Pictures! And stories! Alrighty-right. So, to begin with...long ago in a galaxy far, far away...wait, wrong story. Okay, here goes:
So, I got to MN just fine, despite the fact that I overslept the morning of my flight, and for the first time ever, I truly thought I may not make my flight -- but I was speedy, the lines were short and I made it. Jerry met me at the airport in Minneapolis with the rental car and we headed "up nort." Thursday and Friday were busy with wedding preparation, gift buying, errand running, meeting my brother for lunch, and getting a speeding ticket.
Oopsie. Did you catch that last one? had literally driven the rental car 1 mile when I got pulled over, so the lesson learned? In Smalltown, MN, they mean it when they post a speed limit of 30 mph. That hog pulled me over faster than a fat kid gulps down a cupcake, and he promptly ticketed my ass. Thankfully, he gave me a city ticket and not a state ticket -- the difference was about $70.
Anyway, Friday night was the wedding rehersal and the groom's dinner. At the rehersal, I was up to my usual shenanigans -- swaggering up the aisle when it was my turn, swatting my own ass when I passed by Jerry, and declaring, "Yeah! You wanna piece of that?" Seriously, it was just because I was elated that walking through the doors of a church didn't mean that I promptly burst into flames. Anyone would be giddy at that realization. At the groom's dinner afterward, I made myself somewhat notorious by slapping the father of the bride on the ass so hard that my own fingers stung (but the funniest thing was that he got me back later!
The next morning, Saturday, we got up early and were at the hair salon at 9 am -- I was totting 2 bottles of champagne and I was ready to rock. This is me an hour into the morning, pretty much buzzed off the Asti-tastic start to the day:

By noon, we all had our hair done and were basically shnockered. We went back to the bride's parents' house for some lunch (yummy wild rice soup -- you don't get more MN than that) and Jerry tried to pretend that he didn't know me:

By the time the pictures rolled around, I was sobering up some (dangit), but it was probably for the best because I had to stand up straight and look pretty. Here's Jerry and I chillin' in a pew while the pictures were going on:

And here I am getting ready for my moment to walk down the aisle as part of the processional. Jerry shot this pic from the top of the stairs and I think he was trying to get an angle that peeked over the top of my dress. Dang husbands. Always trying to manage the "boob shot." Isn't my tan line pretty?

The ceremony was lovely, although I'll admit to zoning out for part of it (the whole kneeling, praying, preaching, candle-lighting portion just isn't my thang), and focused on the upcoming alcohol at the reception.
After the ceremony, the bridal party split and hit up a local bar on our way to the reception. And it was in the parking lot of the bar, on our way outta there, that I gave a few of the groomsmen a peek at my heiny. I just can't help myself: I mean, I'm in a dress, I'm wearing underwear, I'd had a few drinks, I just felt like showing them my arse. But really? It was the bride's brothers and I've known them for forever, so it wasn't like I mooned her grandmother at the reception or anything...
Anyhoo...enough about my posterior, fabulous as it may be. The reception was rockin', and we had a wonderful meal, free beer, and Jerry and I danced our little hearts out. Here we are at the reception enjoying not just the beer, but the free-flowing champagne:

Ah, Asti: How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. We stayed until they shut the reception hall down, and then we took our tired feet home for the night. It was a good time.
On Sunday, we met my parents in Brainerd for lunch and coffee afterward so we could sit and visit with one another. I haven't seen my parents since Christmas 2006, so it was good to see them in person and chat. I felt bad that we couldn't spend more time with them, but they knew that we were there for the wedding and they understood that we had limited time. Besides, they should haul their asses down to see me every once in awhile (the last time they were here was for MY wedding -- November 2005). Here's the fam-damily at the restaurant, with a bear. What can I say? It's the "up nort" decor.
From the left: my stepdad, my mom, my brother, me, and Jerry (hiding behind me).
After that, you pretty much already know the tale: we drove back to the cities and I spent all day Monday in the airport. Viola. Finito-burrito.
All in all, a grand time, but phew! I'm pooped. I feel like this afternoon is the first chance I've been home since last Wednesday, and I pretty much feel like I have the same plans as a week ago: cleaning up the house (how can we be home less than 48 hours and already have a mess? it's a mystery), doing laundry, and planning a run. I hope the run doesn't kill me. I haven't had so many days off of running in at least 6 months. I'll let you know if I don't die out there.
Great pics! Brad also loves taking boob shots, which is funny, because it's not like he can't look at them on a regular basis.
That's the best part about weddings - the all-day buzz. :)
Good luck with the run.
You look great in the photos!!!
You are such a little sunshine person :-). Great pics! Hope the run turned out alright!
You looked great, Jesss! Looked like a fantastic time!! Wonderful recap of the weekend. I hope you hand is not stinging still :-)
Let us know how the run goes.
Sounds like you had a fantabulous time up nort. Gotta love weddings for all that good free-flowing booze and the yummy food.
Love the pics. You guys looked great. Love the dress! Thanks for the list ;-) It's hard getting back into the real world, isn't it? It helps if you are like totally exhausted :-)
Those pictures are awesome! You looked amazing and I love that picture of you and Jerry in the pew. You and your brother really look a lot alike.
I can't believe after drinking all that champagne you didn't feel like crapola the next day. Champagne does mean things to my head :X
Asti is my friend too. She gives me headaches but I do love her so :)
You look terrif!
You looked great, had a wonderful time, Michelle got married without any glitches, saw your family, and you made it home safely. I would call that a successful trip home :)
Scooter missed you but I think if you left him one or two more days, he would have forgotten who you and Jerry are and adjusted to being a Froyd quite well. We called the two some "Copper Top and Spotted Bottom." Neither dog thought that was very funny. I did.
Looks like you had a great time1
You look fantastic darling! I'm glad you had a wonderful time, it looked like fun! hehe
You're Mom is sooooooo sweet looking! And TOTALLY not what I was expecting! (Not that I thought she'd look bad or anything) but when you've talked about her I guess I just had a different picture in my head? LOL
Awesome pics! Sounds like a blast.
BTW, you are SOOOOO lucky to not get the state ticket. I wish I was still in MN. I could have helped you out with the ticket. ;)
Jess, you look gawgeous!!! Really lovely pics of you and the hubby and family! Glad you had a great time, and sounds like everyone around you was having a good time because of you. You have to be the life of the party!!
Glad you're back and back to some normalcy. Hope you have a great run!
Oh beautiful!! You look awesome. Glad it all went well and plenty of alcohol was provided.
Have a good come back run.
It is always fun reading your posts! Sounds like you had a wonderful time. You both looked great.
You sober up real nice.
Great trip minus the speedy ticket
Looking good, sexy!
That sounds like a really fun wedding. And you looked great!
The dresses look beautiful! And way to spice up the wedding morning. ;)
I loved the pictures! You looked awesome!
Asti = Assti
I see the connection. ;)
Oh those MN tickets can be brutal! good think you got a city one rather than a state one!
The pics look great! Sounds like you had a ton of fun.
You looked so pretty in your dress! (And it looked like a good bridesmaid dress..yeah!)
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