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Saturday, September 15, 2007

Caution: Possible "Funk" Ahead

So, this morning's long run was supposed to be a second 20 miler, but 7 miles in, my left knee's IT band was again giving me shooting pains and I had to walk for a bit in order to finish the first part of the group's loop. Worried about finishing 13 more miles with that kind of tightening and pain in my knee, I consulted the coach and she told me not to continue. She said it was better to quit the run and rest the knee than to push myself to finish the distance and really hurt myself.

As I drove home (and everyone else set out on the second leg of their loop), I was feeling pretty distraught: I am 3 weeks away from Chicago. 3 weeks! My taper begins after today's run, and I am in the home-stretch of this training. If this injury had cropped up 2 months ago? I would've said, "screw it" and I would've quit the training. But at this point? I can't quit the idea of the marathon! No way. I have worked too hard to quit now. So, my only options are the following: rest it for a few days, schedule a massage to try and loosen up the band (the group's coach gave me the name and number of a massage therapist who comes highly recommended by everyone in the group), ice it, stretch it, foam roller it, and do my best with the taper's runs (the longest of which is next Saturday's 12 miler).

On the plus side, I do have a 20 miler under my belt -- I just really wanted the extra confidence that one more would have given me -- and I have numerous other long distances between 12-20 miles that I have covered, so I know my training is in a much better place than it was going in to Disney last January. Yet, that's not enough to help assuage the anxiety of this knee and what it will do during the marathon. I suppose, I can just do my best with it, right? Unless anyone knows of some good, strong magic?


Erin said...

I am glad you quit early and are going to take care of your knee. At least you got out there this morning and gave it a whirl.

Annie and I went walking this morning while Ryan played basketball. That park is super nice although it says no pets allowed. I don't think Scooter should venture out to a place like that with a warrant behind his name. The last thing he needs is to go to jail. ;)

Ryan said...

Oh man, you are in Luck!!! I dont' know any good strong magic myself, but I know of someone who has the power to control the heavens and hell, fairies and demons, wizards and minatours. Thats right, tonight you are going to be in the presence of Ronnie James Dio!! If we can get you backstage he can bless you with his own brand of dark magic that will heal your IT band as well as your SOOOUUULLLLL!!

Marcy said...

You definitely did the right thing. I totally understand where you're coming from with the worries of things that "might" happen, but like you said yesterday (although totally unrelated to running it still applies LOL)

"I figure that I've done what I can right now"

Do what you can to best prepare witht he knee, and try not to worry about what "may" happen :-) Easier said, right? LOL

ws said...

you've definitely worked too hard to quit and you shouldn't even think about it. tapering seems to magically heal aches/pains and you've got a full 3 weeks. I predict your knee will do many things during the marathon, but most importantly, it will carry you across the finish line. Once there, I hope you follow those silly instructions and pump your arms triumphantly so you look good in the race photo.

Unknown said...

I'm sure you did the right thing. I pushed through an injury last year at this time and ended up benched from running for 6 weeks. you don't want that to happen! take it easy so that you can do the marathon!

simon said...

Hi there

Several bloggers have asked me to change the name of my blog because to them 'nasty predator' seemed to be inappropriate. My new name is BrawnyHunk (yes, that's the name of it ;-) ), and I'm now hosted at


If you have bookmarked me, or if you would like to visit me again, please use the new address.

I look forward to talking to you soon,


Anonymous said...

I hope you get to feeling better -I'm glad you took the time to rest! You know your limits.

teacherwoman said...

I am glad to hear that you quick early. You have to listen to your body. Especially when you are dealing with marathon training! You will be ready for this race, I know it!

Nikki said...

Take it easy and let it heal up for a few days...be confident that you can get the marathon done :D

David said...

Smart coach. You've done 20 miles in this training. What's the difference between 20 miles and 26? Keeping your nutrition going for 6 more miles. I'm sure you realize that you are going to hurt after 26.2, right? You have the endurance, just don't put yourself in pain before the marathon. You are doing the right thing with the rest, ice, and rollering. Just taper runs, and don't push it. Run/walk all you want, it's just maintenance at this point.

Don't sweat it, you will be fine. You're on a mission from God to save the orphanage. :-)

(Blues Brothers reference)

Jenniferlyn said...

You will be fine! Just rest the knee and know that all that you have done up until now will take care of you.

I will be rooting for you at Chicago! ;)

Margo said...

Highly recommend massage therapy as well as icing, rollering, etc. Good luck!

Mary Gee said...

Good luck with the knee.

L*I*S*A said...

I think it's important to take care of the knee. You know you can do the distance, so go into it healthy.

Take it easy and baby that knee!

miss petite america said...

i second david's comments. you've gotten this far and have plenty of time to rest and heal without it hurting your fabulous progress.

my dear, you do not need magic. just the hard work you've already put in!

MNFirefly said...

Jess, you did the right thing. You have your 20 mile done so no worries. Get the massage, ice and take care of it until the big day.

J~Mom said...

If you remember I pushed through my quad strain right before my half and it ended up being hurt for months. You did the right thing! I hope the massage helps (reading backwards).

Mendy said...

Smart in not continueing. Better to stop here before hurting yourself. You're right - you've worked HARD for the marathon!

Tiffany said...

Hang in there and remember to take care of yourself!!!

keith said...

i hope you feel 100% soon. a lot can happen in three weeks, and I'm sure you will be ready and ready to rip it up in no time.