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Monday, August 17, 2009

One Week

As of today, Norah is 7 days old, and it's been quite the week! So, a brief rundown:

Norah is doing great. She's had two pediatrician appointments, and she was declared "very cute and very healthy," so now she doesn't have to go back until the one month mark. The pediatrician visit on Saturday was particularly reassuring for Jerry and I because we were beginning to doubt everything we were doing, but the doctor was awesome at telling us how normal all this chaos is and how we're doing a great job on all fronts. I wanted to bend down and kiss his shoes in gratitude.

Breastfeeding is going pretty well. I had a few days of the sorest nipples in the universe, but I'm getting used to it now, and she's feeding like a champ. But we are supplementing with one or two bottles a day just so that I can get a little more rest at night, and so that Jerry can share more in the feeding responsibilities. We felt strangely guilty about this at first, but again, the doctor put our minds to rest by telling us that it's fine to use both the bottle and the breast.

As for myself, I am recovering very well. Each day, I feel better and better. Less soreness, less residual pain. And both yesterday and today, I took Norah for walks in her stroller and it was good for both of us to get out and get some fresh air, and for me, it was awesome to get a little exercise in. On today's walk, I also took Scooter and he did surprisingly well walking with the stroller. I thought he'd be freaked out, but he really wasn't.

Also, on a completely superficial note, I have lost 25 lbs in the past 7 days! (By the end of my pregnancy, I'd gained about 30 lbs overall.) I knew it would come off quickly since most of the weight was baby + placenta + fluids, but I had no idea it would come off this easily. Right now, I'm just 5 lbs from my pre-preggo weight! (And don't think I've been cutting calories. Far from it; I've been eating like a horse!) However, just because the weight is melting away, it doesn't mean I've magically regained my former firmness. That is gonna take some time, and it's weird having a squishy belly, but I know eventually those muscles will be rebuilt.

So, yes, all in all, I can report that things are going well. Jerry returns to work on Wednesday, so once I'm alone all day, I might report a different story, but for now, I feel like things are pretty good around here.

Now, if we could just mix a little more sleep into the equation, I'd probably whistle "zippity-do-da!"


Anonymous said...

Oh - Happy One Week! I hope the next 935 go just as well!

Anonymous said...

A week already! Time flies, watch out. Glad everything is going well.

SavvyFitChica said...

HOLY COW!!! 25 pounds! HELLS YEAH! I could tell you've lost weight in those last pictures, but it must feel great knowing it's that much!

I'm glad your 1st week has been such a success. It may not feel like it, but the tone in your email is so reassuring and calm, I can tell you're settling into your new role quite well!

X-Country2 said...

Happy everything is going well. Congrats, you guys are pros!

Wes said...

Sleep will be a luxury for the next 3 to 4 months :-) And breastfeeding is a great way to lose that weight. Good for you!!

Jess said...

Wow Jess losing 25 pounds in one week is awesome. It definitely looked like you lost weight in the picture from the other day! Glad to hear things are going pretty well for now! Hope they keep going smoothly once Jerry returns to work!

I want to be a success story said...

Glad to hear that you guys are doing so well! More sleep will come soon. I, too, did bottles and breast feeding and felt incredibly guilty about it until we went to see our awesome pediatrician. She said these words to me that I keep in mind everyday "you can only be the best mom/dad/parent that you can be at any given moment". If the moment calls for having your husband give Norah a bottle while you get some sleep, then that's ok!

Marlene said...

Awesome that things are going so well and that Norah is a happy, healthy baby!

You must feel light as a feather dropping so much weight so quickly.

Continued happy days to you. :)

Marci said...

I love the pics you posted before, and I'm so glad everything is going well for you guys! I never thought of breast/bottle combo, I like that idea, its better for you to get your sleep too!

Christine said...

Holy cow jess!! Thats amazing....and I bow down to you. I have no clue how you ran everyday in the first tri-mester. I have thrown in the towel for now...its just way too hard feeling this bad. haha

Alison said...

I was surprised how quickly the weight came off too. I've lost 30 in 3 weeks (I gained more than you, though). Unfortunately, I'm stuck with 10 lbs. to go that aren't coming off on their own.

Carolina John said...

If the doctors official diagnosis is "cute".... well who are we to argue with western medicine?

Krissy said...

Oh your report on the first week seems great! Seriously & loosing all that weigh so quickly is just an added plus! I know the bottle thing is something alot of people struggle with but I have always said "If momma ain't happy - no body is happy!" so get that sleep you need :)

Anonymous said...

wow you're already 5 lbs away? neato! and all that is normal- you'll be on sleepless duty for a while- the best advice i got? nap when the baby naps...and she is cute as a button...and don't worry if you drop her- Julianna was dropped several times (by her dad by the way) and then he got taken off night feeding duty.

J~Mom said...

Sounds awesome!!! Been thinking bout you guys! :>)

Unknown said...

Now, when will Norah get her first Saucony kicks? It is a good time to start training Norah into running.

Unknown said...

Yay for squishy bellies! Bring it on! Glad things are going so well and glad to hear you are supplementing with bottles. We'd like to do the same both so that my hubby can be part of the action, but also so that the little guy can be fed by someone else if need be.

Unknown said...

I'm glad to hear things are going well for you 4. Her pics are absolutely precious!!

teacherwoman said...

Glad things are going well! And that is super impressive that you already dropped the 25 pounds!

What, no 1 week picture to mark the date?!?

MCM Mama said...

Glad things are going really well for you guys. And don't feel guilty about the bottles. Be happy she takes a bottle! Shoo refused and it was a really long six months until he got big enough to drink from a shot glass when I needed to be away (and yes, if they won't take a bottle, that really is the easiest way to get the milk in them).

Yay for the weight loss too! I remember that with Jones (with Shoo I gained more all over weight) and it was awesome to feel like me again.

AmyAnne said...

Oh congrats on all fronts! :-)

Aka Alice said...

I used both B & B. Both my kids were such guzzlers that I couldn't keep up with them...that and Walter enjoyed sharing the feeding duty (at least that's what I was telling myself...but it certainly felt more fair!)

The nips toughen up, don't they :-)

Casey said...

OMG. That's amazing. Losing 25 lbs of baby weight in a week? You've just given me a ray of hope. ;)

Glad the breastfeeding is going well. I think that (and adjusting to a new sleep cycle) make me the most nervous.

Neese said...

that's an impressive weight loss!! best wishes to you both as you continue to transition into your 3-person + Scooter family life.

Unknown said...

And so it begins. :-)

You lost 25 lbs already?!?! I'm not sure I like you anymore (just kidding!). That's fantastic.

Hope you figure out how to fix the squishy belly sooner than later. Mine is still squishy.... ;-)

You're doing great. ENJOY!!

MN Mom said...

Sounds like you are settling into being a family! Norah sounds like a good baby and she is a cute one for sure. (All babies are.) I can't wait to see her maybe this weekend? I am at Shannon's every day so if you need anything...call.
All you girls did so great at gaining only a little and losing it asap. (I'm still trying to lose my preggo weight! haha)

Katie A. said...

You both are rockstars! I can't believe one week already! Sounds like you are holding up well! Congrats!

k said...

Congratulations on your little gal. She's adorable. I got here from Mrs. K's blog and I'm SOOO happy to find another blogging runner!!! I've been running since June 2, 2009 and have set the lofty goal (for me) to run the Disney Princess 1/2 Marathon in March 2010!!!

TC said...

Delurk alert!
My older sister and bro-in-law recently had their first kid too. Their lactation consultant told them, "Remember that breastmilk isn't the ambrosia of the gods that will make your child poop gold. And formula isn't a poison that will forever stunt her growth."

Congrats on your beautiful baby girl! I hope next week goes as well as this first week has!

runner26 said...

wow! sounds like things are really going well! so glad to hear it. Enjoy this time w/ your newborn -- i hear they grow up really fast!

Aron said...

sounds like things are going great girl :)

N.D. said...

you are doing great all around! happy one week Norah!

Jessica said...

Awesome on the weight loss front! When I kept thinking about if I was doing anything right or constantly screwing up, I just remembered that loving that precious girl will lead you to the right decisions, no matter what! Congrats.

Laurel said...

She's already an old lady! :)

I can't believe you lost 25lbs already! Although I will say at the end of your pregnancy you were all belly. And I couldn't believe how thin you looked in that last pic you posted. That's amazing.

Glad you both are feeling great and healthy. Hope you can get some sleep in soon.

The Boring Runner said...

You know, being a normal 20 something guy, I've always wondered how fast weight comes off. Obviously, you are setting the bar HIGH for other women!

sRod said...

Awesome news! Great to hear everything is going so well.