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Wednesday, July 02, 2008


After some afternoon showers, it was a little cooler out this evening, so I decided that with the cooler temps, it was perfect to do a little speedwork with my planned 3 miler. I am only capable of Fartleks as my form of speedwork since every other method involves numbers that confuse me when just glancing at them (to study them would, I'm sure, boggle my brain). So, here are the splits:

1: 9:13
2: 9:02
3: 9:09

Total Time: 27:25

If I could replicate this for Friday's 5K, I would be pleased, but I really can't predict how that will go in terms of speed, and I just don't hold high expectations for a PR. But...I am pleased to announce that I have confirmed that two VIP bloggers will be joining me for Friday's 4th of July 5K! That's right, guest starring in Jess's world will be: Viv and sRod!

Both are joining me for the race from out of state. Yes, they are flying here specifically to run a 5K with me, Jess. Kidding. They are both gonna be here from their respective states to visit family and I just stalked them down and wore them out convincing them to run with me, but it sounds better to say they're coming specifically to see me, doesn't it? Anyway, I will get to meet up with them prior to the race (if we can all roll outta bed early enough to find one another) and afterward. I expect it to be a good time. I hope my pimple goes away by then. I don't want to frighten either of them. It is rather scary.


Christie said...

Good luck on the race :)

Crissy Rae said...

Well, that should be a fun time. Good luck with your time and here's hoping you kick some butt. Think of an ice cold Bud Light at the finish line.

E said...

Good luck - I know you'll ROCK. Don't forget to take pics.

runner26 said...

Nice job on the speedwork. It is so hard to find motivation for that business. Good luck in the 5K!

Wes said...

You should use the software to set up your Garmin to do the intervals. It will tell you thinks like, Speed up, Yo! Slow down, Yo! Walk now, Yo!! yada, yada :-)

Very cool that blogger peeps are going to come and run the 5K with you. Oh sure, they made the excuse about family, but we know the truth!! Good times!!

MNFirefly said...

Good luck!

Kevin said...

Good luck in the race. Its cool youve got some bloggy peeps coming to race with you

Unknown said...

That is so cool to meet the bloggers: Viv and sRod. I will be very eager to read your report on meeting those bloggers and the pixs. We should have a National RBF convention somewhere where we all can convene. Good luck with the race and have fun.

Anonymous said...

Good luck Jess. You are going to have so much fun.

Marcy said...

You're going to kill it chica! I'm so freekin jealous! Who doesn't want to run with Viv and sRod?

Anonymous said...

Good luck at the 5k!

David said...

You very well could be looking at a PR, I think. First, you gotta show off for the guest blogger-racers. And the longer you run, the less time you have to enjoy the REAL 4th of July activities: grillin and drinkin.

I'll be looking for the results, but no pics if you are all pubertied out.


Teacher Pursuits said...

Oh how fun! Take pictures of the meetup! :)

An Athlete In Training said...

Have fun!

Unknown said...

Best wishes a good race!!for

L*I*S*A said...

I have a good feeling about your race. You'll rock it out.

teacherwoman said...

Good luck with the 5K this weekend! I am sending good vibes for you to break that PR! :)

J~Mom said...

Have fun!!! Give Viv a giant hug around the neck from me!

Viv said...

OK caught up in Jess's world. OK the pimple is mostly gone by now. whatever personality he had it was not to stubborn. Man that speedwork run was right there with your 5K if you calculate in that
.10 into the equation.

sRod said...

I can vouch that the pimple was gone by Friday morning.