I had been suffering from ITBS, but had basically been ignoring it until it became un-ignorable at A1A. The DNF last year was a first for me (and a cold, hard slap of reality about ignoring an injury), and afterward it resulted in taking a long break from running and resuming after nearly 6 weeks away from it. When I think back on this today, I realize how much I have changed, how I am such a different runner.
I feel like I run more consistently than ever now; plus, I run with a greater dedication to a schedule and with a greater knowledge of why I constructed the schedule in that way. I am more consistent with taking the time to stretch and use the foam roller. I run smarter, faster, and more efficiently. True, I'm still not the speediest person out there, but if I look at where I started from and where I am now, there's a huge margin of improvement -- I guess that's what I should see after nearly 3 years of focusing on this running shiz.
So, tomorrow, I know I may not be that fast (Wendy will beat me by a long shot), but I do hope to improve on the half I did 3 weeks ago (but if I don't, I'm not too worried). However, no matter my time, I know I'll run a much better race this year, and while I don't want to label this attempt a "revenge run" because of my failure at last year's race, conquering it will help lay that disappointment over last year's DNF to rest.
You're going to kick serious ass tomorrow regardless of time. It's the act that is honourable, not the duration.
I'll be cheering from afar :-)!
Good luck at A1A!!!
Good luck tomorrow. I had ITBS issues as well and found that the foam roller was the key. Check out the post I did on ITBS about a month ago. It has links to a great foam roller and some video and exercises to help with ITBS.
just reading your blog I totally see the improvement you speak of.. you are a powerhouse now, and you'll do great tomorrow!
Best of luck with A1A..Saying that always makes me think of "Ice Ice Baby" A1A Beachfront Ave.
Anyhow, hope your feeling great for it, and get ya another PR :-)
Good luck tomorrow! :)
Redemption Sunday - good luck Jess!
girl, you have trained yourself into a lean mean running machine! go get em tomorrow!
and tell wendy to stay away from any cacti.
Have a wonderful run! I know you will do great.
Good luck! Run strong and I hope you have no problems during the race.
Good luck tomorrow!
GOOD LUCK LADIES!! Dang, and Wendy is staying over too? Par-tay!! I'm sure you'll both do fabulous ;D
Good luck, Jess! You will rock!
Good luck! It looks like you will have beautiful weather and a nice place to run. Have fun.
Good Luck. I know you are going to do the best you can and have fun running!
Good luck tomorrow! You have really learned a lot in the past year and will do great tomorrow!
Here's to how far you've come with your running! Have a great race!
Have a great race!
This is good to hear ... I am trying to get back into a running schedule and it helps to hear other people are able to bounce back so well after a hiatus.
Nice job on the half - 12 minutes shaved off is pretty sweet!
I've been very impressed with you Jess over the time I've got to know you online. Like you said, you've not only gotten faster, you're consistent and you're running smarter. Kudos.
Now. On to read your report. I know it's got to be great!
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