Aside from the morning's run, the big event of the day was the return to school: For both Norah and I. My classes don't resume until Monday, but today was the start of the term for faculty, so I needed to be on campus (and I really needed that office time because I had done zero term planning before today). My return to school means Norah's return to school, so today was her first day back at daycare, and her very first day in "the big girl room" (aka, the toddler one room).
In the big girl room, they sit in little chairs and eat their lunch at a table, they take their naps on little cots instead of cribs, they learn to wash their hands, and eventually learn to use the little toilet (if a toilet can be cute, this toilet is SO darn cute!), they wear their shoes, and they run around and play and do big kid stuff. Pretty exciting for a fresh faced 1 year old!
Admittedly this transition filled me with mixed emotions today: I am excited to start the fall term (my favorite "school time" is this time of year), and I do like being able to drop her off and go to work (where I can go to the bathroom alone!), it was still tough for me to drop her off and leave her. I was fine at the drop off, gave her a simple kiss and hug goodbye, but once I got out to the car, I choked up a bit. I figured it's fine to have a tear or two, and I'm sure every fall is gonna greet me with the same emotions, so I may as well accept them.
Norah? She was fine. She hardly noticed I left her; she was too engrossed in the yummy lunch they'd placed in front of her (I drop her off at noon). And when I picked her up at 4, she gave me a quick smile and wave "hello," but then she returned to the fascinatingly new toy she was engrossed in. Her attitude seemed to say, "Oh, you're here? That's nice. I'm gonna keep playin' with this."
All in all, we both had a good first day back: She slept and ate well while at daycare, and seemed to l-o-v-e the stimulatingly different environment; and I had a productive afternoon getting my course's syllabi ready. I can't believe the summer is already over, but the next few months are my favorite time of year, so there's lots to look forward to: Football, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and...
...cooler weather, which means: Racing season is nearly upon us!
i looooove this time of year too! i am so excited its almost sept :) then oct - feb are my FAV months!
adorable pic <3
I love fall! It's my favorite time of the year and I'm so ready for some cool weather racing.
Norah, as usual, is just too cute. When are you bringing her to DC for a visit?
Thank goodness the cooler temps are coming soon!
I love fall! I am a little mixed about the start of school as I have loved my summer. It's great that Norah likes her school too!
I am starting to love these cooler temps. I can't wait for them to stay (minus the s-word, of course).
Have a great school year (you and Norah).
Not to mention her big brother Miller was there to check up on her to make sure she was doing ok. :) The toddler 1 room is great and she will love her teacher.
Did you get any fall "school" shopping in? I am guessing no with all the full time mommy-ing and night classes. Let's plan a shopping trip and leave the kiddos with the daddy's after you get back from vacation.
love the pic of Norah! Have a great school year!!!
Norah must have heard the news that Farve is returning to the Vikes (is this true or a rumor? - I haven't had the TV on in a couple of days) and decided to show her team spirit!
P.S. I was thinking of sending you a "bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils" to kick off the fall term. :)
Thoughts of cooler weather in my head. Sigh. :) Sounds like a productive day for both of you!
Norah is so cute! I'm so excited about cooler weather. It'll be nice to be able to run any time of the day and not super early or late. And YAY for football, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and sweaters :)
They get so big, so fast...
Christmas????? Summer isn't over here in the High-Five state..........
I love this time of year too!! Miss Norah is just too cute in the jersey and diaper!!
Yay for a bonus mile!
Sounds like exciting stuff for Norah in the toddler room! I can understand the tears; suddenly she doesn't seem so little.
Good luck with your own back-to-school prep.
Sounds like the transition went well for her, and you! Awesome!
awe...her big girl room sounds so exciting for Norah, I am sure she will love all the new things they will be doing and learning! Fall is the best time of year here in CT , I love running with long pants and a long sleeve shirt on a crisp day!
Hot dawg she is so dang cute!
This is MY FAV time of year, too! So much to look forward to! You would be hard pressed I'm sure, to find another mommy who didn't tear up when dropping their tyke off at day crare for the first time in a couple of months. You did amazing :) Good luck next week!
Cute little chubby legs! So adorable!
Ekkkk! I am not ready for the school routine. Getting a grouchy girl moving in the morning and making that smae grouchy girl do homework in the evening, it's just stressful. I hope we ease back into it gracefully.
Glad it was a good first day for you both!
As a parent we're far more paranoid about separation than our kids!
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