Anyhoo, this afternoon, I was feeling sufficiently rested, so I decided to take the new shuffle out for a maiden voyage (spent the morning downloading tunes to it; most I transferred from our Real Player library, and the rest I got from the iTunes store -- Jerry conceded in his hatred of iProducts and bought me an iTunes GC yesterday so I got to buy much of my music that couldn't be transferred from Real Player). It traveled well, and is so tiny, I barely even know it's there.
Next to the old mp3, which looks like Goliath, it is just minuscule:
1: 9:20
2: 9:24
3: 9:27
4: 9:30
Total Time: 37:43
We'll just use the trusty label of "positive" splits for the gradual slowing down, and then I don't feel quite so pokey.
Hope everyone had a nice weekend -- and have fun at work tomorrow! (Suckers! I'm gonna sleep in and eat bon-bons all day! Kidding. I actually have about 100 papers to start reading and half a dozen errands I'd like to run, but I just thought I'd rub it in a bit that I'm break this week, ha!)
Enjoy your week off..I am soo jealous! Let me know what you think of your new book. I was looking at it in the bookstore today but couldn't decide., drink and be merry for next week it's back to the grind.
Have a great Spring Break!
ah nice, my husband is just finishing up his spring break, back to work tomorrow. nice job on the run!
Pillars of the Earth has been one of my favorite books for a long time, let me know what you think!
Dang that Sansa does look huge next to the Shuffle. I have the Sansa Clip (it's the same dealy as the Shuffle. Small, light, and clips to anything) Sure as heck beats my old bulky Sansa LOL
Have fun with your week! ;D
Like the picture of the comparison of the 2. Very different. Sounds like even though you're on spring break, you're still working. I hope you have a nice relaxing week.
Maybe Jerry's iProduct splurge will result in a "Good morning" to Ryan at work tomorrow. It could be a whole new world for him!
I won't hate you too much for having time off to relax and run errands.
Schweet! SPRING BREAK :-D!!!!
I need to stop googling books other people are reading - that Follet book sounds super interesting.
I'm sorry if I mentioned this before - but careful if you're a sweaty runner of where you attach your shuffle. My boss and I both had shuffles that went defunct from keeping them on the shirt collar on sweaty days. Apple's good about replacing them and all, but it's better to avoid that conversation :-).
Enjoy your spring break! :)
Enjoy the week. Nice run.
Oohhh I can taste spring break! You lucky dog!
Enjoy your time off.
You're going to love the new shuffle. I don't know how I ran with my old iPod before.
Good job running...and you had your new cute little shuffle with you. Doesn't get much better than that!
Oh, I envy your weekend, glad you got to relax. I dreamed (again) that I met you last night. Weird. I hardly ever even remember a dream. Anyway, anxious to hear your take on the books. The family has been into those two and loving them, but I am finding it hard to commit that kind of time. Someday, I would love to read them.
Nice positive splits! :D
Nice job on your run.
Enjoy your week off.
Yah, yah rub it in. Kick us while we're down. The shuffle rocks.
Again, I must say - why does the whole world not get spring break?
1,000 pages? It's not the "World Without End," it's the Book Without End.
Glad the shuffle worked out for you. You recommend getting one?
Have fun on spring break!
Enjoy your break. Wow, that is a erecnce in size on the mp3 players. For SAHM's spring break is no break :-/
How are those Bon Bons? Enjoy your week!
Enjoy your week off. I'm super jealous of you.
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