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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Aspartame and Other Nefarious Goodies

After working hard for 3 days, I was finally able to catch up and complete all of the grading I had, and with the small reprieve (3 new batches of essays come in tomorrow), I decided to sit back for my last hour of the day with a mini bag of popcorn and a Diet Pepsi.

As I waited in the faculty kitchen for my microwave popcorn to pop, two colleagues laughed and warned me about inhaling the fumes (referring to the recent news that inhaling the microwave popcorn fumes will have a detrimental effect on your lungs) and then they teased me about the chemicals, preservatives, and artificial sweetener in my Diet Pepsi. I figure if I die from either my microwave popcorn or from being pickled by my Diet Pepsi, either would be a fine way to go.

Both beat getting eaten by a shark.


ws said...

or gator attack...

MNFirefly said...

ROFL! Too funny!

Nancy said...

I'm a D.P. girl myself. Aspartame be damned. :)

David said...

My body is a temple. I am constantly trying to flush toxins out of my body with lashings of ale. Yeah, that should do it!

It also beats dying of a Tylenol overdose, which I hear is pretty damn miserable for about a month or so.

Mendy said...

Some people.
I would've been my usual sarcastic self, and said "Oh yea, (drink sip), ahhh... this is good. Would you like one, I think I have an extra one."

Haven't heard the one about the popcorn.

J~Mom said...

You will be in good company of the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

Diet Pepsi is the nectar of the gods!

How's Scotter?


MN Mom said...

No kidding if I have to go let it be from popcorn not a shark! And thanks, the inside and out thing came out wrong but Shannon was presuring me as she was helping me set up my blog. I didn't know I could edit but after you mentioned it I fixed it.

Anonymous said...

Haha. At least you're still allowed to smell the bag o' popcorn before you pop it. Does anyone else do that?

keith said...

so if you die as a result of chemical poisoning from aspartame or whatever they put in fake butter, is it really still "natural causes?"

getting eaten by a shark sounds like the most natural of natural causes to me...

my 2 centamos: i really try hard not to ingest anything like that on purpose. aspartame gives me wicked headaches & if they need to put chemicals in something to make it taste right then i figure i probably ought to just eat the real thing or go without.

so i guess i'd be one of those people who poo poo's diet pepsi and artificial popcorn consumption.

but since it appears we've started to irrigate food crops with human waste...to hell with it. bottoms up with the diet pepsi!

teacherwoman said...

Mmmm...popcorn! I wish I could cut out soda completely, but every time I try, it just doesn't work!!

Marcy said...

I agree with Lisa. I'll buy a plot right next to yours ;-)

Jes said...

LOL! Agreed!