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Thursday, August 22, 2013

White Rabbit

Day #233 in my running streak proved eventful.

First of all, I've been running the same 4 mile route everyday this week, and each evening, I've been spying an albino rabbit  near the path.  Tonight, I got his pic.

Actually, if I'd wanted to, I think I could've scooped him up, and he'd have been happy to go home with me.  Clearly, he's a pet.  Or was someone's pet.  I told Jerry that despite the fact that I don't want to bring a white rabbit home, I confess that I've been fretting a bit about his well-being.  It's probably a bad sign I've come to think of him as Harold.

Naming found animals.  Not the path to just letting them be.

After my Harold sighting, I ran on to discover that a stretch of my regular sidewalk was torn up.  Gone.
So, for half a mile, I ran on the road.  Kinda scary in South FL.

Some drivers will slow down and move over, but many, frankly, will not.

I think I'll have to run an alternate path until this construction is finished.  I don't need running to turn into a suicide mission.

Then who would look out for Harold?


MCM Mama said...

Poor Harold!

Yeah, running in the road is a risky business around here too.

Anonymous said...

Are you channeling Grace Slick today?

Elizabeth said...

233 is getting close to 365...just sayin' :)

Agate Lake Girl said...

Is Harold late for a very important date? :)

Addison said...

Hi nice reading your blogg

Gianna said...

It sounds like you are having some interesting encounters on your runs.