Rounding out the Jess and Jer birthday weekend of fun, was a trip to the Miami Metro Zoo today. We spent all day at the zoo, and it was a great time.
Jerry fed the flamingos:

I fed myself:

We happened upon the African Elephants when their trainer was there, and she had them performing tricks for coconuts. So, the elephants were one of my favorite moments from the zoo. Did you know their ears are shaped like the continent of Africa? I never noticed that before, but the trainer pointed it out. Cool.

The giraffes, too, rocked. We bought food for them (we are suckers for any animal-feeding-opportunity: we seriously fed the entire population of Sea World when we were last there) and Jerry and I each took a turn feeding one of the giraffes. Giraffes have the same number of vertebrae (7) that humans do. Whack, right? Here's Jerry on his feeding turn:

In the children's zoo, (where there were way too many children -- I know, I know, zoos are all about kids, but man, kids can sure shriek and wail -- my ears are still ringing) I also fed some sheep and got to pet this pot-bellied pig. He was very wiry.

What I didn't get to pet or feed, but were still top spots at the zoo were the pygmy hippos and the river otters. I think I best relate to otters -- it just seems like it would be so much fun to be an otter! And the pygmy hippos? Well, they're just cute. But I guess not so friendly. We learned that while their trainer was feeding them peanuts. Jerry and I seem to have good luck in our timing to exhibits because we never plan it, but we always come upon feeding times or trainer talks.
Because Miami is a tropical environment, the zoo's animals were entirely from the southern hemisphere, so it was a different zoo experience than some other zoos. And in all, we had a great time walking around and watching the animals. It was a warm day, but with some partial cloudiness and a steady breeze, it was actually quite pleasant; plus, they have some misting stations throughout the zoo, which helped us cool off as well.
But after a day of walking around (our zoo map told us that walking the entire zoo would measure up to 3 miles) under the sun, we are both ready for a quiet, relaxing evening. I think we may watch "Juno" (a b-day gift) or "Atonement" (Netflix arrival). So, I hope everyone else had a fabulous weekend -- between our beach day, our concert, and our zoo-sperience we have had a wonderful b-day weekend!
Why yes, children do shriek and my house...all day long. LOL Looks like fun!
Maybe you didn't get Jess Week, but you at least got Jess Weekend!
I have two tales from the gym that I felt the need to tell you after reading this post...
1.) Shrieking Children: There was a child running around the cafe at the gym just hitting random strangers. No mother to be seen. My buddy Jen asked "doesn't that make you want to have a few kids?" My response: "Ya, so my kid can kick that little shit's ass while I shove his mother's head down the nearest shit recepticle."
Mom = The muscular chick sitting 2 feet behind me. Oye.
2.) Was in the sauna, relaxing as most people do, when this random women started discussing religion. They looked at me and asked what church I go to. I told them I practice Jessianity. My congregation meets at the pub. Daily.
Naked people should not talk to me. Ever.
Wow, was there a fence between you and that elephant? I hope so. It looked so fun! I think I should go when I get back.
They only wail when they're somebody elses, when they're your own you can tune it out!
Glad you had a jesserific jessend!
Last time I went to the Atlanta Zoo, the giraffes were doing the hippity dippity. Yea, that was an awkward moment :-)
What a great way to end your weekend. I am a sucker for zoos myself so the pics were especially enjoyable.
In my home town, out biggest exhibit is the Penguin enclosure. It never struck me before that it said something about the local climate! DOH!
Chimps and wolves are my favourite, though. :)
Sounds like you had a great birthday weekend! Wahoo! :)
You definitely wouldn't see some of those animals in a ND zoo ... and vice versa!
Metro Zoo is the best! It shames every other zoo that I've been to.
Looks like it was a blast.
I love zoos and can't believe we haven't hit the Miami one up yet. Good thing you previewed it so I can convince Ryan we need to go (once LBF is here of course).
Looks like a good time. I am a sucker for animals.
Sounds like a great weekend!
loved the pictures!!
loved Juno.
lottsa love.
What a great weekend! We love zoos, and yes, they are definitely clogged with kids and families, 'cause what else are we gonna do with the ankle biters on nice days?
We used to be able to feed the giraffes at our zoo (they stopped it for the animals' health, I guess), and when Sophie was 4 she put a cracker in her mouth and the giraffe took it from her and it was like Sophie got a kiss from the giraffe. It was a brave thing for her to do and was so hysterical. She did it several more times and it was funny every time.
I love elephants. They had a baby at the Indy zoo when we were there on spring break, and we got to see her nursing from big mama elephant. Too precious.
Looks like you a stellar weekend! I was looking for a mommy-daughter activity for this weekend ... maybe we'll do the zoo.
Yeah, kids can be awfully loud ... especially when they're tearing around your house. Ah, the joys of kicking them outside!
I don't let my own tear around like that in public though ... And when I see other kids doing it, I always end up saying something like Chia described and getting myself in trouble.
I've always wanted to feed the giraffes - I'm jealous!
Oy, I hear you about the kids. Having my own wail is bad enough LOL Imagine it being in the confines of your own house. Totally sucks. Ahhh the things we do to pass on our DNA :P
Looks like a REALLY fun time ;D ;D
So glad I found your blog! I need to get my butt running again! :)
You cracked me up. Jer was feeding the animals and you were feeding yourself. Way to go !!!
Sounds like you had a great weekend :)
Gotta love feeding the animals (including the humans) while at the zoo.
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