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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Vivid Dreams

This morning, in my semi-awake stage, as Jerry was leaving for work, I told him to "be careful of the zombies."

"What?" he'd asked, confused of course, because most days I say something like "have a good day."

"The zombies," I told him, "careful. They're everywhere."

So, yes, it's true that dreaming during pregnancy takes on a whole new dimension, and it's often a blurry line between what's real and what's been a dream. Lately, especially, my dreams have taken on a particularly vivid quality, and I believe this is because I wake up every 2 hours to either pee or shift around, so I am constantly interrupting my REM cycle, and thus, waking in the middle of dreams. Therefore, they take on a more realistic quality.

And last night, I was dreaming about the zombie war.

Why? Simple. I'm reading "World War Z" by Max Brooks. (Jerry read it about a year ago and kept harassing me to read it, so I finally decided to pluck it off the bookshelf and give it a go: turns out, he's right; it's an engrossing, fast-paced read. Plus, anyone who knows me, knows I have a particular fascination with zombies. I can't explain it, I just do.)

So, I went to bed last night with a head filled with zombie images. But in my dreams, I'm never in a passive role. No way. I'm not gonna sit idly by while zombies take over the world; I'm gonna be a fuckin' zombie mercenary. So in my dream, I am hunting down zombies with nothing but my closest posse, who all just happen to be the entire cast from "How I Met Your Mother" (I've been re-watching seasons 2 and 3 on DVD lately: I have a lot of time on my hands these days).

So, when Jerry woke me this morning to say "goodbye," I was still in this dream-like state when I bid him to be careful of zombies. What can I say? I'm a considerate wife, and I'd prefer he didn't get devoured by the undead. Plus, I've made it pretty clear in our past discussions that if he were bit by a zombie and infected that I would dispose of him rather quickly.

Sorry, hon.


C said...

That's awesome. The most vivid and realistic dreams I've ever had were when I was taking malaria medication (as a preventative measure). Holy moley, batman, that was some freaky shit. I don't want to repeat that though because too many times I woke up crying like a baby. Nightmares suck.

Anonymous said...

Damn - thought I might be in your posse.

You really should read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Nothing makes a retelling of a classic better than adding Zombies.

Go Zombies!

X-Country2 said...

That's beyond awesome. :o) Although any dream with Neil Patrick Harris is an okay dream by me.

Marlene said...

I rarely have vivid dreams and even more rarely remember them... maybe that'll change with pregnancy - eventually!

B. Kramer said...

I hear WWZ is excellent. And if I get sweet dreams like that, I'm all for it. BRAINS!

Wes said...

What ever happens... Scooter comes first!!

N.D. said...

hahaha too funny!

Eliza Returns said...

I have the same Zombie fascination.

I am going to have to check that book out :)

Carolina John said...

oh that's fantastic. just fantastic. LOL!

SavvyFitChica said...

Oh my gosh, you crack me up! This is hilarious!

Anonymous said...

I for the most part always remember my dreams, however Matt very rarely does. It is crazy what the mind puts together.

RunningLaur said...

Haha, I've been having weird dreams too lately. The fiancé now just completely ignores my gubberish when he leaves in the morning. And it IS gibberish :)

{will run for margaritas} said...

haha, that's too funny!! Dreams can be so weird sometimes! :)

I'm new to your blog and can't wait to read more!

Carly said...

LMAO! That is great.

Anonymous said...

Very considerate of you to warn him about the zombies. You never know when they're going to strike.

MCM Mama said...

LOL! I miss pregnancy dreams. They were always so interesting.

Hope Jerry stayed safe from the zombies today!

Anonymous said...

too funny- I remember those dreams...I think G had some weird dreams last night- he was mumbling and growling. WTH?

Agate Lake Girl said...

I totally forgive you for replacing us (your FL friends) with the gang from HIMYM. That must have been a... wait for it... legendary dream. :)

P.S. Jon called me "chewbaca" last night while I was eating salad...

sRod said...

Oh. This made my morning. Zombies far surpass anything my wife has said to me in half awakedness.