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Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Of Two Milers and Toe Talk

This morning, Norah slept until 7:40! Well, actually, she got up at 6:15, but Jerry convinced her to go back to sleep and then she slept until 7:40! Which was awesome for me, but bad for timing our run. It was a quarter to 9 before we were ready to run, and with a still-sore toe, I decided once again to trim the run down to a 2 miler instead of 3.

The 2 milers help maintain the streak but they don't do much in terms of producing a satisfactory run. So I haven't yet felt this week like I've really run, but hopefully as the week progresses, the necessary timing and toe-healing will fall into place and I'll be able to run a little further and the runs can then feel a bit more meaningful, instead of merely supplementary.

On the toe front, some of you mentioned in your comments yesterday that the toe-injury, which from here on out shall be dubbed the Toejury, may be the early signs of a bruised toenail. And you're certainly right: That could very well be the case here. I've had blackened toenails before and have lost the other big toenail before, but it was several years ago (like back in 2006-2007) that I last had a toenail jump ship, so my memory of that experience is not so crisp, but in that memory, I never recall having my toe swell or be quite so painful preceding the nail's discoloration.

We'll see. That's partially why I'm keeping the polish off right now, so I can monitor it better. But, it certainly looks odd. I had a student last night ask why I had one toe un-painted, and I simply said, "Because something's wrong with that toe." No one asked any follow-up Toejury questions, so I took that to mean they were enthralled with the poetry we were studying and had no time to think of my Toejury. So we discussed paradox instead.


JojaJogger said...

Silly students, caring more about poetry and their grades than they do about interesting toejurys!

Jess said...

Hmmm hope the Toejury heals up soon. I can imagine it's definitely weird to see one toe without polish.

ajh said...

Man have students changed. Not keeping the professor off topic for a longer time?

Middle Name Marie said...

Must be a big difference bt college students and middle school students (besides the obvious). Here is how a similar situation would happen in my classroom:

Student: Why is one toe unpainted?
Me: Because something is wrong with that toe?
Student: what is wrong with it?
Me: I injured it running
Student from way back of the room: How?
Me: ...running...okay, so symbols in Too Kill A Mockinbird...
Student: How far did you run?
Student #2: I think I saw you running one time?
Student #3: Do you run with other teachers?
Student #4: I saw the principal running once
and so on and so on...

Obviously, the topic of the class is now toes and running and we are done with literature...

RunningLaur said...

You just may start a single toenail unpainted trend at the uni.

Marlene said...

Amazing how one little toe can stir up so much discussion!

B. Kramer said...

Drill a hole in the toenail and let the demon swelling out! I've never lost a toenail and feel I've been cheated from one the common bonds between runners. Cheers!

MCM Mama said...

Hmm, I can only imagine what they'd have to say about my toes.

I had to make the decision today what my goal was and I decided it wasn't streaking. Hope you get to have some longer runs soon, but way to keep the streak alive.

Katie A. said...

A run is a run, is a run! Take when you can get it sista'!

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said...

I feel the same way when I can only get in a 2 miler to continue my streak. I've only done 4 2 miles in my 86 days but I feel quilty about them! Somehow 3.5 seem like a REAL run but 2 isn't. The pressure we put on ourselves!

Toejury. Funny. The term, not the injury.

Anonymous said...

Toejury is a great word! Reminds me of "strategery" which I sometimes adopt after hearing it stated by a former US President. :) Hope it gets better soon!

RunningLaur said...

re: bikram.
The $140 pass is a month unlimited, and they intend for people to come every single day during the month, which is never going to happen, especially with 90 minute classes.
There are always good groupon deals for different Yoga studios around here, so I think that's the good way to get around the system!