I still can't quite figure out what it's dealio is -- is it bruised? is it infected? I don't know -- it's a Toejury Mystery. Either way, it seems to be on the mend, and that's what counts.
Lastly, in non-toe related tales, I have to share this Norah pic with you guys: Lately, she has begun to mimic me in nearly everything: She wants to eat what I eat, do what I'm doing, and wear what I'm wearing. So, no, she doesn't want to wear her own sunglasses; she wants to wear my sunglasses.
Love the shades! Glad your toe seems to be on the mend too.
So cute! Personally, I like to wear pants with my shades, but Norah really pulls this off!
Glad the toe is feeling good today.
omgosh she is just adorable.
Love your blog!
Your daughter is just precious!!!
I have been following you for a little while and I'm so encouraged by your daily "habit" I have run 5Ks 15Ks and one half marathon. I had my second child at the end of last year and did the couch to 5K to get back to running. I am currently signed up to do a race that has a total of 3 races in 24 hrs (4Mi Fri at 7pm, 5K Sat at 7:30 AM and 1 mi Sat at 5PM) I've been getting up and running with some girlfriends. Things have been going great. I am feeling better and faster each time...we ran this morning and it kicked my tail. I felt weak and tired. I felt like we were running in mud!! I live in jacksonville Fl and I know its humid...I just wondered if you have days like this? Do you eat a special diet. I am sure its attributed to heat/humidity and or lack of protein? Just wanted to get your viewpoint! Sorry for the looong comment...I couldn't find your email on the blog.
Lovin' the Nora pics :) Glad the toejury is feelin' better, too!
Sooo cute!!!! Lovin her little sneakers!!! She's stylin with the shades!!
Glad your toe is feeling better! It's definitely no fun to run when your feet are hurtin'!
awe....a little twin of you, that is so cute. Eli also wants to eat things we are eating, but he only has 2 bottom teeth still, he lunges forward for a bite and the poor kid still doesn't have enough teeth to bite things!
She's cute as always! I love the pics... you're on my blogroll, so I always get to see 'em!
She wants to be a mini you! Glad your toejury is getting better!
How soon before we see her drinking "Mom's Brand" of beer?
I am glad that your toe is feeling better.
Maybe the shades with no pants look will catch on!
Glad to hear the toe is doing better.
She's too cute for words!
So sorry about the toe, hope you feel better soon! I think your daughter is precious!!
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