I'm back in the Sunshine State! My flight arrived late last night, and by the time I got home and to bed, it was 1 am (needless to say, 7 am came around a little too soon for my taste this morning). But I promised some details about the bachelorette party, so here they are:
The bride, my friend Michelle, lives in a small town just north of Brainerd, MN, so one would have to make a pretty serious drive to get to a strip club; instead, we got together (sans strippers) first for cocktails, appetizers, gifts, and a few games, and then we hit the bars. Pictured below is the group of ladies. I'm on the right holding up the devil horns and sportin' a dangerously low cut dress.

Here's Michelle and I.

So, to make the bar-hopping a bit more interesting, Michelle's sister, Laura, had devised a scavenger hunt, and we were each supposed to carry out a series of rather embarassing tasks. First up, I had to find a bald guy and kiss him on the head, but you know me, I always have to take things one step further.

I also got a piggyback ride from a guy, stuck my finger up my nose, asked single men for condoms, and even had a stranger write on my ass (I do have a picture of that but it is rather unflattering, so you'll have to settle for a nose-picking pic).

In the end, we had a good time, drank just the right amount, danced up a storm and had some good laughs. It was nothing but good, good times.
And like I said, I returned home late last night, and one of the best parts about traveling anywhere is the homecoming, especially when I've got a husband who must be trying to win some kind of spouse-of-the-year-award because I came home to fresh flowers and a gift (the movie that we both enjoyed last week).

Today, I was pretty tired, but I had class to teach and when I got home, chores to get to. I may or may not squeeze a run in this evening. I'll let you know if I do; otherwise, peace out.
Great pics! Glad you had a good time and a safe trip home :-) Kudos to hubby too!!
Whooaa WHoooa Whoooaaa, you left the man home? Sweetness! That's 2 thumbs up right there ;-)
Looks like a most swexellent time. Damn I'm always up for licking some bald dude's head (I mean up top, for the pervs :P)
Sound like a great Northern MN time! And Jerry really is trying to make the rest of the hubbies look bad. Jon will be forced to have a talk with him soon! :)
I love the bald guy-licking picture - that's classic!!!
What great times! The hubby is so swemantic(sweet & romantic)thought I would try. The hamming it up in bars is so much betta than the strippers.
Whoa!! What did that dude's head taste like? LOL Looks like a fun time!
Looks like you had a great time; the pics are hilarious!
Sounds like a fun quick trip up north! And you were able to get in a couple runs, bravo to you!
Your hubby is the best! High five to him!
P..A..R..T..Y !!
What no dancing on the tables?!?
Nice! I think my bachelorette pictures from Bemidji look rather similar. I was hoping to see one of Michelle making a scene but we will have to settle for the bald head lick ;) Glad you had a good time.
Great pics. Welcome back to the warm weather.
Um, you and Jerry can "discuss" the pic of some dude signing your butt, and we'll stick with the gold miner pose.
Looks like you had a blast, and a great weekend, but I'm sure it's nice to thaw out now back on FL. Glad you made it back okay!
And leave it to OG McG to drag all our minds down into the gutter.
spouse of the year? he must have been reading my blog!
OMG that baldy licking picture is my favorite of the year so far. I'm also dying at Marcy's comment.
Glad you had a fun time. Nice hubby!
WOW! It must have been really, really cold up there in Brainerd. Much worse than the Cities. Sounds like an awesome weekend!
The look on baldie's face is seriously priceless. You made that man's century :-).
So fun!!!
Woo Hoo, Jess, looks like a blast with all the girls. I so want to be at a party with you one day. You would be a hoot to hang out with! I'm glad your safely home and back in your nice weather!
Aww! Love the flowers! He missed you!
Hey you did not turn into a frozen fish stick - right on.
Partaayyyy looks fun!
Glad you had a great weekend, I will withhold comments on the pictures. I will just say that they are classic.
Your trip sounds like it was so much fun. As always, love the pics!
And clearly you have your husband well-trained!
Great dress!
The pictures say it all! Glad you had a blast.
I love those scavenger hunt bachelorette parties. It looks like you had so much fun, and what a great dress you were wearing. We were out one night, back in the day, with friends and girls at a party needed the undies of a guy in the bar. Our friend gave his up for the cause, and they were green silk boxers. I'll never forget how we laughed and laughed at him. He just didn't seem the type for silk boxers.
Your hub is the bomb!
OMGosh! It looks like you had so much fun! Glad to hear you got some good runs in while you were there, too. Sometimes that crisp air is just what you need :)
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