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Friday, February 22, 2008

Leaving on a Jet Plane

Last night, between laundry and packing, I did sneak a short run in. I just did 2 miles, and I didn't even take the Garmin along. I probably could have squeezed something longer in, but I was feeling rushed, and frankly, a little stressed, yet I felt like I had to run -- just to remind the legs of what their job is, even though they've had a relaxed week.

The 2 miler felt good, and all things seem to have recovered easily from Sunday's half.

I also did manage to get all my laundry done (hubby is on his own with his hamper) and got myself packed for the weekend. I'm pretty sure I over-packed, just because I don't know exactly what I'll wear and I need choices; plus, I did pack the running stuff, just in case.

I've been feeling so tired lately that if I sit down for too long, I just dose off. Such was the case last night for about an hour -- laid down on the bed to read some and before I knew it, Jerry was standing over me asking if I was finished packing (I was not). Spring break is a week away for me, and my big plans for the week off? I think I'm gonna sleep that entire time!

But for now, there's no rest for the wicked! I'm off this afternoon for the bitter northland for a weekend of fun! Should be good times.


Wes said...

I hear the make some good local beer up that way. You have fun and be safe :-)

David said...

Travel safe! See you when you get back, and we're hoping for some good stories and pics.

Elizabeth said...

OMG, that is cold up there. COLD, I tell you. I hope you don't turn into a frozen fish stick.

Anonymous said...

Have a great trip and stay warm!

TonyP said...

It is cold in the north...we are getting a good bit of snow today. Have a good trip.

Marathoner in Training said...

Well I need to catch up on your past 9 blog entries so here it goes:
#9 Funday Friday - had to wack off 8 or so inches from the dress...How tall are you?
#8 DNF Reflection - I am truely impressed with what you have accomplished over the past year. People like you are a real inspiration to me.
#7 A1A Race Report - Great race, and really nice splits. As for slowing down the last couple of miles, that indicates to me that your pace was just about right on for you. You do not want to have too much left in the tank when you cross the finish line. As for pictures, looking forward to the official pictures. Withhold the comments on the chaffing:)
#6 Prez Day Piecis - Yes I had the day off, but I truely doubt you hate me, just my employeer. Government. I can relate to the stairs being a challange after a long race.
#5 Sense of bliss - I agree with swirling all the ice cream and stuff together rather than chocolate ice cream.
#4 Not ready for the cold - just bundle up and stay inside. I can not imagine it ever being that cold.
#3 I'll be honest - If I drank 8 to 10 beers, you would have to peel me up off the floor, or just sweep me under the rug. I use to be able to drink that much, and even watched the sun rise over the curb a time or two.
#2 Feeling fine - The lunar eclipse was really cool. I was out for my first run during it and kept focusing on it. Do not worry about running in MN, you do not like it cold, you will not bother with it anyways.
#1 Leaving on a Jet Plane - Hope you have a safe and fun trip. Keep warm

Paul said...

tough being a rock star huh? :) be safe out there.

Laura N said...

That 2 miler sounds like just the medicine you needed. Hope you have a great trip. Bring back some pictures so we can live vicariously through you.

chia said...

Safe and happy travels :-)

Viv said...

Keep warm, looking forward to hearing about the great, cold times!

Nancy said...

I mentioned that I won two trips. Guess where the other one is???

Hey have a great time. I hope that tired thing isn't anything. Get some rest.

Anonymous said...

Have a nice trip and don't expose anything while you're up there.

Marcy said...

HAVE FUN JESS!!! We'll miss you :-(

MNFirefly said...

Don't forget to bring the long underwear. It's going to be a cold one this weekend.

Have fun!

J~Mom said...

Have a great trip and try to stay warm!

teacherwoman said...

Enjoy your time in the Midwest! I hope you packed enough layers if you plan on running outdoors! :)

Anonymous said...

Hope you are having a great weekend away.

Mary Gee said...

Have a great weekend.