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Sunday, April 13, 2008

Soccer Sunday

I did get to play soccer this morning, and the chief thing I want to tell you is this: I feel like I just finished a 20 miler. Seriously. My legs are that dead.

To back up a bit, I should first tell you that it is NOT a good idea to stay up until midnight drinking beer when you have to get up at 7 am the next day to play soccer. Clearly, I have to treat the game with the same discipline as a long run or a speedwork session, and drinking 8 beers and cutting myself short on sleep are not good ways to prepare myself to run around for 80-90 minutes. Needless to say, I was a bit...slow...this morning when I got up.

However, out on the field, soccer and I fit together like PB and J -- it was like we'd never had the 10 years apart, and that was glorious. What was not glorious was that about 5 minutes into the game, I realized that no matter how in shape I thought I was, soccer was wearing me out. I played in the midfield, which means I did a lot of running back and forth, and it's not the back and forth that is so bad, it's really the SPRINTING back and forth that makes it hard. I was winded pretty quickly.

But, there were only enough players to play, no subs, so we played for about 40 minutes, took a 10 minute water break, and then went back out for another 40 minutes. In the second half, it started pouring rain, but because there was no lightning, we played on and finished up the game (my team lost -- poop), but while the rain was a pain to play in, it at least made things cooler, which was helpful because I was dying by the end.

Afterward, I was soaked, exhausted, and almost a little sick to my stomach, and when I was sitting down afterward, removing my cleats, socks and shin guards, my legs were wobbly like Bambi's. However, I also had SO much fun! It was great to be playing again and I loved the spirit of the team -- competitive enough to make it fun, but relaxed enough to not make it intimidating. I'll definitely be back next Sunday, and I hope that with each week, I get used to the speed workout.

Now, for the rest of the day? Well, it looks like it will be a rainy one, so I plan on crawling back into bed with my book, and I can't guarantee I'll stay awake.


chia said...

I'm so jealous :-). The soccer people here won't even return my e-mails - I really want to try it out too!! Glad you had fun!

Wes said...

The challenge will be integrating soccer into your regular workouts. I know its hard for me, cause I just want to add it in with no changes :-) Welcome back!! I hope soccer gives you much enjoyment!!

Erin said...

That's so cool! I am glad it was a much better experience than $4 yoga. You will have to let us know once you are in your groove so we can come watch and cheer you on. I am ok with LBF wanting to be a soccer player-just no football or wrestling.

keith said...

that makes me miss the workout aspect of soccer. i kind of like the solitary nature of running better though. perhaps i should kick a ball next time i run.

Marcy said...

Dang maybe I might better do soccer as well. Sounds like a killer, yet awesome workout! I'm all for sports that involve kicking people's shins :P

Viv said...

I am glad you got to play and it was like you were never apart
It looks like a killer workout, but great fun!

Ian said...

Sounds a lot like my first soccer game back after several years away from it. I thought all the running would help me to not get so tired but I was wrong.

In a couple of weeks you'll be doing great.

diana said...

That's awesome! I'm so glad you played and enjoyed it! I felt the same exhaustion after I started playing Ultimate. No matter how many long runs I have done, it's not the same as sprinting on a field.

TonyP said...

I love soccer sunday, especially being a former college player. My 5 year old scored 3 goals in her teams 6-1 victory today ! Awesome !

Anonymous said...

The only way to be in soccer shape is to play and train for soccer. It is a great workout and it will probably help with your running. Glad you had fun, I'm jealous!

J~Mom said...

I played in a parent-child scrimmage last season for my son's team and I couldn't believe the workout. It only took a couple times up and down the field at full speed to leave me fully winded.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun. I would love to play to soccer again.

Unknown said...

Soccer sounds a little like speed work rather than cross training.

sRod said...

You're the umpteenth person I've heard get into soceer. Did I miss a memo?

RunnerGirl said...

Isn't it crazy how you can be totally "in shape" for running, but playing soccer can still kick your butt? Thank goodness my team only plays 40 minutes games, you guys are crazy!

MNFirefly said...

Sounds like fun, Jess.

Nancy said...

Nice work. It's cool to hear you going back to it and being so excited about it. Imagine the shape you will be in after a few sessions.

Crissy Rae said...

Glad you had a good time on the soccer field, sounds like you found a good group to play with. I'm sure, over time, you'll build up your endurance again. Sports sure can kick some butt.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great day out on the field.