2. Tonight is the last night of one of my night classes (my other class ends Monday, Aug 9th), and I'm pretty ready to be done. Students just have to take their final, which I can grade via scantron, and then we're finished. I should actually be home by 8 pm tonight -- wahoo!
3. Norah's 1st birthday is next Tuesday (August 10th), but we're celebrating by hosting a b-day party for her this Saturday, the 7th. Thus, the gifts from family, who live out of town and won't make it, have been rolling in the past few days (needless to say, this has made Scooter a hot mess since he hates the UPS, FedEx, and PO trucks and delivery people -- he has exhausted himself defending me against them). Look at this pile of loot already!
But, I don't even know if I want to give her any presents since she bit me earlier.
It was shortly before I put her down for her nap, so she was getting a little fiesty, but what started out as a hug ended in her chomping down on my shoulder and it REALLY hurt! In fact, for a second, I thought she may have broken skin (she didn't, but it may bruise). She's bitten me before, but those were more like little tooth-testers; this was the real deal -- maybe she's been watching Shark Week when I haven't been looking? -- and I told her that if she wasn't nicer to me, I might keep all her presents for myself!
Biters don't get birthday presents.
An early happy birthday to Norah!
Yikes!!! Happy early Birthday to Norah! Glad your toe is doing better!!
hahaha...I agree 100% those babies hurt when they do things like that. Eli loves to pinch me and it kills!
A year ALREADY!???
Looks like Norah's party will be a huge gift bag, wrapping paper all over the floor event ~ Perfect!!!
Our daughters share a birthday! But mine (turning 11!) is a bit old for the biting... ;)
Hi Jess,
I just wanted to see if there was an email I could reach you at regarding a potential review of yurbuds- a performance inspired headphone. Please send me an email at mike.butler@yurbuds.com so that we can discuss this. Thanks.
Ha! The great thing about b'day for little ones, usually all they care about is the wrapping paper. It could be a box of nothing and they'd be happy. :-)
Happy Birthday to the little biter!
It is shark week. LBM has been watching it and he has taken to chomping on my leg when he leg hugs me. He is pretending he is a shark. I just hope he keeps remembering to only "test" if I am good prey!
Hopefully your little biter will start behaving before her Birthday! (Amazing that she is almost one already!)
Have fun at the party!
Look at all the loot.
Laughed at the Shark Week comment!
Shark week is everywhere, isn't it. LOL! Happy Early Bday Norah!
Oh yeah...you gotta clamp down on that before it becomes a habit.
I'm sorry... the "clamp down" joke was just sitting there, waiting for me...
Happy b-day to Norah!
Your daughter is so cute! That story was so funny :) Happy early bday to Norah!
I'm new to your blog and I'm glad to be following!
That's crazy that she's already turning one. I remember reading your blog when you announced you were pregnant!
Happy Birthday Norah! I've been bitten by my little ones on the shoulder. It HURTS! I whined about it for the next hour!
OMG! I can't believe she is already 1!!!!! Man, time flies!
She is racking in the loot! She make for a fun b-day!
Glad the toe is doing well - and, school's out for summer!
My daughter loves to bite. We are lucky that she only has two teeth right now. Hope she has a very happy B-day.
Wow! A year already? Happy early birthday!
My kids haven't even been watching shark week and there's still been some biting going on...
OMG. ONE already?!?!
Okay, so i was going to comment due to the 'because she bit me' which i thought wuite funny, then i read further and see you mentioned Shark Week, after i had literally just read this post which also referes to Shark week in a different context. Made me smile, which you do regularly.
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