while I still managed to eek out a full 3 miler, it was extremely slow and tough.
But as has been the theme as of late: Even a slow, hard run is better than no run at all. So, another run down in the books. 12 days done. 9 to go.