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Saturday, November 29, 2008

Holiday Stress Relief

We have 15 days until we leave sunny FL for the bitter cold of a Minnesota winter for our 2 week Christmas vacation. And while I'm looking forward to the trip and seeing so many friends and family, this means I only have the aforementioned 15 days to get a lot of shit done. So, as I told Jerry earlier today, "I feel like I might start flippin out a little bit about everything that has to get done before we leave." Thankfully, I've been like a well-oiled machine yesterday and today chipping away at my "to do" list, and I feel as though I have made some significant headway.

I even got a short run in this evening -- a 3 miler in 29:53 -- not very fast but it felt good to get out there, and it certainly helped to clear my head and de-stress me. That's two things I definitely need from running, and half way through my miles, I couldn't even remember what a "to do" list even was! Bliss.


Unknown said...

I'd probably freak out too if I only had 15 days to get ready for Christmas...Glad the run helped calm your nerves. :-)

Carly said...

Yay! You are coming to my neck of the woods. It was a balmy 35 degrees today. I hope you bring some warm weather.

I would be stressing too if I had to get everything together in 2 weeks. I hope you can relax when you get done and enjoy the holidays.

Anonymous said...

Don't stress - it will all get done.

teacherwoman said...

2 weeks until your 2 weeks in the midwest!?! Sweet! I would be freakin' too!

Hey, BTW... if you are serious about attempting the Fargo Marathon/Half Marathon... keep me posted!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you got out for a run and a little stress relief. It's too bad you couldn't have someone take care of your to do list while you are on vacation.

Anonymous said...

I hear you on the stressing out thing. I have three weeks, but I have two kids, so my actual free time is non-existent LOL.

Glad you managed to get in a good run.

AddictedToEndorphins said...

15 DAYS TO GET READY FOR CHRISTMAS--rock it! And have fun. ANNDDD keep running so you'll be fine!

Marci said...

Woo Hoo, 2 weeks till holidays. Can't wait.

MN Mom said...

I have an idea that may help. Shop on line and ship directly to MN. QVC is great for that. I'm sure other on-line stores are too.

Marcy said...

I hope you have that cold weather gear packed HAHA. Are you going to run up there?

TonyP said...

I like this - your vacation goes from warm to cold...ours goes from cold to warm (off to Orlando in January for a week of disney).:)

Erin said...

I am starting to stress about looming timelines too. It will work itself out. Just remember how nice it will be in 15 days once you start seeing everyone.

Erin said...

I am starting to stress about looming timelines too. It will work itself out. Just remember how nice it will be in 15 days once you start seeing everyone.

Marlene said...

Nothing like a nice run to break up the chaos. It helps keep my head clear during this crazy time of year as well.

So the real question is, are you going to brave the cold weather and run outside on your trip? What are you going to wear? :)

L*I*S*A said...

Great job on getting out for your 3-miler. You'll get all the things on your list accomplished.

L*I*S*A said...

We are hitting up Cozumel and Grand Cayman. Love 'em both!!! We always seem to end up there. :)

MNFirefly said...

Nice job on the run!

Laurel said...

The holidays are upon us. I am making my to-do lists too. Ugh.