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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Productive "Sick" Day

It was a busy day off, but I got everything on my list done:
  • finish laundry? check. even washed all the bedding -- deserves a double check!
  • finish reading papers? ch-check.
  • play with Scooter? of course, check.
  • complete returns and exchanges? check.
  • buy hubby's v-day gift? check. even picked up my brother's b-day gift and mailed it off as well -- another double check!
  • pick up around the house? check.
  • complete scheduled run? check: 3 miles (9:24, 9:09, 9:07 -- total time: 27:41).

Plus, after being so busy at home and at work for the past 6 weeks, it was nice to have a day all to myself. And now, I'm sitting back and chillaxin' ("chilling" + "relaxing") while the hubby prepares our Valentine's dinner. Ahhhh, it was a nice day...


Agate Lake Girl said...

Sounds glorious. I am looking forward to that kind of day on Monday... thank you Mr. Presidents for the three day weekend.

teacherwoman said...

Nice job! Way to make the most of a "sick" day! :)

Erin said...

On your next sick day, can you tackle my list of chores? That's a pretty darn productive day. Way to go Jess!

Margo said...

Good for you! I'm dreading the thought of all the work I've got waiting for me once I get back home - and I won't be able to take a sick day to catch up!

Anonymous said...

Reason and logic aren't always the best options. A productive "sick" day I am sure is better than an unproductive work day.

Wes said...

Chillaxin!You are so good with words!! You should be a teacher ;-)

MN Mom said...

Check check!

MNFirefly said...

Well, at the day was productive

Nancy said...

Totally jealous of the chillaxin

chia said...

It's funny when you take up sport as hobby how illin' days turn into "training and catching up on household" days.

I'll add that to the "you know you're a runner when" list.

Marcy said...

See, you totally did work even if you weren't there ;-)

Unknown said...

Way to make the day worth it. I love checking things off my list. :)

Viv said...

Super productive! Awesome on getting everything done, now you can really enjoy the weekend!

Jess said...

Sounds like a great day off! Awesome job on the run!

J~Mom said...

I love days like that! I got my counter organized today and I am happy about that much!

Mendy said...

Sounds very productive! I love those kinds of days.