Well, it's like a feeding frenzy between publishers and their reps around here lately, and yesterday, one of the publishers hosted a book fair/luncheon in our department and was raffling off prizes. And, well, I'm sure you can guess that I won one of the raffle prizes -- the shuffle!
Now, my husband is against iProducts like Amy Winehouse is against rehab, but he has to accept the fact that I won one, and now I can finally have the iProduct I've been dreaming of. Granted, this kinda sucks because I will need to download iTunes and re-buy or re-download much of my music, but I'm so excited to use this little puppy. It's so pretty, isn't it?
Very.cool! iTunes may be able to import most of your old music.
i get like 7 emails a day telling me i won an iPod. but you ACTUALLY DID! congrats! i love my little shuffle--clip in anywhere!
Lo and behold, I am huge fan of Apple products. I have iMac and I have iPod touch. I love it. You are going to love it. I would highly recommend you to use www.limewire.com. You can download your favorite sounds from limewire to iTunes. (and its legal!)
*When I was in Amsterdam, the Netherlands last fall, I was appalled to see almost every Amsterdammers using iPod.*
Fuckin Apple.
I agree, Apple is total Shit!
I was hoping to somehow justify buying a small "audio motivational device" to use on long runs. You'll have to let us know if it works and if it's worth it!
Sweeeettt! I think it's adorable. Like the color! I've enjoyed my ipod, and haven't had any issues with it. Congrats on winning it!
those things are da bomb! I got one for Christmas to replace my iPod mini. THE best! Just clip it on and run.
I just upgraded to the nano from a shuffle. I love all things Apple, so phewy to the haters. Also, I was able to put all my old music on my ipod, no problem.
I have my beef with apple, but find their computers to be much easier to use with much fewer problems, and I can't (won't?) ditch my iPod nano because of the Nike+ Run feature. I don't have the cash to shell out for a Garmin to track distance/pace, etc... and since I already had the nano, it was only a $30 upgrade for the Nike+ set. And I didn't buy nike shoes, but rather used a DIY tutorial on putting it into the sole of the shoe you already have. And honestly it makes me run more and push myself harder knowing that there's a record of my run.
Enjoy it! It is pretty too!
You should have absolutely no problem transfering your music to iTunes. None. At. All.
i love me some iProducts and you will too.
oh and i LOOOOOOOVE me some Amy Winehouse too. Definitely DOWNLOAD that CD!!
I love my shuffle for running! Congrats!
Good for you! That should be really handy for you, and no more MP3 player issues like you were having. Hope nobody in your house sabotages it... (hide it well!)
I think it looks like a turd.
oh you will love the Shuffle! i'm surprised how much music they actually hold. and i have downloaded music from multiple places - it's pretty user-friendly.
it's very pretty. and i happen to love my shuffle. i think you are going to truly enjoy it. :)
hmmm. I wonder who is leaving the anti-Apple comments...can't imagine. The shuffle is great and you should be able to convert most of your music, or you can go through the task of burning to a CD and then reimporting. Then you have the CDs for the car - I think you had a CD player...
if you have a PC download media monkey. It's a far better program and you can use your existing music collection.
I got a shuffle free and have to say that I hate iTunes but love my shuffle. It's great to run with and easy to operate.
My hub's company sells an alternative to iTunes that you might like better, especially if hubby is not an ifan. :D Do you have your music ripped already?
Congrads, Jess!
Let me know if you need any music - congrats on your new toy :-)
You'll love it, and your running will never be the same!
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