I had two crappy runs the past two days: A solo 4 miler last night and a 3 miler with Norah this morning. During both runs, I had similar feelings of crappiness, mainly fatigue and side stitches (which, I haven't had a side stitch in I don't know how long). Both runs were incredibly slow and somewhat demoralizing.
I can probably attribute such poor performance to several things: inadequate hydration, poor nutrition, hormones, still recovering from being sick, stress, and the toll of the streak itself. Could be one of these things, but is most likely a combination of them. It's disheartening to have two bad runs in a row, but I'm gonna try to not dwell on them. They got done, and that counts for something.
On a lighter note, for "Foto Friday," I figured I'd share these blurry cell phones pics with you. See, Norah still isn't a big fan of shoes, but she accepts that she has to wear them to daycare. But, first thing she does on the way home? Take 'em off!

Yesterday, we weren't even a block away from DC, when I could hear the familiar sound of her undoing the velcro. Then, the "thunk" of one shoe hitting the floor, and a few minutes later, "thunk," the other shoe had literally dropped.

After she gets her shoes off, she starts working on the socks, but we typically get home before she peels them off. I understand her desire to be un-shod: You gotta let them doggies air!
Too funny that she knows she has to keep then on at daycare, but takes them off as soon as she gets in the car. I'm like that with shoes AND socks. Only wear 'em when I must!
Hope your next run is better! It HAS to be!
I am the same way with shoes - it's the hardest part about working in a running store!
a few bad runs mean that a really good one has to be on the way. Rainbows and cooling breezes must be on their way.
gonna be a barefoot runner that one is!!
shoes, yuck, that's why I hate winter. boots, shoes, socks and wet and mushy in snow...oh, sorry this isn't about me is it?
She is such a cutie...clever too!
My 2.5 year old will take her shoes off before we even get the car out of the garage! Sometime when I have to run errands right after work with her I just let her go barefoot - I figure at that age no one cares and I really don't care if they do care!
Maybe on your running decrease your daily miles to 1 or 2 so you are still running, you are still streaking but just a couple of really short runs might get you going again.
I'll comment on the crappy runs! Without the streak, you take a few days off and get your mojo back. With the streak you continue to gut it out and they get worse...... Good luck with your next run.
Norah = barefoot runner in the making
Now that is too cute!
Here's to hoping your next run is better!
That expression is adorable! It looks like she thinks she might be in trouble to kicking the shoes. So cute...maybe she is trying to tell you to go barefoot?!
Next run will be great!
I bet your next run will be great. 2 stinkers in a row stinks though! She is so cute and getting big!
Do you know what causes side stiches? I don't and my walking partner was experiencing those today. I didn't know what to tell her to do differently, but I thought maybe her electrolytes might be off
The girl knows what she likes! And I'm with her!
Hoping your next runs go better!
I think this is the first time I've personally ever seen Norah in shoes?! I'm used to her little chubbers. :)
Is that a big girl car seat I see??? That means I can put the base to the other one back in the garage. I have kept it in my trunk incase I needed to do a Norah pickup. LOL!
I"m amazed she keeps them on at daycare and gets that she doesn't have to at home!
ahhh she is just tooooo cute!!!!! I'm sorry for the crappy runs :( I've been having the side stitches too and I just don't understand why.
LOL... Dontcha just love'em. They know what they like, and everything else comes second :-) Hey! You are still getting it done. When you aren't feeling it, challenge yourself to mix it up. Slow. Fast. Walk. Run. Whatever.
Both of my kids were the same way with wearing shoes. I think it's a toddler thing. Just try to remember this moment when she's a teenager and insists on buying the 100th pair of shoes because she has to have them. :)
When I white water rafted I wore a strap on my glasses. Losing them would have been a nightmare! Everyone seemed to buy the straps for glasses or sunglasses.
So cute. She looks like you in pictures.
I also loved the pink viking jersey.
I take off my shoes sometimes in the car too.
Crappy runs just mean that there is a good run in your immediate future. Seriously, that's how it happens for me.
It looks like her hair is all fixed and pretty. :)
Cute pictures!
I am so jealous seeing Norah sitting front-facing in the car! T minus 4 days until I can finally turn Marcus around and reclaim some of my car space again!
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