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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Recovery 3

It was the perfect evening for a run -- nice and cool temps -- and even though it's hard to get motivated to run at 9 pm after a long day at work, it was a good idea to get out there. The legs were still sore, but as I ran, they loosened up, and were feeling much better by the end; the splits definitely reflect that:

1: 10:23
2: 10:07
3: 9:39

Total Time: 30:10

Afterward I stretched, but I can already feel the muscles starting to stiffen up again. At this rate, by the time my legs feel back to normal, it will be soccer Sunday again.


J~Mom said...

Glad it helped if only for a little while. I bet the next round of soccer and recovery will be easier.

TonyP said...

Ok, so you'll be ready for soccer sunday !

It is always tough to hit the road after a long day...I'm usually hanging on to stay away at 9:00 PM. Very nice run and well done in picking up the pace as you got into it.

Wes said...

You don't have a bike do ya? A short ride always makes my legs feel better. Actually, the best is swimming, but we won't go there :-) I'm sure your running will pay big dividends on the soccer field, and vice a versa!

Anonymous said...

sounds like a good run.
Maybe soak in espon salt or do yoga - it might loosen you up.

chia said...

Good luck next weekend! You'll feel great!

Unknown said...

I know what you mean. I ran yesterday with sore legs, they also felt better during the run, but now I am walking like I just rode a horse or something. hahaha.

That is a great run! You are fast!

keith said...

You're just using muscles you haven't used lately...It'll get better as you do it more.

Jess said...

nice job on the run even though it was late and you're still stiff. I'm sure next Sunday will be a little bit easier on the body.

Iron Jayhawk said...

Keep it up, Jess. Soccer Sundays will be second nature before you know it. I always find that swimming is the best remedy for sore muscles with me...no impact and you get to splash around for a bit. Pure relief!

Viv said...

Great run! Glad they losend up a bit. Maybe next Sunday it won't be as bad.