So, we figured, hey, if we're replacing that tile, why not just re-do the entire bathroom? Yeah, that's how we roll. Actually, we had planned on remodeling this bathroom -- just not quite yet; we'd actually hoped to remodel our guest bathroom first because it is in more dire need of it, but sometimes life just doesn't work out how you plan it.
The downside to this is the timing -- a big project that just falls into your lap always feels more stressful than a big project you had been planning for. But the upside is that we have the money for it, and the end product will be a new master bathroom! Just may take awhile; turns out, remodeling with a kid around isn't very easy.
However, this remodel works to YOUR advantage as well! Because, this morning, I had to clean out the bathroom cabinets and drawers (good lord, there was a lot of stuff in there for such a small room!), and I got rid of a lot of expired aspirin, etc, but I also discovered that my "running drawer" had some superfluous items, items that I haven't used at all, and I figure I'm not gonna use them. Thus...a giveaway!
The items are one packaged giveaway, so if you want one item, you want it all. If you'd like your shot at winning Jess' "running drawer leftovers," you need to do just one thing:
- Leave me a comment in THIS POST indicating that you want it.
That's it. No need to be a follower or to become a follower or to be my best friend on Facebook. Just leave me a comment on THIS POST telling me you want it. All comments desiring this giveaway must be left by midnight, August 6th. That's this upcoming Friday.
Then, early next week, I'll randomly choose a winner, and I'll notify that winner here on the blog and will then request further contact info from the winner. So, you want this stuff? Tell me so.
Yay free stuff! I want it :)
Yikes!! Unexpected expenses like that always hurt more than planned expenses, even if you have the money. Somehow it just seems more insulting, ha!
I don't want to enter the giveaway, but did want to say good luck on the remodel! I hope you post pictures of the finished product!
Yay for a new bathroom, I'm sorry it's stressful though! I'm looking forward to the "after" pictures!! The package sounds awesome I would totally love to win :)
I'll take it! Could use the towel for sure and I can share what I don't want with running friends!
I want it! :)
gimmie, gimmie!!!!!!
me, me, pick me!
Love it...the peppermint leg and foot lotion sounds amazing! I wanna win!
Sorry about the unexpected bathroom remodel! The giveaway sounds great...especially those shoe laces!
I want! The leg gel especially! PS-Congrats on the 100 miles in the next post :)
I love the shoelaces! Have fun with your bathroom remodel. We just did that and it's so beautiful I want to sleep in there!
Yay stuff! I love stuff!
I am always in the mood for free stuff.
Yikes! Sorry to hear about the unexpected bathroom remodel. But I bet it'll be great when it's all done. And free stuff? Toss my name in the hat, I'd love to win :)
I want it...
It'll come in handy this cross-country season.
Wow- it sucks that you are Forced to remodel, but it will be great when you are finished! Get rid of that mold! I'd love to help you out and take the extras off your hands!
I'm all about free stuff. Send it up here! : )
Love your go with the flow attitude! And I also love your blog... definitely one of my favorites! :) Thanks for this giveaway... looking forward to the chance of winning.
i want the that stuff...
I have a feeling that's what is behind our master shower as well. But a new master bath is exciting!
I'll pass on the running stuff. :)
Do you ever look at the website It has tons of info about remodeling.
I need those shoelaces badly. I'm trying to come back from an injury and totally lack proper motivation. Maybe those will help! Thanks for the giveaway.
Wow, that's a lot of cool running gear found randomly in a drawer! I want in!
I need an unexpected surprise!
I want it!
I want it =)
I don't want it, but damn - that sucks for your bathroom. I hope the remodel doesn't impact Norah's college fund!
I would totally say, "I want it!!!" However, I am clearly not the early bird here! Yet... just seeing your goodies makes me excited at the prospect of getting back out and running. I've been struggling with Plantar Facia in my left foot since April... long story short... kept playing in two co-ed softball league, but stopped running, no bueno. Had a "come to Jesus" moment last week, when I hit a great line drive, and proceeded to sprain my ankle coming out of the batter's box. The MD thinks I sprained the ankle because I've been over-compensating for the plantar facia crud for about four months. DONE ... I'm done with softball until next year... no running until the end of September... and a weekly appointment with an ultrasound machine for three more weeks.
KEEP RUNNING JESS... I'm running vicariously through you.
I want it!
I'm always up for a giveaway! I'd love to try that stuff out! Good luck on the remodel.
Count me in! Can't wait to see how it all turns out!
Thank you for hosting a giveaway that doesn't require all of the 'friend me on Facebook', 'follow my blog', 'allow me to advertise stuff you don't want more directly to you' requirements.
That said, I'm not interested in the free stuff. Keep us updated on the bathroom remodel.
Pick me, pick me!!! I would love to try Clif Shot blocks...and, I am a sucker for anything free! Love your blog by the way! (Yes, I am sucking
I am always a sucker for giveaways and this is stuff I will use so I will be more than happy to help you clean out your bathroom!
You have inspired me to focus on running for x number of days straight. I was up to 17 but I decided to take a couple of days off because I was having lots of leg cramping while running and even with short 1 mile runs it was not going away - so I gotta stop - just for a couple of days and then I will try again to hit 21 days of running.
Ooh, pick me!
Bummer about the bathroom, but you'll love it when it's done.
Ohhh me me pick meeee!! :)
I knew where your story was going! My hubbs is in construction, you wouldn't believe how many of his clients start out like Jerry did - tee hee :) Glad you're scoring a new bathroom! stuff, nice! I guess thrown my name in the hat :) Maybe we could do an exchange of some sorts if I win - you tell me your fav running item and we'll see where we go :)
I always want Nuun and schwag :)
Of stuff is always good.
Oh no, I hope the remodel goes smoothly - it's as if your bathrooms are fighting for attention: "remodel me first", "no, me, I have more mold!"
Yikes, sorry about the bathroom troubles. Can't wait to see the makeover. Hope it all goes smoothly from here on out.
Count me in for the giveaway! :)
Good luck with the bathroom! I can't wait to see the sparkly results! :) That peppermint leg stuff sounds amazing...
I want it! I'm new to your blog and have realized that I need to do exactly what you did- give myself 21 days to fall in love with running (again). I became so obsessed with my times that running became a chore that I slowly stopped partaking in. You're blog is a great inspiration :)
Love the shoelaces!!!
I'm not from the US but I can shoulder the mailing expenses.
P.S. I follow your blog almost everyday. Your daughter is adorable.
Happy running :)
want want want!!! all of it looks great!!
Ohhh I like free stuff!! The peppermint lotion sounds great! Love the laces! And one can never have enough workout towels...
Good luck with the reno!
Yes I want free stuff!!
Congrats on your running streak, Jess!
Hope the toe is on its way to TOE-TALLY feeling 100% (sorry, couldn't resist!)
Fingers crossed that you PICK ME - and that you would ship to Canada?! If not, no worries...just keep on blogging!
Jeeezzz, I go away for a long weekend and there are swollen toes, wrecked bathrooms, adorable Norah in sunglasses and give-aways...
Please throw me into the mix, thanks Jess, hope the toe and bathroom get better soon!!!
Ooh, I want it! I also want a remodeled bathroom, but I don't guess that's up for grabs.
this makes it look so easy!
I know I'm totally late for this, but I find it hilarious!
fine demo along with pictures for the work.You can save the cost of hiring a designer by doing your own bathroom remodeling plans.
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