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Monday, March 31, 2008

Throat Thing

Friday, my throat felt kinda dry, and I just drank tons of water because I thought I was dehydrated.

Saturday, my throat still didn't feel great, but I drank a lot of alcohol and I completely forgot that it was bothering me.

Sunday, it was starting to feel downright icky and scratchy, like it was coated in Wookie-fur.

Today, it continues to feel like it's laced with Chewbacca chunks, but I have also added a delightfully hacking cough to the repertoire.

However, I have no other cold symptoms: no fever, achiness, headache, or stuffy nose. Am I in the process of coming down with something? Am I "down" with a part of something? Did I accidentally lick my friend's cat when I was over there playing Rock Band the other night?

Questions, lots of questions...


keith said...

Flu Lite

Wes said...

Pollen is probably out in full force in Florida now. I know it is turning stuff yellow here. Blech!!!

chia said...

I've been chugging the lemon water and emergen-c for the same reason today :-)

I hope pouring more alcohol on it helps. We should test that. I have an Aussie Shiraz!

TonyP said...

Uh oh....emergen-c, tea...uh oh.

Nancy said...

Sounds you have it. Hopefully it won't get much worse. I like to gargle with salt water. (well, I don't enjoy it, but I think it works)

Sarah said...

Hmmm I was pretty sick a few weeks ago and it all started with an insanely sore throat. However, allergy season did just start.. perhaps you have developed some allergies?

Marcy said...

You TOTALLY licked the cat! That would be something you'd do :P LOL JK!

J~Mom said...

I am putting in a vote for allergies...either way I hope you feel better soon!

Erin said...

It's all the extra talking, singing, talking, and cat butt licking.

P.O.M. said...

How about stay away from any cat or wookie licking and see what happens.

Brianna said...

We don't have wookies out where we are, but we do have flowers and tress in full bloom (and they're utterly confused because it snowed this weekend . . . but I digress). They're wreaking havoc on the throat of just about every person I know. Keep chugging that H2O and cough up the crap to keep it from setting up house in your lungs. Good luck!

Razz said...

mmmm....chewbacca chunks.

L*I*S*A said...

Hmmm, your friendly virtual LPN thinks that you have seasonal allergy issues that tend to settle nicely right there in your throat. Perhaps a little post-nasal drip that you aren't usually aware of until your throat starts to become sore.

Use what works to dry ya up, like an antihistamine, and be sure to replenish with plenty of water. Keep those fluids nice and thin.

Okay, enough outta me.

Agate Lake Girl said...

I swear I never double dipped anything and I used eight different spoons during the baby food tasting - it's not my fault!