I'm scurrrred!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Not Ready for the Cold
So, today in South Florida it's a little cloudy and rainy -- cool for FL standards -- and it's 74 degrees. But, this weekend, I am traveling to MN, and I don't think I can accurately prepare myself for the bitch-slap Mother Nature is gonna deliver to me:
If that's not clear to you, that is a picture my stepdad sent me this morning. It's the thermometer at he and my mom's house in Northern MN, and it reads -31.2!!! That's a 100 degree difference.
I'm scurrrred!
I'm scurrrred!
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Ha! Welcome to my personal hell :-). Although, I don't have it nearly as bad as you MN natives :-)!!
Safe travels and enjoy your females!!!
Being in Arizona, where cold is anything below 60, I would be scared too! Are you going to try running outside while you are there?
Wow! Keep all your appendages safe :-)
WOW! You're right...there's no way to prepare for that...you're DOOMED!
Come to Texas instead.
Haha, Jess has to find out what "cold" really means!
Never again will we have to read about your "cold" 60 degree runs.
They must be from up nort.'
Because in St. Paul, it was only -12 this morning. I mean, that's nearly shorts weather!
Hope you have a nice trip to my wonderful state. Bundle up!
btw- this weekend will be in the 30's. Which IS shorts weather.
whenever I am crying about the weather in Chicago, I think of the people north of me and smile...realizing that their misery far outdoes mine :) Good luck in MN, its like the Antartic!
Oh hot damn that is cold! Layers will be your friend up there!
after -10, it's all the same
You should be scared. It's freaking MISERABLE here. Although you're in luck, it's supposed to be in the 30's by this weekend. No doubt you'll see Minnesotans running around in shorts with that kind of tropical heat wave.
Damn. I cannot fathom. Really. we don't have the weather you do in fla, but we don't get that cold either. I like it here, and think I will stay here.
However, I do hope you enjoy your trip. Are you thinking of running in that mess? Sounds like a good time for a break huh?
Ta heck with a whole bunch of that noise! Can planes even land in that kind of cold? Want us to all cough in your direction, so that you "come down with something" and can't go?
I would say have fun, but fun freezes at -2.
What in the world are you going to wear?
Enjoy the cold...I can't stand it !
I hope you've got your bikini packed! :P
You can do it! Remember your long underwear (if you still own some...).
I bet you can't wait! As my dad would say, that's just "sweater weather." At least you get to wear some of those long lost winter clothes that haven't seen the light of day since last December.
better you than me! ;)
when it's that cold it helps to hold your breath. that way you die a lot quicker.
Tell you what! I dare you to go out in your short and short sleeve t-shirt and go for your short run. After a minute of running, you will say "Hey this is nothing!" You might want to get a good picture of yourself for all of us to be amused. You are darn right. Get ready for the bitch slap mother nature has to bring to you. Have phun in Minnesota, the land of thousand flakes!
But you're coming to see me, so it's all worth it!! Besides, today wasn't that cold, school started 2 hours late but we packed up our kids at 6:30 and took them on a trip to the zoo! It was great!
O.M.G. That is freaking cold. I hope you survive!
Love the description of what Mother Nature is preparing for you. There are times at the end of the race when I could use a good bitch slap. (I should make clear that I do not condone bitch slapping on a regular basis)
Ho.Lee. Crap.
That is cold. Lord. Just start layering now.
Ahhh... yes, the hell-frozen-over-Midwest. Sometimes I wonder why I continue to torture myself with living here!
Wow, that is a mutha natur biatch slap! Do you have coats and such? I usually get by here with a hoddie, but -31 is extreme. Try to keep warm!
Just popped in today and smiled (big) when I saw this. We used to live waaaaay up in Northern Minnesota too. (We moved to MN from Tennessee...LOL).
Unfortunately we were transferred some place only a little South so I'm still huddled in an electric blanket from October through April... but it's not a hop, skip and jump from the Canadian border anymore!
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