The book? "The Geography of Bliss" by Eric Weiner. It's an interesting exploration of different ideas of happiness in different countries. The writer manages to make the subject both insightful and humorous, so I'm enjoying it.
The ice cream? Vanilla with chocolate syrup. A classic combination. I like to mix it all together in my bowl and make it a chocolately, soupy concoction, yet I'm not so keen on plain chocolate ice cream. Am I alone on this?
Either way, my method of ice cream consumption makes me happy -- and if you can find bliss in a small bowl of soupy ice cream, the book I'm reading suggests that's brilliant.
I agree with the book :-) Just throw a brownie in there at the bottom :-D
Chocolate syrup and ice cream=good. Purposely making it a soupy mess=not good.
I used to do that with my ice cream.....when I was like seven! Perhaps this is where the secret to bliss lies.
I usually spoon off the chocolate/caramel first and then get to the bulk of the ice cream.
Ahhhhhhhh, the pleasure in little things :-)
I used to get in trouble for mixing my ice cream like that and making it into a concoction. I think I do it now because I can.
Yes, you are alone on not liking chocolate ice cream. I can't imagine! (although I'm pretty sure I'd eat trash as long as the words 'ice cream' appeared on the label)
You are missing malted milk in the soupy concoction. That's how I like to mix mine up.
I need that book, thanks for the recommendation!
OMG. That is exactly the way my sister eats her ice cream. Vanilla with a dab of chocolate syrup, in the microwave for 10-15 seconds, stir stir stir ... and eat the sloppy mess! :) Craziness.
Mmm...top it off with a thin mint and it sounds perfect.
Ice cream and a book, sounds like the perfect night!
What a great realxing night. Good choice on delaying the run, and recovering via ice cream. yummy! The book sounds like a great feel good book.
I'm fond of a coffee ice cream in a coffe cup. I'm weird that way. But I think anyone who hasn't found their own 'perfect' ice cream concoction, hasn't lived. :)
Ice cream with a good book is a great option.
I do the EXACT same thing.
If I could eat ice cream every day, I would eat it any way. Wait, that sounds like Seuss!
throw in some chunky peanut butter in the ice cream mix and THAT is the best!
That's the way we eat our ice cream here, too. For some reason the mixture of vanilla and chocolate sauce is way better than just plain old chocolate :P
You kicked some butt on that half! You are going to break a 2 hour 1/2 in no time :)
oooh...i need to get that book!
i HATE when my ice cream gets soft, which is why i hate places like coldstone.
but i agree with you on the ixnay on chocolate ice cream. blech.
I'm not that big on ice cream - at least it isn't one of my major temptations, but I do like it this way.
Scoop into a glass and pour some mile over. Let it sit so the milk freezes, then gently mix. No malt powder and don't try to make it smoothe. I love the little milk crystals. MMMmmmm...
Hope you enjoyed your respite.
You're not alone on the chocolate/vanilla soup. It's the best way to eat it!
He he he, his name is weiner.
Man, ice cream in bed sounds almost as good as other things that are enjoyed in bed (like beer, chips, Twizzlers, etc).
i still do that, too. i always let it melt a little bit. and then i add marshmallow creme and eat it with my hands or smear it on my face.
but i do like to let it melt and stir it up. last night i found bliss in a piece of pecan pie after a hearty steak dinner.
hmmm... I enjoy ice cream every now and then, and when I do - I don't care for chocolate ice cream that much. Don't get me wrong: I LOVE chocolate. So, Yeah I like the vanilla with toppings and the syrup too. Let us know your opinion of the book!
I do the very same thing with my ice cream.
Thanks for the book rec. As for the ice cream, I'm impressed that you were able to get such a good discussion going about how people eat ice cream..perhaps an idea for a book??: "An interesting exploration of the different ways to eat ice cream in different parts of the world." ;)
I still do that with my ice cream! :)
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