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Monday, May 19, 2008

Colfax Half Report

Hey homies! I'm back! Well, physically, anyway. I got into Ft Lauderdale at 12:15 am this morning, got in bed by 1 am, and was back up at 6 am in order to get to school this morning, so I'm a bit sleepy, but I am back to hot, humid, and now smoky, Florida. So, I only have 15 minutes before my first class this morning, and I'm gonna try to fly through a brief race report. Here goes:

The race was great! The weather was perfect in Denver yesterday morning -- it was about 50 degrees at the 6 am start time, and while that's chilly for standing around, it is absolutely glorious for running. In short, the run was swawesome: Seriously, I loved breathing that crisp, dry Colorado air, and I felt absolutely no effects from the elevation. After all, Denver is only at 5,280 feet, and while that is certainly a climb from Sea Level here in Florida, I grew up in Colorado at 8,000 feet, so to me, Denver is not at a high altitude. Anyway, if it did affect me, the effect was counter-balanced by the easy-to-breathe air and I felt wonderful while I ran.

I was a bit too conservative with my pace in the first 5-6 miles, but then I started to pick it up and the second half of the race was slightly speedier. And all in all, I don't think I've had a half that felt so good. Literally, at the 11 and 12 mile markers, I felt like I could run for forever, and I haven't previously felt like that at the end of a half. So, while my time wasn't a PR (though I came very close to tying my A1A PR), I finished the race feeling the best I've ever felt at the end of a long race.

1: 10:06
2: 10:16
3: 10:02
4: 9:52
5: 9:53
6: 10:34 (walked while I took my first Shot Blok and drank some water)
7: 9:46
8: 9:38
9: 8:45
10: 9:22
11: 10:21 (walked again while I ate my other Shot Blok and drank teh rest of my water)
12: 9:56
13: 9:23
.26 (yes, some significant swerving, I guess): 2:10

Total Time: 2:10:05

I felt awesome as I came through the finish chute, got my medal, etc, and met up with some of my family who had come out to see me finish. I really enjoyed the race, and would certainly recommend it.

And for those of you living and running in CO? You guys have a sweet situation there. That air is so great to breathe; I would trade this hot, thick FL air for those CO temps and dryness in a heartbeat.


Anonymous said...

Dang - rock on with your running self. I think you could consider taht a "rarified air" PR!.

Kevin said...

Way to go on a great race. You ran the second half faster then the first. Looks like you should be able to easily PR your next half with what you learned from this race

Anonymous said...

Nicely done! Glad to hear you felt great during the race, there is nothing better than that. I am sure a PR is in the near future.

The 311 Boys Mom said...


Marcy said...

Welcome back Mommacita! Glad that you're home :-) AWESOME job on the race!! I love those kinds of runs/races. When you feel awesome during the whole thing. Sweet!

L*I*S*A said...

Great job...excellent finish time!!

chia said...

My word verification is one letter off from "panty."

Welcome home!! Great job!

Brianna said...

Feeling strong at the end of a half is even better than scoring a PR. Congrats on finding your groove and sticking with it to the end!

It is good to try runs outside our home territory once and a while. Glad it was such a positive experience for you!

Unknown said...

Woooohooooo!! WTG !!!! Great report. I know exactly what you mean about the Colorado air. I agree with you 110%. That is one thing I truly miss the most. The interesting part is that a typical runner's lung works twice as hard to get more oxygen compared to a runner at the sea level. Don't you realized it's hard to sweat in Colorado with the cool and dry air. Hat off to you for a terrific race!

Ian said...

Congrats Jess! I'm glad you enjoyed running in Denver.

Meg said...

Congratulations! I'd love to finish a half marathon feeling that good!
Following up on chia's remark, my verification was a rearrangement of "sexy."

Wes said...

Nicely done! Feeling like you could run forever is what it's all about :-) IMHO!! Have a great day! Get some rest soon :-)

TonyP said...

Congrats ! Great, great, great job.

Stuart said...

Hey look at you travleing the country to run races, nice job!

J~Mom said...

Great job!! Looks like you really nailed your pace! Every now and then when it rains we get to run in clean air around here! Congrats!!

Nancy said...

Holy smoking professors! Look at some of those splits and you felt great at the end. That sounds dreamy. Glad you got to do this and see some fam. Hope it was good all around.

Take care!!

P.O.M. said...

My best friend lives in Denver and she really wants me to come there for a race. But I can't deal with the altitude at all. Everytime I visit her I am sick for the entire first day. But I live at Sea level, so maybe that's why.

Great job!!!!

Mary Gee said...

You rock sister. I kept worrying about the "heat" - but then I remembered that you are accustomed to FL. For us Coloradans, this is the first "hot" weather we have had this year.

Way to rock it. Sorry I missed you.

Debbie said...

Great job!! Sounds like you had a blast!

Lord, I want to be whole said...

I stumbled across your blog by looking up how many days it took to form a habit! I found my answer and I found your blog!

Keep up the good work, its very inspiring...I'm going to start walking first, then move up to a slow job, maybe one day I'll run!

Laura N said...

Congrats, Jess! I'm so glad you had a fabulous race.

Paul said...

Kick a$$! Better you than me in Denver. Glad to hear it went swawesome!

sunshine said...

Whoo hoo! Great job on the half!

(Loved your packing check list. Seriously, if I forget underwear no biggie. But god forbid if I forget my extra pair of running socks...!)

Viv said...

Congratulations, Jess! Feeling great at mile 11 is totally something I can appreciate.

You are such a bad azz! Get some rest. That was a late flight followed with an early wake up call.

teacherwoman said...

Nice job on the Half marathon! Sounds like you had great conditions for it! welcome back...

Crissy Rae said...

Nice job there! Sounds like you enjoyed your run immensely, which has got to be a nice change from the hellish FL conditions. Hope you got some good visiting time in there, too.

Unknown said...

Nice job!

And I agree, Colorado has beautiful fresh crisp air. I get to run there when I visit the inlaws.

New Mexico isn't bad either, but Colorado is more scenic. Or maybe it's just nice to be somewhere other than home. LOL

sRod said...

Great job Jess! Not too shabby considering how you felt before leaving.

Also, I can't believe you put "only" in front of "5,280 feet." What is wrong with you?

Junie B said...


You just raised the bar for me Jess...I'm comin' to get ya :o)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the half! It's nice to finish a race feeling good. I would love to visit the Colorado area.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a lot of fun. Nice job on the race.

Midwest said...

Good for you! Sounds like you had fun.

keith said...

You did great at altitude! All the real badasses run well in Colorado!

Way to go, Jess!

E said...

Awesome job!

Mendy said...

Great job, Chica! You did swawesome and finishing while feeling great totally rocks more than PR's sometimes. Glad you had a great race, Jess.

MNFirefly said...

You did awesome! I have been told by other running coaches to accumate for 3 days before doing a race. I have yet to experience running in my old "hometown" downstate from Denver.

Aron said...

great job on the race!!!