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Monday, February 18, 2008

Prez Day Pieces

So, the results were officially posted yesterday afternoon for A1A, and my chip time was 2:09:41, so the Garmin was just 4 seconds slower than my chip time. Coolio.

I also scanned the results and found I placed 69th in my age group, yeah, "69" baby! Sorry, that's my inner teenager emerging :)

Today, I'm experiencing the usual aches and pains of post-race soreness, but nothing unusual -- mostly that means that going down stairs sucks -- and I'm sure I'll be right as rain tomorrow. Can't decide if I should do a recovery run today or not though. Usually, I rest the day after a long race, but tomorrow I don't really have time to run, and that means I won't get a run in until Wednesday if I don't do it this evening. What say you folks? Recovery run tonight? Or save it until Wednesday?

After the race yesterday, I did spend several hours grading papers, but I also made sure I got the appropriate afternoon nap in, and in the evening, Jerry and I watch the movie "Stardust": And I have to say, I highly recommend this flick! For those of you who loved "The Princess Bride" growing up, I guarantee you'll like this, and even if you don't like "The Princess Bride" (which is just silly), I think this film is perfect for all audiences: it's got action/adventure, pirates, fencing, love, magic, murderous princes, and humor. Both Jerry and I gave it two thumbs up! And now we both want to read the novel, by Neil Gaiman, that the movie is based on.

I guess that's it for now, my dear bleaders (that's "blog" + "readers"). For those of you who have today, President's Day, off, I hate you -- but, I hope you enjoy the sales; for those who are stuck at work like me, let's petition for this to be a future day off! Why? Because 3 day weekends need to occur on a monthly basis; there needs to be a law. That's my opinion.

Peace out.


Wes said...

I actually prefer a recovery "walk" the day after my races :-) That's good enough for me!! I dunno, its so quiet here in the office :-)

Anonymous said...

Again great job at A1A! Taking two days off from running is no big deal. However, I would recommend some stretching. You have been running like crazy and deserve some time to relax.

Midwest said...

If you liked The Princess Bride, go see Enchanted.

MNFirefly said...

I loved Stardust. We saw it last summer and enjoyed it. Very good movie!

Enjoy some rest today. You can run tommorow.

Nancy said...

It's okay if you hate me. :D

Tri+Umph said...

The other day when teaching I came up with an example off the top of my head. The numbers didn't matter so I just made some up. Yeah the result ended up being '69'. Oops.

I found out who my immature students were, at least!

Mendy said...

I so agree about needing more 3 day weekends. I'd love to be home recovering from my not so nice race this weekend. But, I'm at work too.

I'll have to see that movie. Although, David would pass. I'll have to rent it, I suppose.

Anonymous said...

I love working on campus during holidays. Built-in vacation days. Woot!

Jes said...

Congrats on the race! I really liked the "Stardust" movie as well! I was pleasantly surprised by it. (o:

Junie B said...

I like the 'bleaders' thing. I also used the word 'swawesome' this weekend, yes I did. Like in a sentence and everything and orally, not like in writing.

Anyway, good job on the 1/2, you little fast rabbit you!

I agree. Run Wednesday for goodness sake!

Froyd said...

stardust was really really good, I was impressed.

was it better than shoot 'em up though? That's debateable.

Triseverance said...

Just catching up and wanted to say great job with the Half, Rest until Wed, and I am a big Princess Bride fan.....did I just say that?

Rich said...

Bleaders? Breaders?

David said...

No recovery ice bath? Nice time on that half. You've put in a lot of great work to get that result, and this should be a great year for you.

And I will have to get that movie when it comes out on VHS.


Marcy said...

If you feel like you must do something then do a walk like Wes suggested or do nothing (like I'd do :P) and wait until Wed!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your half! I am sorry you had to work today. I actually have the whole week off as my school district is on mid-winter break :)

miss petite america said...

dude 3 day weekends need to happen EVERY week!

Viv said...

Yep, you will always remember where you placed on A1A. LOL!
Gotta put the Stardust on my list it sounds like it might be inconceivably good.

Mary Gee said...

I am sorry you hate me today, but I hope you will like me again tomorrow. And I hope you get a 3 day weekend soon... AND great job with the race!

Christine said...

I did nothing but go to the bathroom all day the day after my race...haha. I had issues. 69 is a great number to be!

Sarah said...

Oh yeah bang on, I LOVE Princess Bride and I LOVE Stardust.

Jess said...

I know I needed yesterday off like you wouldn't believe....but no sadly I was at work.

Laura N said...

Nice race! Great job.

I loved that movie. We saw it in a hotel over Thanksgiving on pay per view. I was surprised at how good it was.

Hope you have a nice recovery week.

Krista said...

Totally agree on the mandatory 3-day weekends every month. I'd be so much more productive if had that to look forward to.

chia said...

You're so my hero :-).

Here's to three day weekends and full bodied beer! Cheers!

Margo said...

Congrats on a great race!!