At 6:15, the rain seemed to be abating, so I slipped into my running stuff, grabbed the movies and headed out the door. Admittedly, I wasn't in a great mood: Like I said, I haven't been feeling well today, I was pissed that my iPod was among the dearly departed, and it wasn't entirely done raining. Well, my mood didn't improve in the first mile: I got splashed by a careless motorist who splashed through a lake-sized puddle at 40 mph and I got hit by a tsunami of rain water; plus, on my way to the store, I had to wade through ankle-deep puddles while running in a steady rain.
A mile later, there I stood -- dripping and grumpy at the grocery store returning my movies. After my video return, I had a simple choice: Take the easy 1 mile back and just call it good with 2 miles for the day, or take the rest of my planned route and run the additional 2.2 miles that would loop around and also bring me back home for a total of 3.2 miles.
I chose option #2, and just like Robert Frost declared, that made all the difference.
Option #2 took me off the busy street and through the quieter residential area, and in those 2 miles several things happened, none of them significant, but each one meaningful in its own small way: Without the iPod, I allowed my thoughts to just drift and it felt good to mull and dwell on a few things that have been cluttering my brain as of late; my congestion cleared a bit and I could breath comfortably; and the rain slowed to a light, almost refreshing, drizzle.
Those 2.2 miles made me think of the back of this Goldfish package:
Granted, now that I'm home and not running, my nose has returned to being a snot faucet, and Jerry just walked in and informed me that while he was sawing a piece of cabinet for the bathroom, he accidentally knocked a chunk out of our bed...but, I'm trying to see the good. Hmmm...the good here?'s good that Norah can sleep through the sound of a table saw in the next room, right?! Also, I foresee some Nyquil, my book and my now damaged bed in the near future :)
Glad you were able to find the good and hopefully you'll feel better tomorrow.
It's hard to find the positive in that! Good job!
Awww feel better!! You're attitude is great, that'll help :)
Feel better soon. Nice job on getting your run in.
It's good to run without music sometimes.
Glad everything ended up well with the run. Now as for the chunk knocked out of your bed,that's another story all together.
I love that you found your way to the positive.
You are a MACHINE!!! A snotty MACHINE, but still a MACHINE!
Good job. I hope you feel better.
Hope you feel better soon!
Hope you feel better soon! *here's a tissue* That positive thinking is pretty powerful!
it IS hard to find the positive in that and in some days.
Ahhhh, sometimes it just happens that way. Glad you are able to see the good. I LOVE the back of the Goldfish bag (I've stolen it)....
Hang in there
I know you are NOT a fan of running in the rain, so awesome job getting out there! Hope you had a good sleep and feel better!
Just adding character to the bed. Positive thinking is contagious, maybe not as much as a cold, but contagious nonetheless. Cheers!
And what's that never regret the runs you do, only the ones you don't? NICE JOB!
I have been running without music for almost 9 months now and I really enjoy it. I usually only wear it when I race and now that is becoming even more infrequent. I love being in my thoughts and hearing my breath - maybe a new streak for you?
Feel better!
yeahhh for finding the good. I'm doing that every single day right now to feel better about things and it is so worth it to just have that positive feeling
I don't run with music, and I really like it. It it the only time I am really unplugged! I tried going w/out music 6 years ago and haven't felt the need to go back yet. I do love music when I am doing a spin class, it is so motivating so I can see how running with music would be motivating.
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