In the dream, I was running Chicago again, but I was running the half (which, I know -- there is no half). So, because of what happened last year, race directors had decided to start the race at sundown to guarantee more pleasant temps, so the race wasn't gonna start until 8 pm instead of 8 am. I get to the race early, of course, and am standing around with the other races when rumors start spreading through the crowd that the race will be delayed.
Upon further investigation, we learn that a mountain lion has escaped from Lincoln Park Zoo and race officials are worried that runners will be attacked by the puma while running through that part of the race course. Everyone starts freaking out and it's mass chaos. Soon, we see a zebra run by and shortly afterward, other zoo animals start walking or running by us, so everyone is screaming and running.
What is my dream-logic? I decide that since I'm gonna be running from zoo animals anyway, I may as well log 13.1 miles so I start to run the course. It's dark, animals abound (in a distinct part of the dream, I am running alongside a camel), racers are in a panic, and here I am trotting along the streets of Chicago running my "half."
I woke up before the dream went any further, but that's a weird one. Wonder where that came from? Can anyone offer some kind of dream interpretation?
Maybe you are just bat-shit crazy.
Either :
A. Your real calling in life is that of a zoo keeper.
B. All of your future races/events should be run to raise money for PETA.
C. All of your future races/events should involve you running with some sort of animal.
D. You are destined to travel the world freeing all zoo animals.
Way to keep cool in the dream, I bet you would have won if it had played out to the finish!
My interpretation? Chicago was a clusterf@#$ and your subconscious wanted you to remember that.
What does the zoo and wild animals mean to you? First thoughts or words? I've always heard that dream interpretation means that you take whatever you are dreaming about, ask yourself what that object or person makes you think about (say wild animals means freedom and unleashing their power). You are actually dreaming about that part of yourself, whatever the wild animals represent. In my example the wild, free part of you unleashing your power was running in Chicago again! :D
That'll be $35. ;^)
I like Anthony's suggestions, however I have a simple solution to what your dream represents. Yestruday you were looking for races to run and now you have a dream about wild Zoo animals. This is simple, I am suprised that you did not figure this one out. You are going to be running in the Expedition Everest Challenge at the Disney Animal Kingdom on Sept 27th from 7PM to 9:30PM. See running at night with zoo animals. This one is for you.
I don't think you should drink beer and watch Madagascar at the same time.
Lay off the 'shrooms before bedtime!
I'll bet you weren't really running "from" any animals along the course, either. Almost across traffic? I dream weird shiz like that, too. I start to wonder, "Why the hell am I even running, if I'm not running from anything?"
I doubt I could offer a rea interp, but perhaps you just want to redeem the disappointment from the chaos of Chicago, no matter how over-the-top rediculous it may seem to others.
i read on a dream site that camels can represent 2 things:
1. the ability to persevere through tough conditions (ie: the desert)
2. pregnancy
the camel is a direct reference to the water situation at the real race. you wish you were more like a camel because you would have gone longer without water. the rumor of the mountain lion (and not actually seeing one) is interesting - especially since you were just trotting along and not screaming with everyone else. how is your relationship with your mother?
That's crazy! I think you are still disappointed (rightfully so) in the chaos that happened and it was your way of running no matter what, even if it was a half instead. Which, that could have something to do with you pondering your half race schedule. Pretty cool pic, too.
did you happen to eat spicy food last night? i seem to have weird dreams when i eat spicy food.
Ok what did you watch before going to bed? Usually my dreams have a lot to do with what I watch on tv that day or anything that has happened during the day.
while i like ryan's reasoning because it's funny,
i think it's a sign you need to get out and run in NATURE. on trails.
I love all these responses to what your dream meant. It's certainly a memorable one. And so detailed. I'm glad you didn't dream that you got eaten by the puma. That would be a bummer. =)
ROFLMAO at J-Mom's interpretation!
Those dreams are way to vivid and scary. What did you eat before you went to bed?
Running with a camel = Hump faster.
Yup, it's a sex dream.
I knew it!
Wht kind of crack are you on? I actually looked up what its means to dream about zebras, mountain lions, and camels... here's what I found....
Camel: To see a camel in your dream, denotes that you need to be more conservative; you are carrying too many problems on your shoulders. You tend to hold on and cling on to your emotions instead of expressing and releasing them. You need to learn to forgive and forget. Alternatively, it represents you potential for handling big problems, responsibilities, and burdens.
Zebra: To see a zebra in your dream, represents perfect balance, unity, harmony, and the attraction of opposites. Alternatively, it signifies that you are spending too much time in trivial and varying matters You need to establish a mindset and lay your groundwork for some solid stability.
Mountain Lion: To see a mountain lion in your dream, represents lurking danger, aggression and raw emotions. You need to keep your attitude and emotions in check. Alternatively, mountain lions symbolize pride and grace.
I also think you need to determine what that means to you!
I think it is telling you to go for Chicago again.
Still trying to interpret "run from stray pussy."
That's a bizarre one alright. I've had some interesting ones lately myself (not sure if it's the pregnancy or my annoying student). This one wasn't bizarre, but last night I dreamed they gave me 8 more students and that they were high schoolers!
Way to go Jesse! I say great job at diong what you love or enjoy doing! You may wish to check out my new book called "21 Days To Creating Your Dream Life" and takes you through some thought provoking exercises as well as how to make change for you not against you. Please visit http://www.stephenmark.com or search on amazon.com
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