Actually, I have had pretty full classes today and yesterday -- despite the "inclement" weather. I've really only been missing a few students out of each class, which is pretty much par for any given day of the week, day or night class. However, this rain the past two days has created quite a tizzy, which is weird, since South Florida is a sub-tropical climate and we get rain on a daily basis for 6 months of the year.
But because it's February and not June, suddenly, no one knows how to drive or venture out into the downpour. One student, who just stopped in my office, said: "I braved the elements to be here"!
I bet everyone who is getting pounded by snow, sleet, and cold temps appreciates that! Maybe later, I too will "brave the elements" and get my run in for the day. Might be hard. It's tempting to just go home, put on a kettle of tea, and watch movies all afternoon -- it is pouring out there.
People are big babies in Indiana right now, too. They cancel school if a few snowflakes fall. They wouldn't last a day in Minnesota...
People in Atlanta don't know how to drive in bad weather either. God help us if we get a little rain or snow. The world stops :-)
yeah. thanks for qualifying about your elements versus some of ours. :) Cool pic of the lightning! Nice to know your students "braved the elements" to go to class.
People here (including me) don't know how to handle any change in weather at all. We get moody if we don't see the sun for 24 hours. LOL
I bet you're a pro though (driving in nastiness), especially since you came from up north, right? :-)
We are still getting hammered here in NY with rain (first snow, then sleet and ice, now rain). Flooding has become a big issue.
Kids these days...
I was just thinking how nice it will be to run in a summer downpour.
Sometimes I love running in the rain, but no lightning!
LMAO at student who braved to be there! Running in the rain is fun for me as long as it's not cold or lightning like in the pic.
The movies, tea, pj's, hair in a ponytail,socks,tea, and a blanky and tea do sound toasty though. I think I adlibed a bit there.
If thats the new definition of braving the elements, I brave the elements daily (sometimes twice) when I take a shower.
I don't know what they'd call it when I run 6 miles around the skating rink that currently is Lexington, Kentucky.
but running in a downpour is half the fun. I think part of the problem is the snowbirds not accustomed to the rain since they aren't here the other 6 months.
don't get struck by lightening!
I'm totally jealous reading about people going for runs in nice weather this time of year. Though to be honest I hate running in the heat more than in freezing temperatures, so I'm trying to remember that I won't be jealous in June! :)
I heard about this storm. Scary lightning!
I think God was busy making a statement in Brazil. Lightning struck a famous statue of Jesus on top of mountain near Rio, I think. You'll have to search for photos if you haven't seen them on the news already. (At least I think it was Brazil, this pregnancy brain drain makes me suspicious of any and all thoughts I have...)
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